View Full Version : KrewL's Word Bearers and Deamons

KrewL RaiN
05-31-2013, 10:37 AM
My old thread was getting a bit messy, so I am going to start a thread for each army I am working on. I went into no blog mode as I adjusted to my new place. Things are starting to settle down now and the hobby mojo is coming back strong... so I'm back! Nothing fun has been going on in the Tyranid world, so Chaos has grasped me and all things unholy swarm my hobby table.

After reading the Word Bearers Omnibus, I have a better idea how this chapter operates, and thus redoing and revising my Host's fluff. I got so many ideas for the tabletop! The 6th edition allies rules was enough for me to start on Chaos Marines, as I have always wanted them to fight alongside real Daemons and not those lesser/greater turds in their old Codex. My Hosts unique trait is that a lot of the members are possessed by Deamon's.

I have been wanting to make something big again. The fantasy Zombie Dragon was on sale and combining the bits of that and the Maulerfiend, I can create two unique mechanical hellspawns. I'll reveal the "Helbat" when I get more work done on it, so right now the Maulerfiend gets the spotlight.

I did an experiment to my Soulgrinder with "battle damage" and it turned out better then I expected. The way I constructed this Maulerfiend is to take advantage of my battle damage mechanic, hence the 4 legs. Removing the powerfists on two legs would make the model look a little awkward! I also want to make it look less "Dinobot" and more like something you would see in DOOM. With the magnets and assembly done, its onto a metric crap-tonne of sculpting work!


I did the battle damage thing to my Helbrute too. The idea hit a bit late when the model was already assembled and painted! I had to carefully chop the arms off and greenstuff over the damage.


My Daemon Prince's sculpting is almost done. I still have work on the arms and legs. I had a weird idea with the chest cavity to reflect back on the death blow the mortal marine was delt before he ascended (in this case, the Dark Apostle, and he ascended with the Host's Crozius, represented with the Black Mace's rules).


Now here's something tricky and I don't know the answer fluff wise. If a Dark Apostle ascends to Daemonhood and continues to rule the Host, is he still considered the Apostle or is he above all that? Does the First Acolyte take the role of Apostle if not?

Here is said character of that role, my counts as Huron Blackheart. I wanted something more powerful to represent a Word Bearers Apostle. I converted the model enough to make him look different, yet you can still tell its based on Huron. With the Crozius ascended with the Daemonprince, this guy as other ways to show his power. You can see he's a bit possessed, and when he chants the foul litanies of Logar, those words can radiate with so much power it manifests into random effects (Huron's random spell ability). Even his shadow seems to be alive... (combat familiar).


KrewL RaiN
05-31-2013, 10:56 AM
This is a repost of the other Word Bearers stuff from my old thread.

This is the Coryphaeus (Lord) of the Host. He will have some Raptor company eventually. He also has a small pack of Warptalons under his wing. I added the Plasma Pistol back on later, as I want to be crazy and run the Raptors with Plasma Pistols too!


This strange warrior (Biomancy Sorcerer) is the leader of the Chosen (I have to retake the photos of them). He has some unusual powers that's allow him to reshape flesh. His spell familiar is rather unique, as it sucks the brains out of an unfortunate victim, turning them into tougher ghoul like creatures who are forever under his command. Those 3 Ogryn (Nurgle Chaos Spawn) are some of his finest work!


05-31-2013, 11:55 AM
What are the bodies/legs of the spawn from? I've got loads of spare arms and heads, and want more spawn but don't want to pay as much

KrewL RaiN
05-31-2013, 12:28 PM
What are the bodies/legs of the spawn from? I've got loads of spare arms and heads, and want more spawn but don't want to pay as much

They are the Vampire Counts Crypt Horrors and the tails are leftovers from the Screamer kit.

05-31-2013, 12:59 PM
Hmmm...£29 for 3 torsos or £25 for 2....

06-02-2013, 04:12 PM
love the zombie dragon and the greenstuff useage!

KrewL RaiN
06-26-2013, 08:30 PM
A little update. Borderlands 2 has stole all of my attention as of late, so hobby stuff has been slow lol. We are having a little league with the focus of getting models done. You get tickets for a draw as you progress on your minis. I skipped out on the 500 points since that didnt interest me, but now that its 1000 points, I made a list with the focus of getting models done.

First up is my Portalglyph. No photos of the sculpting since its really busy to begin with. This is what my mind came up with, an obsidian ring etched in demonic fire runes. The center melts away into a demonic looking maw. The forms of many Daemons are pushing and shoving each other as they try to materialize into the mortal realm. The paint is not finished, I still have to do the final detailing. It's just a drybrushed colour block right now.


