View Full Version : 2k Nurgle / Necrons for tournament, need help

05-23-2013, 10:35 AM
I've had some trouble recently getting back into 40k with 6th edition. Flyers are destroying me and I've got a tournament coming up where I know there will be plenty of them. If anyone has any advice on how to improve this list (I've done a few revisions to my standard list already) it would be appreciated.

Primary Detachment:

- One additional mastery level
- Aura of dark glory
- Blight grenades
- MoN
- Power Armor

Plague Marines
- 6 Plague Marines ( 2 x Plasmaguns)
- Plague Champion (Bolt pistol, Power Weapon)
- Chaos Rhino (Dirge Caster, Extra Armor)

Plague Marines
- 6 Plague Marines ( 2 x meltaguns)
- Plague Champion (Bolt pistol, Power Fist)
- Chaos Rhino (Dirge Caster, Extra Armor)

Plague Zombies
- Zombies x19
- Zombie Champ

Plague Zombies
- Zombies x19
- Zombie Champ

Fast Attack
- baleflamer

Heavy Support
- Heavy Flamer
- Reaper Autocannon

- Magma Cutters

Allied Attachment:

Necron Overlord (130)
- Res orb
- Warscythe

Deathmarks (x5)

Immortals (x8)

Aegis Defense Line (Added since my last game since I had so much trouble with flyers)
- Quad gun

Again, I haven't played much 6th edition and not a whole lot of 40k since 4th ed (though I did do a lot of hobby work in 5th ed). This tournament is going to have quite a few flyers, so anti flyer is important. Let me know what you guys think!

05-23-2013, 11:07 AM
You lack real fire power and combat threat.

However it will be really hard to kill you lol.

Anyway besides the Helldrake there is nothing to really fear from your army. The zombies are good at holding objectives. Other than that they aren't that hard to really kill off.

Your nurgle marines would be a threat if you had more. They can still do a decent amount of damage.

I would drop your expensive chaos heavies and would pick up oblits with MoN. With endurance this unit is really hard to kill and gives you more fire power/ power fist support.

The necron part is tooo small to actually be a threat. 10 marks is deadly, 5 marks are an annoyance. I suggest necron flyers, command barge, and some warriors with their barge.

Typhus and the Necron lord are serous threats, but your lord is not getting across the board anytime soon and if I pop Typhus Raider he is hot footing it across.

I could run almost 6 oblits when compared to your other 2 chaos heavies.

I have to look to see if the sorceror can be on a bike, but nurgle bikes can haress early and with a toughness of 6 be really hard to get rid off. I like the burning brand since it is ap 3 and can kill a decent amount of models.

I am not really a cron or chaos marine playes, but these are my ramblings.

05-23-2013, 12:59 PM
It's funny, because you described this army exactly. It can't die, but also has a real tough time killing. The 'crons are just what's left after slowly cutting out points from my allied detachment. I can see where you're coming from about the heavy support choices, but they are fun for me (I know I'm prepping for a tournament, but you've got a have a little fun in your list, right?). The defiler can be useful, if I hide it correctly or catch someone off guard with an assault. The maulerfiend rarely lives, but when someone pops into his 24" threat range, it's all over but the crying.

Oblits. I don't have any right now, but I've always wanted some is taking 3 worth it? or should I make sure I have at least 6?

Bikes. I'd love to take them, but $$$ might be a problem.

And I know you're not a CSM player, but I'm sure you've played against some. What are some really killy units I have at my disposal? I do happen to have about 40 ork boyz at my disposal to take instead of the 'crons.

Thanks for your input though, it's much appreciated!