View Full Version : Byronic's Tutorial Thread (Flamespyre Phoenix just added)

05-24-2013, 05:07 AM
Hi guys, I've collated my tutorials into an actual organised list, hopefully there's some stuff in here that's of some use!

If you'd like to see them presented in a more photogenic way there's a gallery format available here (http://www.elementgames.co.uk/painting-tutorials), which may be easier to navigate.

Equipment Reviews/guides
My airbrush set up + a brief buyers guide (http://www.elementgames.co.uk/forums/my-airbrush-set-up-and-a-brief-buyer-s-guide-t245.html)

Combined Tutorials - Multiple Recipes

The Basing Bible - Basing Schemes (http://www.elementgames.co.uk/forums/basing-bible-basing-scheme-tutorials-recipes-t250.html)
The Metal Bible - Metallic Schemes (http://www.elementgames.co.uk/forums/the-metal-bible-metallic-recipes-t253.html)

Sculpting Tutorials:
How to Sculpt Chain Mail (http://www.elementgames.co.uk/forums/sculpting-chain-mail-t220.html)
How to Sculpt Scale Mail (http://www.elementgames.co.uk/forums/sculpting-scale-mail-t218.html)

Construction/converting tutorials
How to Make Planking Bases (http://www.elementgames.co.uk/forums/how-to-make-planking-bases-t249.html)

Painting Tutorials (everything else):

1 Day Daemons: High Standard Speed Painting
How to Paint Daemonettes (http://www.elementgames.co.uk/forums/1-day-daemons-daemonettes-speed-painting-units-t28.html)
How to Paint Nurglings (http://www.elementgames.co.uk/forums/1-day-daemons-painting-nurglings-t232.html)
How to Paint Plaguebearers (http://www.elementgames.co.uk/forums/1-day-daemons-painting-plaguebearers-t238.html)
How to Paint Screamers (http://www.elementgames.co.uk/forums/1-day-daemons-painting-screamers-t236.html)

Speed Painting (Army Production)
Army Basing (http://www.elementgames.co.uk/forums/speed-basing-armies-painting-efficient-high-quality-bases-t235.html)
How to Paint Necron Infantry (http://www.elementgames.co.uk/forums/how-to-paint-necron-infantry-speed-sprays-and-washes-t231.html)
How to Magnetise Bases (http://www.elementgames.co.uk/forums/magnetising-bases-t223.html)
How to Pin Models (http://www.elementgames.co.uk/forums/how-to-pin-models-t241.html)

Scenery Painting/Basing
How to Paint Planking Bases/Wood (Multiple tutorials) (http://www.elementgames.co.uk/forums/how-to-paint-planking-bases-t250.html)
How to Paint Buildings: Dreadstone Blight (+water effects) (http://www.elementgames.co.uk/forums/buildings-2-dreadstone-blight-water-effects-t224.html)
How to Paint Buildings: Skullvane Manse (http://elementgames.co.uk/forums/viewtopic.php?f=20&t=7)
How to Paint Skyshield Landing Pad (http://www.elementgames.co.uk/forums/post267.html#p267)

