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View Full Version : IA3 2nd Edition Taros Campaign available now,

05-22-2013, 10:34 AM
£50 (http://www.forgeworld.co.uk/New_Stuff/IMPERIAL_ARMOUR_VOLUME_THREE_SECOND_EDITION_-_THE_TAROS_CAMPAIGN.html)

05-22-2013, 10:37 AM
I have the first one. I am having a hard time justifying spending that much. I wonder if the changes are worth getting it?

05-22-2013, 11:17 AM
New rules for 2 armies I play, plus adding in all the units that have come since. Looks like I'm going to have to buy this one again.

05-22-2013, 11:40 AM
I notice that the BFG scenarios are still in but the Epic ones are gone.

05-22-2013, 01:21 PM
Ordered this earlier, if it somehow comes by the weekend I'll do a first impressions post.

05-22-2013, 04:46 PM
I already have it as i picked it up at weekender

It good...for rules all FW are updated.

Some, like the tetra and sensor towers have had the ever living hell nerfed out of them

Some like the Barracuda and the IC's are improved. I believe theres a lot of new content, but i never owned old one. Post questions and i may be able to answer

05-22-2013, 05:41 PM
Some, like the tetra ... have had the ever living hell nerfed out of them
Can you expand on that? Do they no longer have heavy 4 markerlights?

Some like the Barracuda ... are improved.
Would love to know how. I imagine that the armaments haven't changed, since the model is pretty much fixed, so ... new special rules? Or points adjustment?

I believe theres a lot of new content
What strikes you as new?

05-23-2013, 12:54 AM
Tetras are 2 shotmarkerlights now, but only 30-35 points base.

The sensor towers are only reroll ones to a unit with 2", not twinlinked to a unit within 6". But worse is theyre a fortification, meaning they have to compete with quad guns, defence line and comms relays....

Big gains are made by the heavy drones, the heavy gun emplacements.....

The barracuda is competive with the plastic fliers. I dont remember everythibg off top of my head, but its got all the omd weapons, the burst cannon has more shots and ignores cover saves of all kinds. The vehicle is av11, and has agile. So buy it a disruption pod for a 3+ evade roll

New conrent. Theres the army unit by unit fluff with the technical drawings i was told wasnt in the last. Its also got all the Tau that werekt in Tarps last time and have since been released. Things like XV9s

05-23-2013, 12:55 AM
Tetras are 2 shotmarkerlights now, but only 30-35 points base.

The sensor towers are only reroll ones to a unit with 2", not twinlinked to a unit within 6". But worse is theyre a fortification, meaning they have to compete with quad guns, defence line and comms relays....

Big gains are made by the heavy drones, the heavy gun emplacements.....

The barracuda is competive with the plastic fliers. I dont remember everythibg off top of my head, but its got all the omd weapons, the burst cannon has more shots and ignores cover saves of all kinds. The vehicle is av11, and has agile. So buy it a disruption pod for a 3+ evade roll

New conrent. Theres the army unit by unit fluff with the technical drawings i was told wasnt in the last. Its also got all the Tau that werekt in Tarps last time and have since been released. Things like XV9s

05-23-2013, 01:24 AM
My main question, if I may, is to ask if the Elysians have any special rule to allow them to be an all drop troop list again?
With 6th came the rule that you loose if you have no models on the table at the end of a turn, meaning you could not hold everybody in reserve to scream in on turn 2 blasting their lasguns and getting ripped to pieces by enemy fire. Air-Cav ahoy!

Ulthwé Guardian
05-23-2013, 03:01 AM
The problem I see about these second edition Imperial Armour books is that they are usually based on codices (the more updated they are the better), which is good for Tau since there codex release has been recently updated.

However since the Imperial Guard codex hasn't been released yet and when it does show up I can't help but wonder if the second edition Imperial Armour books will start showing there age again.

05-23-2013, 01:46 PM
No worries, I am sure GW will happily make a 3rd Edition once they have released the next IG army book and charge you 75 great British quid.