View Full Version : Good morning/afternoon/evening/night.

Master Bryss
11-08-2009, 10:16 AM
Hi. I've lurking around here since the forum started up but I've only just decided to register.

I've been playing 40k since near the end of 4th Edition and started with Necrons, but have dabbled with nearly every army in the game.

I seem to be developing a preference for more combat-based-but-still-shooty forces such as Dark Eldar and Orks. I'm discounting Marines because they don't take as many casualties getting to the enemy. I like a challenge.

I'm currently working on Orks to keep away the part of my brain that whines about the DE codex being too far away.

11-08-2009, 12:02 PM
Welcome to the Lounge.

person person
11-08-2009, 09:03 PM
Welome to the community.

11-08-2009, 11:31 PM
Welcome, apparently the water's fine (though I have yet to receive any, so will reserve judgement).
Joking aside, always nice to have one more among our number.