View Full Version : Mark of the Wulfen and Thunder Hammers

11-07-2009, 12:55 PM
Here's a weird conflict. In the Space Wolves codex, the Mark of the Wulfen entry says,

"A model bearing the Mark of the Wulfen has the Rending special rule in close combat. Furthermore, he replaces his usual Attacks characteristic with D6+1, rolled immediately prior to when the model makes his attacks. These attacks are made using the marked model' claws and teeth, and hence are not affected by wargear, additional hand weapons, and so on, though they may be bolstered by other factors (the bonus for charging, Logan Grimnar's Living Legend ability, etc)." (p.62)

Seems clear. Models with the MotW get D6+1 rending attacks at the model's base strength. In White Dwarf, however, Robin Cruddace says, "My favorite is the Wolf Guard with the Mark of the Wulfen, capable of unleashing a potential seven thunder hammer attacks each turn." (p.25)

My question is "Huh????" Even as a Wolves player, I can't see how the current rule allows those extra attacks to be made with a special weapon unless I simply discard everything after "D6+1." Don't get me wrong, I'd love to (hello, Lone Wolf with TH/SS and MotW!), but I can't see it.

11-07-2009, 01:06 PM
I don't think that GW spends any time reviewing things before they publish. I don't care about spelling and grammar so much as making sure the rules makes sense and that reasonably foreseeable situations are explained. They should at least have people who write about the rules know what they are.

11-07-2009, 01:11 PM
This is a common mistake many people made when the Codex was new.

At least Robin Cruddace didn't WRITE it...

11-07-2009, 01:13 PM
There's also that the battle reports are often written months in advance, so the rules may have had a last minute change to them.

11-07-2009, 03:09 PM
That sounds like the sort of thing they would have "fixed" after playing a few games...

Herald of Nurgle
11-07-2009, 05:12 PM
This is Robin 'OH THERE WILL BE TANKS' Cruddace we're talking about here.

11-08-2009, 11:25 AM
There's also that the battle reports are often written months in advance, so the rules may have had a last minute change to them.

Good point. I actually worked for a magazine for three years and somehow completely forgot that our lead time was nearly a year. GW's must be at least a few months, which could certainly explain the confusion.

I was secretly hoping that someone would tell me I could take the MotW with Thunder Hammers, though. Oh well.

11-08-2009, 02:01 PM
Here's a weird conflict. In the Space Wolves codex, the Mark of the Wulfen entry says,

"A model bearing the Mark of the Wulfen has the Rending special rule in close combat. Furthermore, he replaces his usual Attacks characteristic with D6+1, rolled immediately prior to when the model makes his attacks. These attacks are made using the marked model' claws and teeth, and hence are not affected by wargear, additional hand weapons, and so on, though they may be bolstered by other factors (the bonus for charging, Logan Grimnar's Living Legend ability, etc)." (p.62)

Seems clear. Models with the MotW get D6+1 rending attacks at the model's base strength. In White Dwarf, however, Robin Cruddace says, "My favorite is the Wolf Guard with the Mark of the Wulfen, capable of unleashing a potential seven thunder hammer attacks each turn." (p.25)

My question is "Huh????" Even as a Wolves player, I can't see how the current rule allows those extra attacks to be made with a special weapon unless I simply discard everything after "D6+1." Don't get me wrong, I'd love to (hello, Lone Wolf with TH/SS and MotW!), but I can't see it.

White Dwarf articles are not the bible. They are as wrong as regular players because they ARE regular players. They make mistakes.

Your model just punches at base strength with that Mark.

11-08-2009, 02:29 PM
The article is wrong. The Codex is in no way vague or ambiguous about how to use the MotW.

11-09-2009, 03:42 AM
It's interesting to see how the Codex has evolved over time.