View Full Version : FIRST! New Eldar 1st Draft. 1800pt Ghost Warriors!

05-30-2013, 06:24 PM
Ok as im sure we are all aware there have been leaks. I may have been able to have a look through the book myself ahead of Saturdays release and this is what ive cobbled together.

Farseer - 100
Spiritseer - 70

Wraithblades x10 - Axe/Shield - 320
Wraithguard x10 - 320
Wraithguard x5 - 160
Wraithguard x5 - 160
Wraithguard x5 - Scythes - 210
+Wave Serpent - Holo Fields, Shuriken Cannon - 140

Wraithlord - Laser/Lance
Wraithlord - Laser/Lance

Total = 1800

More of a Showpiece list rather than fully competitive but i dont want to see it get steamrollered. A few too many Wraithguard you think or are they tough enough to take it? Perhaps a different mix of Guard/Blades?

Both seers go in the larger Units for protection and I decided to go with WraithLords over a Knight simply because theres more firepower here and almost the same toughness for only marginally more points.

It is a little thin on the ground though so perhaps some more fodder? Maybe Rangers for some Sniper Support?

My other 'All Wraith' Option would be to basically take less, and double up the Flamers in Serpents. Essentially it would be a mirror list. You could literally cut it right down the middle with 2 equal, 900 point forces. Little Spammy but may be more effective. Seers either ride in the transports to make that Flamer strike more effective, or they hide out in the protection of the Inv save Blades...

Spiritseer - 70
Spiritseer - 70

Wraithblades x10 - Axe/Shield - 320
Wraithblades x10 - Axe/Shield - 320
Wraithguard x5 - Scythes - 210
+Wave Serpent - Holo Fields, TL Laser - 135
Wraithguard x5 - Scythes - 210
+Wave Serpent - Holo Fields, TL Laser - 135

Wraithlord - Laser/Lance, Sword - 165
Wraithlord - Laser/Lance, Sword - 165

Total = 1800

... does mean ive completely cut out the Wraithcannons though. Thats a Shame.

05-30-2013, 06:48 PM
How does this list deal with flyers?

05-30-2013, 06:52 PM
One of two ways. Gets lucky, or it doesnt.

Luckily my local meta isnt that bad for flyers. Theres maybe 3 people that use them and im one of them. Theres not much to deal with Flyers in the whole book tbh, and what their is, isnt cheap and ive made it my personal thing that i refuse to use Aegis Lines. Im just sick of seeing them everywhere. Ill probably try to avoid them by reaching combat etc or hope i get lucky with some Scatter Lasers.

05-31-2013, 02:09 AM
Thinking about flyers I may drop the second Shuricannon for a TL Scatterlaser then hope the SerpentShield can pop em.

That leaves me 10 points spare. Swords on the Wraithlords I guess.

*goes to edit*

05-31-2013, 02:13 AM
Clues in the name. WraithGUARD. Defence Line and Quad Gun. The old standard. Just as good now as its always been.

Not sure where you'd find the points from....but still

05-31-2013, 02:26 AM
Clues in the name. WraithGUARD. Defence Line and Quad Gun. The old standard. Just as good now as its always been.

Not sure where you'd find the points from....but still

I prefer an aggressive stance with them. The Scythes are rediculous for sitting on objectives and daring people to come get it. In testing very little has been able to shift them. The Blades, at T6 with a 3+/4++ are also though enough to advance steadily.

05-31-2013, 02:33 AM
This is why I have 40 sniper Kroot.in my army list.

Would be scary if you had wave serpents to get them from point A to pointB.

05-31-2013, 03:17 AM
This is why I have 40 sniper Kroot.in my army list.

Would be scary if you had wave serpents to get them from point A to pointB.

I think I am leaning towards list 2. Less bodies on the board but the added transport may add the mobility I need to make them more of a threat. I do like the idea of nothing but Toughness 6/8 across the board (barring the seers but theyre nessecary).

06-01-2013, 02:59 PM
No WRAITHknights?

06-01-2013, 05:37 PM
No WRAITHknights?

No... i just couldnt justify it.

The two Lords provide the same amount of T8 Wounds to the table but makes my opponent have to target them seperately, has the same Armor save (though admittedly no chance of an Inv), provide more or less as much firepower (the Bright Lances are just as good as Heavy Wraithcannons when it comes to AV14 which is exactly what ive brought them for, plus the Lances get to be Twin Linked with the Lasers) and this way i get to fire 4 Guns a turn instead of just bringing 4 guns and only firing 2. Plus its MUCH easier to hide!

And considering the two Lords only cost about 30/50 Points more than a Kitted Knight i think its a decent trade off.

06-05-2013, 09:03 AM
Wraithguard are infinitely awesome at assault. It takes very special units to be able to deal with them quickly and easily - either poisoned melee, rending, or monstrous creatures seem to be the only thing that can destroy a full unit of them quickly. This makes them excellent at grabbing midfield objectives against an assaulty army.

While I haven't seen much in the way of Tau armies at my FLGS, I am certain they are coming and I am concerned with how I will handle all the longer range S5-7 shooting against my two 10-man Wraithguard squads. At first I thought breaking them in half and sticking them in Wave Serpents, but I have my doubts about how long those would survive, too.

If Tau are the paper to the Wraithguard rock, what else might be?

06-05-2013, 08:00 PM
Ok so im pretty much set on the Second list from my original post however. Those 2 big blocks of Wraithblades has me thinking.

I cant afford to squeeze in or change the numbers in the list however I can still change unit composition of those 20 Wraithnouns. My options are...

2x 10 Wraithblades (as is, with axes)
2x 5 Blades + 2x 5 Guard
2x 5 Blades + 1x 10 Guard
2x 7 Blades + 1x 6 Guard
2x 6 Blades + 1x 7 Guard

The common theme you may spot is always 2 units of Blades. This is a must as they are bodyguards for 2 Wraithseers (runes of battle were made for Wraithblades imo) but I feel theres too little range in my list, even if it is only 12" range, and spreads out to give me more scoring units.

Im leaning towards the 2x7 + 1x6 because that way, I can judge the scrnario and my opponent and decide wether I need two units of Flamers burning up the field in Transports, or if id be better suited getting the Wraith cannons in range etc.

So any thoughts