View Full Version : Can I base my SM Sergeants on 40 mm bases.

Nauta Vei
11-07-2009, 07:02 AM
As the title says, can I base my SM Sergeants on 40mm bases or is there something in the rules which says I cant due to unit cohesion or something. Not bieng lazy just dont have my copy of 40k with me.

11-07-2009, 08:11 AM
Models should be based on the size of base they come with, so probably not. If you had some really cool bases most players wouldnt mind but they may not be legal in tournament play.

Personally cool models>rules.

11-07-2009, 08:17 AM
You may have to deal with complications in some tournaments, but overall the answer is yes, especially if you've gone to efforts to customize the model so the larger base makes sense. There is a small advantage to having a larger base in game, as well as some small disadvantages, but if you've clearly made a cool conversion so that the larger base is required, almost no one will mind. But there is always that guy...

11-07-2009, 08:41 AM
The best thing to do is to check with your tournament organizer.

In any case, no, you shouldn't use a base larger than usual.

Personally, I and others wouldn't mind it at all in casual games.

Nauta Vei
11-07-2009, 08:48 AM
Thanks guys, I think I may just go ahead with the 40mm base, I've converted a couple and they just dont look right on the 25mm bases.

11-07-2009, 09:17 AM
Thanks guys, I think I may just go ahead with the 40mm base, I've converted a couple and they just dont look right on the 25mm bases.
Which sounds like a perfectly reasonable reason for the larger base.

11-07-2009, 05:22 PM
At one time, might be the 4E rulebook, it says it is legal to mount a model on a base that is at least the same size as the one packaged with the model. It went on to say that it was OK to place the model onto a larger base but I think there were some additional caveats. I have been playing for a number of years and I have models which are not on bases and models which are on what was, at that time, the standard bases for those models. My Chaos Dreadnought was not sold with a base. Back then, none of the Dreads had bases and neith did my old Sentinels, either. No one has had any problem with me placing the models on bases but I suppose it could certainly be argued that I am placing them on a considerably larger base to gain some in-game benefit. :)

A more sensible argument, as I don't think anyone will ever argue about the walkers being placed on bases, concerns certain models in my armies, mostly Chaos Marines and Daemons. Many, many of my Daemons were bought when Daemons only had square bases in the blister. I have been moving them to round basses as I get time and scrounge up extra slotta bases but there are still a bunch on square bases. No one has ever been upset about this in a game. All of my Chaos Terminators are the old metal ones and are all on the 25mm standard infantry bases just like a Marine or a Guardsman. I've been thinking of putting them on the larger 40mm bases that are standard on new Terminators but I have not gotten to that yet. My Kharn is on the same 25mm base that was in his blister but one of the guys we game with has his Kharn on the 40mm base that came in his package. Several of the character models are now packed with a larger base than they used to. BUT the one that people HAVE complained about is my Daemon Prince. He was sold at the time with a 40mm base. If you have seen one from the first couple of years of the run, his boots run off the edges of the base and the little 40mm base looks rather dinky. He does look better on a Dreadnought-sized base, and that has been suggested to me several times during games, but that was not what the model was sold with when I bought it. (And I have not bought an extra Dread base.) I think the newer Nurgle Daemon Prince is sold with a larger base but the older prince was not. Imperial Guard heavy weapons used to packaged in several different ways: one model on a cavalry base, one on an infantry base; both models on infantry bases, weapon not on a base; and one model on an infantry base with the gunner and weapon not on a base. When the 60mm based Heavy Weapon Teams came out for the Guard, I put all of my old teams on the one large base, partly to fit the look of the new teams but MOSTLY for ease of moving them. I am thinking of making the loader removable or placing some kind of counter on the bases to show wounds.

In short, I pretty much agree with the comments above, put your sergeants on the bigger base. Those bases are still used for infantry models and apparently several of the independent character models. Sergeants are character models and if yours are character-FUL upgrades, then awesome. I do not see anyone throwing a tantrum over that. If they do, then they just may be basement-dwellers with no hope of a meaningful existence and you really, REALLY don't want to shake hands with them after the game anyway.

11-08-2009, 10:16 AM
If you need any bases check us out for Bases @ www.bitzbarn.com

11-08-2009, 01:59 PM
As the title says, can I base my SM Sergeants on 40mm bases or is there something in the rules which says I cant due to unit cohesion or something. Not bieng lazy just dont have my copy of 40k with me.

You bought the model, convert it as you see fit, as long as it does not disrupt your games with your local group of players, and have fun.

11-08-2009, 05:07 PM
You bought the model, convert it as you see fit, as long as it does not disrupt your games with your local group of players, and have fun.

That just about sums up the whole hobby...

Nauta Vei
02-05-2010, 06:23 AM
Thanks guys, Im not a tourny player so wasnt to worried, anyway am really happy how they turned out.

02-05-2010, 06:57 AM
Thanks guys, Im not a tourny player so wasnt to worried, anyway am really happy how they turned out.

Yeah, whenever you ask a question about modeling on internet forums, the typical response is "Something with Tourneys".

Do you have any pictures of your sergeants?

Nauta Vei
02-05-2010, 07:31 AM
Yes they are on my blog


02-05-2010, 11:47 AM
They seem more suited on the 40mm bases.

Note - Am i the only one suffering that 30 second repost issue again.

Nauta Vei
02-05-2010, 12:21 PM
Thats what I thought, but looking at the Sergeants and the Captains and the Chapter Master they seem to be getting bigger and bigger.

02-05-2010, 12:55 PM
I looked at your site and have to say that they are very cool models... Almost inspiring.


Nauta Vei
02-05-2010, 12:55 PM
30 second repost?

02-05-2010, 01:29 PM
outside of tourneys you should rather ask your locals.
for tourneys you should ask the respective OPs.

genereally larger is ok (if within reason). only thing that may smell like cheating is changing the model height (to lower if it is an assoult unit, to higher if it is a shooty one).

02-05-2010, 02:04 PM
Yes they are on my blog


Anyone (outside of a tournament setting) who has problems playing against those models is insane. Lovely work.

On a more practical note, could you maybe snug a 25mm base inside of a setting for a larger base? I know a few people who do that for their Chaos Demons (only they fit a round base inside of a square base, secured with a small magnet.)

Nauta Vei
02-05-2010, 03:46 PM
genereally larger is ok (if within reason). only thing that may smell like cheating is changing the model height (to lower if it is an assoult unit, to higher if it is a shooty one).

I get this and how people can get upset , however just because my Seargents are tall I would have to go along with the standard height of my unit when it comes to LOS etc, Im not looking to obtain a unfair advantage I just want to have cool individual comanders for my units.

02-06-2010, 11:13 AM
BUT the one that people HAVE complained about is my Daemon Prince. He was sold at the time with a 40mm base.

I bought a daemon prince a few months ago, and it came with the 40mm base. I'm 90% sure 40mm is still the current daemon prince base.