View Full Version : Prep for the tournament this weekend.

05-30-2013, 07:11 AM
Well this will be my first 6th edition tournament. I have a Tau list I plan to bring to it. I can bring Daemons too ifi wanted to. I have other armies but Tau and Daemons it would be rather easy to snap on missing parts and get the wysiwyg for the tournament in 2 days.

I have sat and watched the tournaments and played the tournament winners, so far in 6th I have not lost a game and tied twice, unless you want to count my two dumbed down armies against my nine year old which he did beat me twice, I didn't let him win he actually beat me with a little help from me.

Anyway in 5th I was usually the winner or at worst came in 3rd, so I am pretty confident about the scene. My confidence was a bit shattered with a certain article from bols throwing out 3 land raiders. I feel confident the list I have now can handle 2, but 3 is a bit much. I already figured how to handle multi-charging whith proper placement, for starters models have to be base to base before you start sending models somewhere else. During the week I have been brushing up on the rules.

The problem armies I seen are these

Greyknights with 3 dreadknights a ton of cannons
Air Crons with annilation barges
2 khorne hound rush list, one that runs almost 60 hounds
Nurlge with plague drones and beast of nurgle, with tzeentch fire support. A lot of endurance, large pie plate/ flame attacks with ap 3. I tied it with my daemons. Very rough list. Drones with endurance and a +3 invulnerable save is stupid.
Nids with iron arm and endurance with doom.

Their are other list out there, but those are the ones I am worried about. Also you can always have that random guy that shows up with a bunch of dark eldar, or something like that.

I am aware of chaos marines, orks, a ton of tau, and a guard player can be present as well. Oh and blood angels. However I'm pretty sure I can topple these guys simply due to 10+ years of gaming experance vs 3 or no years.

I been asking and getting feedback for my somewhat up to date list. I will go shyshield less to test the waters. I didn't have enough time to convert my second skyray and now will go to using a hammerhead. With that being said 14 armour is a rarity. When it does rear it's head it tend to be only one vehicle.

However you never know what people will bring. Another scarry scenerio is if new eldar comes out Friday I might have to face them Saturday. I doubt it. Although New Eldar in a way will help my Daemons out hopefully.

To the point. What should I really prepare for. Like I said I can do Tau or Daemons. Daemonic flight I do not have to have wings so it does give me options.

The daemon armies don't bother me since I play them and know what I can do against them. Like not letting them go first and placing a 3+ invul save on the hounds. Sure I can get assaulted in turn one, but it's better than trying to kill a unit with +3 invulnerable and endurance possibly in turn 1, and than get the same thing and assaulted in the beginning of turn 2.

I don't care what people say, unless it's all khorne. It's a bad ideal to let them go first.

Without skyray #2 the flyers can be a bit annoying since this guy is running at least 6. I'm running 9 seeker missiles which should help with this.

Any advice or any combos or any crazy stuff that I should be aware off let me know.

Nids I can possibly get together, guard is the same with nids, sisters is the same, grey knights is the same. I also have my son Dark Angels. These are possiblities, but will take me a while to list up. Also I have space marines.