View Full Version : New Eldar Army...

11-06-2009, 11:46 AM
Now that I have finished (for now :) my Tyranids I wanted to try something new, specifically new techniques for painting. My current Ulthwe Eldar army is around 6 years old. Since I started painting it GW has come out with completely new ranges of paints. One thing I noticed after doing my last tournament is not many people noticed my Eldar army since they were so dark. It is very hard to pick up on how much high lighting/design work went into them. I want to do a bright Eldar army for 5th ed and I have decided on doing a Beil Tan army as my next army using new techniques and the new paints.

This is my Fire Dragon test model. I used mostly foundation paints and ALOT of washes. I am trying high lighting to an extreme, then going back over with one of the new GW washes to dull it down, then going back and doing some small touch ups to bring the high lights back. I think it worked really well for the orange and yellow for this guy and it helps give both colours some more definition without having to do many more layers. As I practice with this technique my models will get cleaner as I feel this one is still a bit sloppy for my liking. I also was wracking my brains figuring out how I can tie in the Beil Tan colour scheme of green and white with the multi colour and I think what I did for this guy worked out well. I am also going to have dire avengers and their Helmets will be White with Green and Back on the back of them and some green on the white tabbards. The banshees I am just going to do in the regular Banshee colour scheme since it IS Beil Tan. The last thing I am trying to figure out is exactly how I want to do the bases.

As I get things finished I will keep posting here. The next 3 things I am going to do are a Storm Guardian, a Howling Banshee Exarch and a Dire Avenger exarch just to finish working out the colour schemes. C&C are always welcome and appreciated :)

Fire Dragon Side

Fire Dragon Rear

11-06-2009, 12:35 PM
I am liking the washes and what not... keep us posted.


11-06-2009, 03:04 PM
i'm starting some new eldar too:D
(HINT HINT support weapons make great guns for wraithlords+ tanks!)
those do look really great!

11-06-2009, 06:21 PM
lol, good to know fuzzbucket. Sadly though this eldar army wont have any wraithlords. At 2000pts it is going to have 5 Wave Serpents and 2 Fire Prisims with Dire Avengers, Fire Dragons, a unit of Storm Guardians and a unit of Banshees. 100% mobile :). My Ulthwe army on the other hand does, and I am thinking of doing up one of the new plastic Wraithlords, so I will keep that in mind.