And next is my Nurgle Harald. He is oozing with the theme of 3 lol. His third arm holds his walking stick, as his bloated leg makes it difficult for him to walk normally. Thus he is usually riding on his palanquin, which is a rock from Nurgles garden carried by a bunch of Nurglings, who slimed themselves together around the rock. He is magnetized so he can be placed on foot too.


I also have a bunch of Plaugebearers and Nurgling's on the go as well.

Rev. Tiberius Jackhammer
06-26-2013, 09:53 PM
Lovin' the glyph, the Daemons look good as a writhing, fiery mass.

KrewL RaiN
07-01-2013, 06:38 PM
This was an afternoon of tedious painting, but its done!


07-01-2013, 09:42 PM
stolen, just soooooo stolen.

KrewL RaiN
09-10-2013, 01:14 PM
Long time no giant bomb of update with loooong photoooossss. Tzeentch and I plot and plan for the upcoming casual Tournament of fun and fundraisings. This requires me to update some of my older models and create new ones.

Fleshshaper has grown in power, sprouting new arms and acquiring a weird orb witch looks like and moves like mercury. Fleshshaper stores all his spellbooks in here and he can summon forth witch tome he wishes to use. He has a following of 20 Horrors bounding along with him, ready to rain magical hellfire down on mortal prey.

Fleshshaper is magnetized to his base so I can mount him on his chaos spawn chariot too.


The Undivided One will be exploding out of any unfortunate spell-caster that suffers from a certain Warpstorm effect... He seems a little obsessed with magical daggers these days.


My floating torso Daemon Prince (still unnamed,though you can tell what legion he was from) needed a cleanup. He was showing his age. He will be the Bloodthirster of my Tzeentch army, and may end up even stronger then one if I get the powers I want. Sculpting cloaks is also quite challenging... arrrghhh!


My Fateweaver will look rather crazy if I can pull off this spell madness I want to do to his base. I swapped arms with my Lord of Change to make him look a little more dynamic. It will all fall into place when the spell work is done...


KrewL RaiN
09-10-2013, 01:14 PM
The giant Flammer Harald is starting to look rather chaotic. So much power caused him to swell in size but has become a little unstable from it (to explain the T3 when Flammers are T4). His toasty group may be quite nasty if the dice gods are with me...


The Shepard is quite a powerful Diviner and he also has a Tome that can control shoals of Screamers. That book bit looks like it was made out of a Screamer and has a weird tongue attached to it, so I have it coming out of his Discs mouth. The Disc will make more sense when I get the sculpting done on it. Each Screamer is also unique, witch makes counting wounds a little easier.


And even more Horrors to get done!

09-10-2013, 04:27 PM
An insanely twisted and overly awesome feast for my eyes. I thank you for that....I think >.>

KrewL RaiN
11-24-2013, 03:46 PM
I am trying to get my Daemon backlog out of the way for the Hiveminds return. My silly cat has taken a liking to sitting on the chair like that to watch me paint!

I have been quiet hobby blog wise, as taking photos of my minis triggers my aspie temper of doom :( I really need to find a spot to set up a proper photo booth. In the meantime, here is a horrible photo of my Fateweaver for a teaser of whats to come... He was quite the star at the Mike Mudd Memorial Tournament. One guy even said he was so tempted to walk off with it haha! It's a special mini because I got it when Spellbinder was closing down. What better way to remember the fun times there with the ultimate spellbinder of them all!


And here is the Daemon list of dooooommm

Lord of Change (unfinished)
Daemon Prince of Tzeentch x2
Daemon Prince of Nurgle (unfinished)
Harald of Tzeentch x2
Harald of Tzeentch on Disk x2 (one unfinished)
Harald of Nurgle
Harald of Slannesh on Steed (unfinished)
Harald of Khorne on 2 Headed Juggernaut
Harald of Khorne
5 Bloodcrushers
6 Flammers (one unfinished)
45 Horrors (6 unfinished)
20 Bloodletters
12 Daemonettes (unfinished)
10 Plaugebearers
3 Nurgling Piles (unfinished)
9 Screamers (unfinished)
6 Seekers (Need 2 more boxes, a lot my Slannesh is still in planning)
Soulgrinder of Slannesh
Burning Chariot (need to get high elf pheonix, but with Tyranids on the horizon this may be left in the dust for a while)
Harald of Tzeentch Chariot (unfinished)

KrewL RaiN
12-19-2013, 10:30 PM
Well, with Tyranuary on the horizon, I have to work on something big! Mr.Mauly has been sitting on the WIP shelf for too long. So I got out the sculpting tools and went nuts. My desk lamp is too brutal for photos lol...