Basing start to finish + making Reeds (http://www.elementgames.co.uk/forums/basing-start-to-finish-making-your-own-reeds-t222.html)
Colour Sequencing/Airbrushing Vehicles (Necron annihilation Barge) (http://elementgames.co.uk/forums/viewtopic.php?f=20&t=15)
Multi Stage Pre-highlighting and Hybrid Glazes (http://www.elementgames.co.uk/forums/multi-stage-pre-highlights-hybrid-glazes-t246.html)
How to Paint Ogres (http://www.elementgames.co.uk/forums/how-to-paint-ogre-bulls-t240.html)
How to Paint a Flamespyre Phoenix (Airbrush Heavy) (http://www.elementgames.co.uk/forums/how-to-paint-a-flamespyre-phoenix-airbrush-heavy-t256.html?sid=68fc480230668c30afce3a3668583508#pop up)
How to Paint Flesh (http://www.elementgames.co.uk/forums/painting-flesh-spotlight-horror-start-to-finish-t229.html)
How to Paint Gore/Blood (http://elementgames.co.uk/forums/viewtopic.php?f=20&t=6)
Making Model holders (http://www.elementgames.co.uk/forums/model-holders-for-painting-keeping-those-grubby-mitts-off-t227.html)
How to Paint Paint Rust and Chipped Metal (http://www.elementgames.co.uk/forums/post259.html#p259)
How to Make Snow Effects (http://elementgames.co.uk/forums/viewtopic.php?f=20&t=10)
How to: Stencilling Banners (http://www.elementgames.co.uk/forums/guest-tutorial-dreadboi-s-banners-stenciling-t233.html)
How to Paint Stringy Gore/Blood (http://www.elementgames.co.uk/forums/how-to-paint-stringy-gore-t243.html)
How to Paint an Ogre Thundertusk (http://www.elementgames.co.uk/forums/how-to-paint-an-ogre-thundertusk-dreadboi-tutorial-t239.html)
How to Paint Thunderwolves/Fur (http://elementgames.co.uk/forums/viewtopic.php?f=20&t=8)
How to Paint Verdigris+Metallics (http://elementgames.co.uk/forums/viewtopic.php?f=20&t=9)

Cheers, I am always open to feedback and suggestions (for changing current tutorials, or requests for new ones), don't hesitate to offer any opinions.


06-04-2013, 07:12 AM
I've written a tutorial for the Plague Drones I recently painted, another lovely nurgle kit from GW, only complaint is the gap between the two pieces that make up the body. Once that's been dealt with they're great to paint!

How to Paint Plague Drones (http://elementgames.co.uk/forums/viewtopic.php?t=264)

http://www.elementgames.co.uk/images/gallery/12/2002-large.jpg (http://elementgames.co.uk/forums/viewtopic.php?t=264#popup)

06-06-2013, 04:28 AM
I've done another quick metallic tutorial/recipe:

Classic Gold: full tutorial here (http://www.elementgames.co.uk/forums/how-to-paint-classic-gold-t266.html)
http://www.elementgames.co.uk/images/gallery/12/2012-large.jpg (http://www.elementgames.co.uk/forums/how-to-paint-classic-gold-t266.html#popup)

06-21-2013, 10:00 AM
Hello all, its been a busy couple of weeks, I've finally got out another tutorial! This one covers How to paint a Deathknell Watch (http://www.elementgames.co.uk/forums/post351.html#p351) and how to stretch a scenery budget.

http://www.elementgames.co.uk/images/gallery/12/2056-large.jpg (http://www.elementgames.co.uk/forums/post351.html#p351#popup)

Enjoy, C+C welcome as ever!


06-25-2013, 10:06 AM
To go with my last tutorial here's another Deathknell Watch (http://elementgames.co.uk/forums/viewtopic.php?t=268) one :)

http://www.elementgames.co.uk/images/gallery/12/2101-large.jpg (http://elementgames.co.uk/forums/viewtopic.php?t=268#popup)

06-26-2013, 04:41 PM
nice looking models there, I like the tower base, nice effect

06-26-2013, 04:58 PM
Hi there Byronic, nice airbrush work. I'm a fan of this style of painting and try to use my airbrush as much as possible. For me it's not so much speed, but how I'm able to get colour transitions and shades far better with my airbrush than by hand. I'm currently working on an Iyanden army at the moment but I'm thinking of having a stab at fantasy. I was wondering what you think would be a good army in the fantasy range that would lend itself to airbrush work. I would consider anything but dark / high elves or daemons. I have been thinking lizard men would lend themselves nicely to airbrushing or even Warriors of chaos. Your thoughts ?
I personally have started using the Minitaire paints from badger, Vallejo model air are great but lack bold colours in the range. I don't like having to thin my own paints so the minitaire range is great.

