View Full Version : Memorial Day 2013 Apocalypse

05-27-2013, 11:11 PM
As usual, I'm posting a link to our local Apocalypse Game:

Few tables put together. There are four Objectives. One on each table: Three 'Mushrooms' and a pile of 'Flat Marbles'.

Roughly 14,000 points per team. No limit on Superheavies*

Team-1: Dark Angels, Craftworld Eldar, Imperial Guard, Imperial Guard, Necrons, Tau
Team-2: Imperial Guard, Imperial Guard, Orks, Orks, Salamanders, and Space Wolves

Team-3: Chaos Daemons will show up and engage both sides!

Here's the link:



* Nobody abused the unlimited Superheavy allowance! As a kudos to all, nearly every model was painted!!