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View Full Version : Immobilized Vehicle Conundrum

Crotch Lictor
11-06-2009, 10:39 AM
I've never had this happen, but just thought about it a minute ago:

What happens if say a Valkyrie is immobilized, or wrecked and has other models around it's flying base? In this case, removing the flying base to put the vehicle on the ground would place it on top of other models. Say, some enemy tanks that are close enough to impede. I know they still have to be 1" away from the base, but the Valk is a pretty big model. Has anyone come across this?

11-06-2009, 11:09 AM
We had a similar situation come up with a Tau vehicle, and ruled on the fly that the vehicle tank-shocks as it's dropping and the models move out of the way. We couldn't find a clear answer in RAW, though. Tough question.

11-06-2009, 12:26 PM
I'd just move models out of the way the shortest distance possible. Not sure about RAW, rulebook isn't handy atm.

Crotch Lictor
11-06-2009, 12:42 PM
I took a look in the vehicles section of the BRB, but there's nothing there. I'd agree with the "tank shock" method though. Makes the most sense.

11-06-2009, 12:49 PM
The rules specify (I believe) that you cannot place models "under" a vehicle so a Tau skimmer cannot have models deployed under the skimmer, it’s the same with the Valk. Which brings up a whole new crop of questions as it’s nearly impossible to deploy units from the Valk with out them being under it. But just because it has a tall flying base doesn't mean that you should deploy units under the model.

11-06-2009, 01:09 PM
Which brings up a whole new crop of questions as it’s nearly impossible to deploy units from the Valk with out them being under it. But just because it has a tall flying base doesn't mean that you should deploy units under the model.

The IG FAQ specifically authorizes disembarking from the Valkyrie's base, rather than its hull. I agree with Chumbalaya about moving the models out of the way by the shortest distance possible. I like that better than Tank Shocking because it doesn't (i) provoke a Death or Glory opportunity or (ii) pose the risk that the unit will Fall Back, potentially taking it out of the game.

11-06-2009, 02:13 PM
It says in the rulebook at the bottom of pg 71, that:

"If a skimmer is immobilised or wrecked, its base is removed, if possible. If this is not possible (the base might have been glued in place, for example),don't worry about it. The skimmer's anti-grav field is obviously still working and an immobilised skimmer will simply remain hovering in place, incapable of further movement (including turning on the spot); a wrecked vehicle is now a floating burning wreck.

It sounds like the rules aren't too harsh on this kind of thing, and you could probably get away with keep it as "floating". Although you might want to check with your opponents first.

11-06-2009, 02:25 PM
MRB states that if you cannot remove the flying base, it simply stays in place. no tank shocking the guys under, etc.

11-07-2009, 03:15 AM
I'd just move models out of the way the shortest distance possible. Not sure about RAW, rulebook isn't handy atm.

Thats how I've handled immobilized and wrecked results and I haven't had any problems yet. Its a tricky model so I make sure that my opponent and I are clear on how it works as far as measuring, LoS ect ect, before the game begins.

11-24-2009, 04:09 PM
follow valks w/ techpriests= immobilised B gone!

11-25-2009, 06:36 AM
What happens if say a Valkyrie is immobilized, or wrecked and has other models around it's flying base?

Move the models out of the way, but keeping them in base to hull contact? :rolleyes:\

No Tank Shocking either....

11-25-2009, 07:11 AM
You know what, I want that Valkyrie to Tank shock whoever is underneath!

Imagine if you will, a marine with a power fist underneath that Valkyrie. And then having the Valkyrie get immobilized and then tank shocking said marine with a power fist. The marine performs a death or glory attack and then destroys the falling aircraft with a punch! I can just how messed up that series of event would actually look like and that scenario is just too epic to NOT give at least a chance of happening!