I dunno what gets into me when working on chaos. It's like the Gods whisper to my imagination, and then said imagination goes BLAARRGHAKLSAJKDALJDSFJ MORE SPIKES MORE SHARP POINTY CHOMPY BITS MORE RANDOM MUSCLE/TENDON GROUPINGS. I put fingers on the cutters too, makes them look way more menacing! This guy looks twice as big as the normal model!

It's going to have "battle damage" like my Soulgrinder and Helbrute. There's a nice squishy cavity for when its head gets blown off!


I still have a good chunk of sculpting work to do on this before its ready for priming!

KrewL RaiN
01-08-2014, 06:33 PM
Another update of gigantic bad lighting photos! With Tyranids days away, my big monster mojo is firing up again! I got these two blokes ready for painting!

The Maulerfiend ended up a little heavy with all those additions!


And my Tentacley Word Bearers Daemon Macy Prince of SMAAASHIESSS. The base has some wonky chaos voodoo going on with boiling blood spitting out of the skulls. It will make more sense when painted! Reading stuff out of Logar's books is sure to make reality do a 180, especially one that seems to be alive...


I gotta sort out this project ADHD of mine lol... I can never stick to one thing, and then things are left half finished for ages!

KrewL RaiN
01-24-2014, 06:42 PM
He's pretty much done, I think I forgot to touch a few spots up!


When I am able to get some good natural light I'll take better photos of everything. My hobby lamp is all IM GONNA BLIND YOU!

Cpt Codpiece
01-24-2014, 07:46 PM
ooohhh i love the double wings on the WB DP. i may have to steal that if i ever get to making one :)

truly disturbing tzeentch stuff there too........ i like it :)

01-24-2014, 08:05 PM
Really nice conversion work, your soul grinder in particular looks great.

Lord Ezekial
01-24-2014, 09:07 PM
Dude I am blown away! Great conversions and paint job man! That Daemon prince and Mualerfiend are great!

Darren Richardson
01-25-2014, 07:24 AM
WOW your Daemons really look twisted and chaotic, I really like them, your greenstuff work is very good, and I like the idea of "Battle Damage" you've come up with, even better because of your sculpting.

And your paint job on them looks grat as well.

01-25-2014, 10:45 AM
Absolutely gorgeous stuff, sir. Makes me proud to be a fellow Lorgarian (Lorgarite? Lorgander? Ah, hell with it.).

Cpt Codpiece
01-25-2014, 07:51 PM
Absolutely gorgeous stuff, sir. Makes me proud to be a fellow Lorgarian (Lorgarite? Lorgander? Ah, hell with it.).

a bysoss pilgrim? follower/herald of the word?

Red Angel
01-25-2014, 10:23 PM
Nice work :D
I love all the awesome greenstuff work and conversions you have done :D
I especially like that you have given your Lord and the Warptalons actual wings :D
It looks great!
the painting work you have done is awesome too :)

brother captain berk
01-26-2014, 05:40 PM
Awesome how did you make the black mace

KrewL RaiN
01-26-2014, 05:52 PM
Glad you guys like my chaotic creations!

Awesome how did you make the black mace

The prongs are the "wings" from the Warp Talons. The handle is the DP axe with some extra sculpting. The "tail" is from the Screamers of Tzeentch (you get a few leftover ones from the kit) and the mouth at the top is from the Chaos Spawn. Attaching the prongs to the handle was quite tricky... gotta love the baking soda and crazy glue combo of the gods...

Seems like I have a quiet week a head of me to paint that Maulerfiend... argh that is going to be quite the piece to paint...

KrewL RaiN
01-31-2014, 07:54 PM
Progress is slow on this beast... so much area to paint... Here is a little teaser on whats done so far!


It senses though its tongue, witch allows it to "see" in ways only a Slannesh Daemon could (That's what is bound inside this abomination).

Peter Zuidgeest
02-02-2014, 03:40 PM
Love you conversions! Great daemon army!

KrewL RaiN
02-26-2014, 07:11 PM
I cant believe I finally got this thing done... again, apologizes for the super washed out colours from my desk lamp of blinding DOOM. I need to get my butt on a photo-box again...


It's full on Tyranids now. I want to get these models done and some old models touched up for the Hot Lead Convention.

Rev. Tiberius Jackhammer
02-26-2014, 09:12 PM
Liking the Maulerfiend, glad to see you're still putting the Daemon in Daemon Engine. As good as the stock kit might be, when it comes to Chaos, you can't beat the uniqueness of a well-done conversion.