View Full Version : Favourite 40K Computer Game

11-08-2009, 08:20 AM
Hey peeps.

Just gone back to Soulstorm (DoW) after a bit of a break got me thinking about favourite 40K games - mine still has to be Chaos Gate. X_Com with Ultramarines! Enough said Now, I understand that Windows 7 is backwards compatible to W95, so might be able to get a second hand copy going again.

Poll for favourite 40K game and tells us why in the thread - if I've missed one out stick it in the thread.

11-08-2009, 09:32 AM
dawn of war 1

runs on almost anything now and the boxset is dirt cheap making it perfect for 4v4 LAN madness

with the expansions theres a really decent set of armies and the army painter means you can create violently clashing emperors children. Nothing beats 4 bright pink defilers burning and crushing their way through a load of orks.

theres also a huge texture + army pack that makes all the existing armies codex perfect. can't remember what its called at the mo though.

11-08-2009, 10:02 AM
Dawn of War 1

I haven't played all of the games in this list (wouldn't recognize Chaos Gate if it bit me in the arse), but I've wasted countless hours playing DoW. And also because it's this game that was responsible for getting me in the hobby (wasting even more hours :D)

11-08-2009, 01:44 PM
Dawn of War

It used to be Final Liberation, but, you can no longer view its cut scenes on Vista, and that ruins it for me...

Plus, even though I want to cling on to the past and be a fan boy, Dawn of War is just so awesome.

Even though over all I think Liberation is a superior product, I must confess, that its Dawn of War for me all the way.

11-08-2009, 02:00 PM
chaos gate FTW!

still have my cd lying in its box here on my desk

space hulk was okay if a little hard in real time mode
fire warrior was an embarassment
space crusade was a fair port to the pc, but i still prefer the boardgame (which is on the shelf behind me :D )

of course dawn of war I or its expansions or II has nicer eye candy etc BUT the whole character development that was in chaos gate made it the best! - id love to see a remake.


11-08-2009, 02:26 PM
Would have to be DoW hands down.

11-08-2009, 06:40 PM
Chaos Gate - if only for the memories when I was a little kid.

11-08-2009, 07:52 PM
Love both the DoW games but the original has it on content, maybe a few years down the line the sequel will snatch the no. 1 spot. Player firewarrior and thought was OK but never got the chance to play the others. Also keeping an occasional wary eye on THQ's Space Marine.

11-08-2009, 09:17 PM
I have the original DoW and all it's expansions. I think it is by far the best.

11-08-2009, 11:53 PM
well i'm going to say that without a doubt my favourite 40k game of all time is < item deleted by Inquisition>

... okay... that was weird. if i can't choose <DELETED> then i'll guess i'll go with Dawn of War I

although i have Squad Command, it just felt like DoW light, but for a handheld, it could have been way worse, like <DELETED>.

11-09-2009, 02:11 AM
chaos gate FTW!

Same here, but I hated the accuracy chaos had...

11-09-2009, 03:12 AM
i would vote, but trying to compare RTS with FPs and TBS games is difficult.
love DoW1 + expansions, Firewarrior is also good, played it first on ps2, got it for pc now, tho multiplay needs work. final liberation was fun, cant find it anymore though. Squad command saves boredom on the bus train etc. ive been searching for chaos gate and space hulk, but cant find em so cant comment. im gonna buy an Xbox for space marine, as the lazy so-and-so's cant be bothered to port it to pc, where it would thrive a lot more. leave the mmo's to the platform that does the job best.

11-09-2009, 07:18 AM
Dawn of War 2.

It is a vast improvement in gameplay on Dawn of War 1, the only thing it's really lacking right now are the other factions. Currently it has two Marine factions and three non-Marine factions, and there's no Imperial Guard present, which sucks total ***. But it's still a better game overall than Dawn of War 1.

11-09-2009, 08:05 AM
Final Liberation, Space Hulk and Rites of War. I really enjoyed RoW, as it is unique from being solely Eldar play (outside multiplayer), and is a very challenging campaign mode.