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View Full Version : Stormboyz Cratering (Roll of 1)

Akkon Sek
11-08-2009, 07:33 PM
Ok... this is a little odd.

For as long as I can recall, my group has played the Stormboyz Rokkit Pack roll-of-one rule as follows:

- Prior to Stormboyz movement - D6 roll
- Roll of 1 = Ork-induced flaming crater for one unfortunate greenskin
- Roll 2D6" + scatter die. Result = small blast template (S3, AP-) where the "Stormboy" ends up
- Jocularity ensues at the Ork's misfortune. Hardest laughing occurs if he landed on friendly troops

Here's the thing... that rule doesn't exist. As far as I have been able to determine, it never has. My group of misfits has ventured into house rules for some of the more common issues (LoS for Wounding, etc), but we almost never delve into the minutia as it just gets too time consuming. In this case, it appears we acted as a hive mind conscience and willed this (IMO, awesomely entertaining) rule into existence.

So my question is this: has the above rule ever existed in this, or similar, form in any GW official publication? To be completely honest, we'll continue to apply the above regardless of the outcome of this discussion... but I am intensely curious to know if it was ever "official".

Thanks in advance.

-A (willy-nilly rules maker-upper)

11-08-2009, 09:37 PM
The rule seems stunningly familiar... I can't be sure, but it seems like it may have been in the old version of the Ork Codex? It's certainly not in the new one! :p It sure is hilarious, though.

11-08-2009, 10:18 PM
The current rules for stormboyz are that after they move a D6 is rolled and they get to move that much further. If a 1 is rolled one stormboy crashes and is removed as a causualty. I do like having a small blast though. Good idea.

11-08-2009, 10:23 PM
The only possible explanation I have is the fluff saying that the stormboy spirals to the ground in a ball of flame, or something to that effect. Never heard of that as an actual rule, though.

Akkon Sek
11-08-2009, 10:47 PM
Exactly (the 'spiraling' part).

The 2D6" plus Scatter Die after a roll of one simulates the Stormboy spiraling out of control <insert increasing pitch cartoon-esque woo-woo-woo sounds here> up to the maximum distance his Rokkit Pack could travel in the best of circumstances... in a random direction now, however. Just before he augers in and does the Zen thing with terra firma.

Heh. Makes me chuckle every time I get the visual in my head.

So at this point it looks like our group of na'er-do-wells pulled the rule out of our collective arses huh? Man... I could have sworn it was based on something official.

Ah well... we're sticking with it as-is because its just too damn humorous. Maybe if the thread sits here a few days someone with dark and arcane knowledge of some forgotten White Dwarf - Latvian Edition will be able to say "Oh yeah! I know where you got this..!"

Thanks guys.

11-08-2009, 11:06 PM
Its probably a rule you may have seen from 2nd edition.... You know, before 3rd edition, when people still played for fun?

I wish your gaming group was mine... Too many stuck up players around here... oh well...

Herald of Nurgle
11-09-2009, 12:27 AM
Best. Rule. Ever.
By a long way.

But yeah, majority of it is 'canon' (troll fodder) except the small blast thing.

11-11-2009, 05:32 PM
That might be a 2nd edition rule. I don't have the book anymore, but I do remember jump pack guys scatter as they land and it was highly likely the Orks had additional rules.

11-12-2009, 03:32 PM
Best. Rule. Ever.
By a long way.

But yeah, majority of it is 'canon' (troll fodder) except the small blast thing.

Why not the small blast thing? That would be the rokkit pack exploding, which is very likely to happen when it and the ork slam into the ground at such high speeds.