View Full Version : Going on Campaign

11-07-2009, 03:23 PM
Hiya Guys,

I wanted to share my latest mad creation with you. It's a living rulebook and source guide for campaigning in 40k. It's a long term project, and I'd love any suggestions or submissions.

Check it out at :-


Hope you like it guys.

11-07-2009, 09:12 PM
Looks excellently done, and very, very useful!

I've added it to my bloglist at magnetaddict.blogspot.com - but I'd also be interested in linking to it via a smallish banner, a la the Parade Ground/FTW/BoLS Alliance ones, if you made one up. I think it certainly deserves the attention!

11-08-2009, 01:48 PM
Cheers for the add mate, and as soon as I can get a graphic done, I'll get one up. I'm just naff at doing graphics.

11-09-2009, 03:47 PM
Just added a section on campaign newsletters and diaries to the project. I'd love some feedback, especially any experiences of using or writing campaign newsletters etc.


I've also mailed about adding it to the Bols Alliance, but I'm not sure on that one as it's only a couple of weeks old. Hopefully, the fact that it's a supposed to be a resource and that I already have a blog on the Alliance might help. Who actually handles the Alliance requests?

11-10-2009, 12:12 PM
I'm getting the idea that you lot are far more into competitive play than campaigns.

11-10-2009, 01:01 PM
My guess is that there are MANY members who play campaigns. The reason you probably haven't gotten many responses yet is because there's a lot to read.

I have a few suggestions:
1- If you can take a look at the old Generals Compendium for WHFB, I would do so! It's a really good guide for how to layout campaign ideas, extras to add, etc.

2- Your guide has a LOT of info. That's good! The problem is that readers are faced with wall after wall after wall of text, and thats bad. See if you can't break the text up with pictures or something.

3- Try and give actual examples of campaigns, especially for ladder and tree campaigns. Those two types are probably the best way for campaign virgins to get their feet wet without too many complex rules. I've found that although coming up with scenarios & campaigns isn't all that hard, lots of players think it is and won't even make the effort to try. Help them out by giving a few examples.

4- Lots of people have posted specific campaign rules around the web. Look around, find some good ones and then email those people to see if they would let you link/copy their rules for the guide. It's an easy way of adding examples and giving potential campaigners ideas to ponder.

Oh, and one thing you can add to your "practical considerations" section is having teams. Teams of 2-3 players allows one player to miss a week or two due to real life and not have the entire campaign grind down since his teammates can play his battles for him.


11-10-2009, 01:34 PM
My guess is that there are MANY members who play campaigns. The reason you probably haven't gotten many responses yet is because there's a lot to read.

I have a few suggestions:
1- If you can take a look at the old Generals Compendium for WHFB, I would do so! It's a really good guide for how to layout campaign ideas, extras to add, etc.

Got it mate, the whole project was inspired by it.

2- Your guide has a LOT of info. That's good! The problem is that readers are faced with wall after wall after wall of text, and thats bad. See if you can't break the text up with pictures or something.

Totally agree mate, you wouldn't believe how hard it is to get decent pics of campaigns etc. I've got a request out on a few forums etc, so I hoping I'll get a few to pad it out.

3- Try and give actual examples of campaigns, especially for ladder and tree campaigns. Those two types are probably the best way for campaign virgins to get their feet wet without too many complex rules. I've found that although coming up with scenarios & campaigns isn't all that hard, lots of players think it is and won't even make the effort to try. Help them out by giving a few examples.

The first is already in the campaign appendix mate, there's an example of a node based map in the map appendix and a couple of scenarios in the scenario appendix mate. I'll be added more over time, there's only so many hours in a day and there's lots to write.

4- Lots of people have posted specific campaign rules around the web. Look around, find some good ones and then email those people to see if they would let you link/copy their rules for the guide. It's an easy way of adding examples and giving potential campaigners ideas to ponder.

I'm planning on doing that once the writing starts slowing down. I need to get the framework pages in before I can go out and find extra rules to add to the pages.

Oh, and one thing you can add to your "practical considerations" section is having teams. Teams of 2-3 players allows one player to miss a week or two due to real life and not have the entire campaign grind down since his teammates can play his battles for him.

That's a cracking idea mate, I'll add it to multiple players section which will cover combined ops, multiplayer games, multitable games etc. Thanks for the suggestion mate.