View Full Version : Dark FATE Brainstorm - Warning: This Thread Contains Heresy!

05-27-2013, 04:23 PM
Dark FATE is the Dark Heresy is the FATE hack that I'm going to put together to run 40k in. This is a thread for brainstorming a game for my wife.

My wife is not normally into the 40k background. She's a roleplayer and a nerd - and she appreciates all the hard work I put into the models and background for the forces I create - but the setting of 40k kind of squicks her out. And yet, today, she said to me (and I paraphrase) "if I were ever to play a character in the 40k setting, I'd want to create a character who was basically Jesus, there to fix all the problems and spit in the face of the Grimdarkness."

The following idea was born.

The game is set at the end of the 40k setting, when the Emperor has finally died. As predicted, with Warp travel now nigh-impossible, the Imperium has finally broken apart. Most worlds that don't have either powerful local IG or Space Marine contingents guarding them have fallen to Chaos or Xenos invaders. Without the Imperium to distract them, the Tyranids have pushed even the Tau and the Eldar back to the point that the Tau are desperately protecting the core of their empire and the Eldar are besieged in their craftworlds. Orks run rampant, turning world after world into wastelands as they Waaaagh! unchecked across the stars.

The game begins in a minor feudal world protected by an errant Strike Cruiser of Space Marines who were stranded here when the Emperor died. My wife's character is one of this world's people - her town's midwife in fact - a single mother raising her child, conceived out of wedlock. She couldn't marry the child's father because he was taken by the Space Marines shortly thereafter (they [I]can recruit as late as the late teens, IIRC, and will if they are in dire straights - and these Astartes are certainly in dire straights when it comes to recruits).

She is also the Emperor reborn.

You see, in this story, the Emperor has become the a Warp God of ingenuity and progress upon his death. He saw the state the Imperium was in and decided that he needed one last material incarnation in order to ensure mankind's survival. This otherwise unimportant person is that incarnation.

I can see this game going in a lot of interesting ways. She will certainly have a complicated relationship with the Astartes - on the one hand, she will begin to surface memories of the Primarchs and may come to view the Space Marines quite maternally, but on the other hand they stole the boy she loved and turned him into a death-oriented killing machine who can only return her love in an abstract, protective sort of way. How might she deal with some of the Primarchs returning to the Imperium - which is certainly in its hour of need - especially the hyper-masculine ones like Russ? How will she deal with the inevitable conflict with the Daemon Primarchs, who are likely out to kill or corrupt her now, while her vast power remains untapped? Could Magnus see in her an escape from his damnation and slavery? How will the Ecclesiarchy deal with her? She is also certainly an incredibly powerful psyker. Even though her super-powered multisoul makes it possible for her to deal with the Warp without quite as much risk as the average human, she still needs to learn to manage that power, which could make an interesting chapter in the game.

Anyway, I know this is terribly heretical, but I think it could also be a lot of fun. Getting away from the standpoint of what "would" happen - we know this entire premise is completely whacked out from that perspective - what kinds of stuff could be fun?

The idea is that this is a character who will turn the Grimdarkness on its head, while still honoring the epic, "passion play" aspects of the setting.

What do you think? Questions? Comments? Concerns? Accusations of heresy will be summarily executed... I mean ignored. Summarily ignored :D.

05-29-2013, 03:46 AM
Thoughts as follows:

I have never seen any source creating marines in late teens. The process is supposed to start ideally between 10-14 (source Lexicanum).

I did have some other comments but then thought, if you are going so far off plot you can pretty much explore this messianic god complex stuff how you please.

What I think would be fun would be to make it into a massive holodeck episode. Take it to a certain point whereby the whole thing is the warp-spawned ramblings of a maid on some back planet, who is black-bagged, black-shipped, then fed to the Emp for elevenses. Then, the Grimdark goes on...

05-29-2013, 10:07 AM
I think this seems like a fun way to explore the universe. As for space marines ... I agree with Denzark but I also don't. The Space Wolves, I have always got the impression, tend to recruit late teenagers if not 20-somethings. Like so much of the transformation process, I think the age of recruits tends to be more for philosophical (i.e., we want a more impressionable mind) and historical (i.e., we don't really understand this process, just how to follow the recipe on the tin) reasons than for technical ones. I see no reason why Chapter X couldn't have geneseed that works on, or even requires, a late teenager. Why? Who knows - that's the way they've always done it.

I do have one question about the incarnation though: why not just have the Emperor be reborn, instead of also becoming the God of Being the Emperor? What does the apotheosis actually do for your backstory?

Comes to that, have you considered having the character NOT be the Emperor reborn? Other than wanting her to have incredible psychic power, why is that necessary or desirable? I ask because the Emperor is really part of the grimdark in my opinion. Like the Tau, the Emperor's response to the galaxy's problems is to say, "Well if you would all just do it MY way, everything would be fine!" and then shoot everybody who disagrees. He is a megalomaniacal tyrant who is convinced that mankind will destroy itself if he isn't constantly meddling in its affairs, and as proof of that fact, he points to the entire recorded history of mankind, in which he has been meddling in its affairs.

Now, he may be right. One can be a right b*stard and still be right. But he is a right b*stard. Is that really the best uber-psyker to execute your artistic vision of spitting in the face of the grimdark?

05-29-2013, 10:32 AM
Thanks for the feedback!

I can definitely go with the Space Wolves. I was thinking of doing Salamanders or Blood Angels - which I like better - but going with Space Wolves lets me have the chapter I'm less excited by be the background and the chapters I'm more excited by be the ones to show up and be exciting later.

As for why she's the Emperor reborn, the idea was to give her the power to turn the world on its head. I honestly think it would take something like the Emperor reborn to fix the world, given the state it's in. What the Apotheosis does is give her a reason to be able to do what no one else has been able to do.

In other words: even though I want to totally screw with the setting, I actually respect it enough to give my PC the power to do it.

Also, I kind of like the idea of the Emperor being reborn as a girl. It gives me an evil grin to make the most hyper-masculine of the setting's most hyper-masculine dudes into a female person. See, there's the evil grin: :D.

05-29-2013, 12:14 PM
No, I think of Space Wolves Ragnar ship fighting at the age of 13 anyway, you are worthless to your tribe on a death world like Fenris if you are not fighting by then. If Cadians can field strip a las carbine before they can crawl, Ragnar was definitely offing people with an axe at 11. Anyhoo the whole rebirth thing is a little star child/sensei for me.

05-29-2013, 02:10 PM
I understand the need for the power. What I don't understand is why the Emperor can't just be reborn. I don't see why the Emperor has to become a god before reincarnating.

I'm also not sure precisely how this character is and isn't the Emperor. The Emperor is a colossal dick in the way that most inhumanly charismatic, truly great statesmen and generals are, at least in my estimation (perhaps you have a different opinion of him). That does not sound like the character your wife intends to play. Is it more accurate to say that she has, by whatever means, inherited the power of the Emperor, rather than being the Emperor?

EDIT: I suppose what I'm trying to say is that the Emperor was not the right sort of man to create a realm other than of darkness. His vision for the galaxy, notwithstanding his own estimation of his plan, was not a very nice one - a world in which mankind has exterminated all other sentient life and rules the stars as a race of rationalism-worshiping psychic gods-among-gods is not the horror story the Crusade actually spawned, but a horror story all the same. To really challenge the tone of the galaxy, I agree you would need a person with at least as much power as the Emperor, but that person would need to be radically different in character.