View Full Version : Adepticon 2010

11-05-2009, 02:41 PM
Looks like the Reaver fest is over! The adepts have intoned that there will be a limit of 4 structure points on super heavies this time around.
I was hoping more for D weapons going the way of the dino but what do you think this spells for the Gladiator?
I'm thinking the nasty HIEROPHANT will be back along with the duo demon team.
The biggest Imperial on the block will be the Warhound.
Waiting to feel the creep of the Tyranid codex?

Good change, bad or just weird, it's about time to start the planning.

11-05-2009, 03:19 PM
I am glad they outlawed Reavers. Unless you spent several hundred dollars, there was no way to seriously compete.

What you should be saying is uh oh, Warhound with dual Turbos and dual lash return.

The dual demons showed up last year too but could not match the ugliness of 8 D weapons.

Adepticon was pretty fun last time.

11-05-2009, 03:25 PM
I'm debating going to Adepticon, but I don't have any super heavies. I'm not expecting to win without one, but will I get slaughtered? I've never played with/against one so I don't have a good idea of their power level, but it seems like they soak up a lot of points. Can 500 points of regular stuff compete with 500 points of Super-heavy?

11-05-2009, 06:26 PM
The Gladiator is a grueling event. It is four solid games that are hard, tricky scenarios.
It is fun and you get to see all kinds of armies. The cheese factor is aromatic: there's so much of it!
Super Heavies and the like have ruled in the past but I think super violent balanced lists can still prevail.

Warhounds are more balanced than the Reaver ever thought about being. They are fragile in a 2250 list. Strip the shields, then pen it and you have a good chance of taking it down. If you can do this from reserve or alpha strike you've won.

The Daemon combo will rock this year, curse fate weaver.

The real attraction of Adepticon is the team tournament. A four person team and 2k games are the most fun.
Gladiator should only be attempted by masochists. I guess that says something about me.

The 500 point supers are tough but not too tough, there are plenty of things to take them down. I'm thinking two vet squads in vendettas flanking in should do the job.

11-06-2009, 08:05 AM
The smaller super-heavies seem a lot more balanced. Equal points of normal stuff can work against things like baneblades and stompaz.
There will still be a lot of Warhounds tossing out 4 D(eath)-Pies a turn.

But this could be the year of the Gargantuan Creature. Make sure to pack some hydras with a copy of the Forgeworld Apoc updates; cuz the Nid's can pack a GC that flies.