06-27-2013, 01:15 AM
I must say that the Ogre Kingdoms do lend themselves to be airbrushed quite well as well, if you do so without sticking on the belly-plate. And Empire are also pretty accessible for airbrush standards.

06-27-2013, 08:28 AM
Ogre Kingdoms are an option, yeah I like those models quite a bit and I can see the large areas would be perfect for airbrushing. Low model count too.

06-28-2013, 03:21 AM
Cheers Kirsten :).

@Deadlift, thanks mate, of course, I'll give a couple and my reasons. The below are on the assumption that you're airbrushing, and then going in with washes (how I paint everything :)). It's probably similar if you're only airbrushing, but for me fantasy models really really benefit from the 'after market' touch ups that washes, and then drybrushing can bring.

My first choice would have been Daemons, which I'm currently doing for myself, and airbrush wonderfully, but there's a couple of other stand up choices.

As you guys have already hit on - Ogres are perfect, I chose them for my first proper army: http://elementgames.co.uk/gallery/byron/ogres the airbrush is really useful on their skin especially.

The low model count is a plus as well, but some of their minis really take a lot of time due to size - I picked mine to be done fast and they ended up taking months! They're fun to paint and convert though, so it's not a massive issue.

Another army, also with a low model count, is the WoC, a few chariots, a Chimera or two, and a couple of characters and you're done, you could really go to town on every model, and the big gribblies have plenty of expanses of flesh that'd be a great place to showcase some smooth blends.

Lizards would be a fantastic choice as well, there's a lot of flesh, they wash beautifully, and a simple scheme and good basing on them works wonders! Also if the rumours are to be believed will be getting the next fantasy army book update :)

Any more questions fire away!

06-30-2013, 04:39 PM
Thanks very much for your reply, I think we're pretty much in the same mindset on how I should go about tacking a fantasy army with an airbrush. I do use washes, but I have been going with oil based washes as opposed to using the normal ones. It's a technique I really like the results off. I have also been using ghost tints / candies a little. I think if rumours are true Lizardmen are just around the corner so I will wait to see what they have to offer. If not it will be WoC, either I think as you have said will lend themselves well to be airbrushed.
I just looked though your slides of your Ogre army, very very nice. They look really great. :D

11-26-2013, 09:48 AM
Hello all, you may have noticed that I've been away for..well nearly forever since my last post. The reason for this is that apparently opening up a B+M store is a lot of hard work! :).

However it's now up and running and going really well, so I'm going to squeeze in some time to bring out some more content.

This is my first attempt at a video, no need to go easy on any criticism etc, I'm all for it, as it'll help me improve things and get them up to speed faster. The obvious faults, (apart from my lack of experience with being recorded :)) are the volume of the commentary, and me needing some pictures of the finished product in there at the end, and possibly beginning also.

Anyway, my

How to build a textured base tutorial (http://elementgames.co.uk/blog/2013/11/25/first-video-tutorial/)

is done, and I'd really appreciate all feedback, cheers chaps :).

Also if people would like to see a few photos and words about the process of kitting out the shop scroll down a little >Here< (http://elementgames.co.uk/blog/)


12-03-2013, 06:39 AM
Hi guys, it's not quite a tutorial, but this may be of use to some people, today's blog posts is a quick overview of my thoughts on one of my favourite hobby products, the lovely Vallejo Glaze Medium (http://elementgames.co.uk/blog/):

Vallejo Glaze Medium Review and Overview (http://elementgames.co.uk/blog/2013/12/03/vallejo-glaze-medium-review-and-overview/)

It really is a fantastic product, a lot of people coming into the store haven't ever used it, or even know what applications it has.

My voice is still pretty shot after the weekend, hopefully it'll be fixed enough to finish the commentary on the tutorial Friday or so.
