View Full Version : Tyranid Drop Pods

05-28-2013, 03:30 AM
Has anything been said about minimum sizes etc for Spore Pods?

I need 1 for my army and was planning on just getting a 60mm base and covering it with Spines and Tendrils etc. Less 'pod' and more 'popped open to release its squad' look. I know alot use those Plasma Hatcher models but I was hoping to just cobble 1 together from my overflowing bits box.

05-28-2013, 03:52 AM
There is no official model so really you are free to design it how you feel is best.
My own gut feeling is that it should be of comparable size to the current space marine drop pod. So a 60mm base would be ok, after all it is supposed to be monsterous creature sized.

Below are some links to some other peoples thoughts that might help

Puppets of war do a nice one : http://www.puppetswar.com/product.php?id_product=21

There is a nice coconut conversion shown here: http://thetyranidhive.proboards.com/index.cgi?board=converting&action=print&thread=26374

And there are some more ideas: http://www.lounge.belloflostsouls.net/showthread.php?15505-How-do-you-mkae-a-cheap-mycentic-spore

05-28-2013, 06:13 AM
You'll have seen mine in the thread Wolfshade referenced. It's a bit smallish I don't imagine 20 gaunts could fit in it but then you can spawn 18 from a Tervigon! Still I mostly drop the Doom or 10 Devgaunts so it's plenty big enough and it has an oval base which I think is key.


however my mate Otty made this behemoth at 20x12x12cm. he took it to Throne of Skulls and although it stretches the boundaries I think the 'rule of cool' and fortune in Tyranid bits overcame any doubters.

https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-HwwBOtpai9A/UZXDjomySVI/AAAAAAAAIIQ/ug5AVrz6Mgs/s640/548930_10151431138931569_1505815946_n%2520%25281%2 529.jpg

More pics will be on my blog soon and you can can see the tutorial to build my Spore pod in my tutorials section:

40kaddict.blogspot.com (http://40kaddict.blogspot.com)

05-28-2013, 09:54 AM
however my mate Otty made this behemoth at 20x12x12cm. he took it to Throne of Skulls and although it stretches the boundaries I think the 'rule of cool' and fortune in Tyranid bits overcame any doubters.

https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-HwwBOtpai9A/UZXDjomySVI/AAAAAAAAIIQ/ug5AVrz6Mgs/s640/548930_10151431138931569_1505815946_n%2520%25281%2 529.jpg

You know, that is actually probably the closest thing I've see to the actual book illustration.

The one that I have started was simply a paper maché egg from a craft store glued onto a 60mm base with other bits glued on.


Still need to do a bunch of green stuff work to fill in the bottom, but it gets the idea across.

Size wise, I would be leery of making it too low-profile if you wanted to use it in a tourney. If you want to go the 'popped spore' route, I'd make sure you at least have something on it sticking up to average monstrous creature height.

05-29-2013, 02:09 PM
I used a crater and left over bits with a plastic easter egg in the center and green stuff veins on it.