View Full Version : Problem with: Forge World - Eldar Pulsars

11-07-2009, 12:03 AM
Now I'm no n00b when it comes to Forge World models and Resin. But these dang things have me puzzled.

Eldar Pulsars.

Now I know the Space Elves have some sort of magic, but these Wraithbone things are CURSED!! I put them in hot Hot HOT water and they become flexable, I straighten them, then set them by submerging into c-c-c-c-cold water. Presto! They're straight!

Few days later....

Eldar Pretzels!!

WTF !? !? !? !?

They RE-BENT into their original fishing-rod shape!! What gives?!

11-07-2009, 12:25 AM
Be VERY careful where you leave resin models (Dont leave them near windows or heaters, or outside on a hot day, as my friend learnt the hard way :P).

When you cool them, let them cool naturally, don't drop them in cold water.