View Full Version : Last huzzah for the 4th edition Eldar!

Lost Vyper
05-31-2013, 06:51 AM
I had a match today against the GK, 1750p, Emperors Will was the mission. First time ever, i had only 2 x 3 Bikers and 5 x PF´s as troops and allied DE (Archon,5xWarriors,Voidraven bomber). That left a HUGE amount of points for Eldrad (+3 xWarlocks), 3 x WW´s (SL+SL), 3 x Hornet (SL+BL), Wraithlord (2xFlamer,BL,Sword)...it was a great game, and the dice were with me for this last(?) match with the old codex. GK had a weird list (he tried some of the stuff, he doesn´t always bring) and that helped me a lot. I ended winning the game 5-0 (FB, SWL + 3p objective, denying his with the bikes) and i lost only the Hornets...plus only one WW was standing with 1 HP, but still...i got ALL my reserves in, on turn 2 and it helped to create the chaos i needed + he couldn´t drop the Void.Bomb. with his Quad-Gun. Two main issues with this post :

a) Damn that i´ve wasted points on DA´s+WS, when i can field this kind of list (live and learn dummy...)
b) With this list, only "upgrade" i would need in the 6th ed codex is BS4 all around...otherwise the powers are great and the point cost bearable...

Well, huzzah for the Lost Vyper fleet for winning the last(?) match against the seasoned veteran!

ps. This nightshift and i´m off for a 3 week summer vacation...yeah!