View Full Version : Combi Weapons

11-04-2009, 09:59 PM
What sprue set has combi-flamers/meltas? Commander Sprue has melta & plasma but I have yet to see anywhere that has a flamer...nor anything with significant numbers of either weapons. Any assistance would help tremendously.


11-04-2009, 11:25 PM
thats all you're gonna get i'm afriad. metal combi-melta/plasma re in the sternguard and the only combi-flamer is in the chaos terminator squad along with a combi-melta

11-04-2009, 11:54 PM
Combi-flamers are (relatively) easy, since, in addition to the one from the Chaos Terminator box, you also get one on every Chaos vehicle accessory sprue - note the upper-left-hand corner.

http://www.games-workshop.com/MEDIA_CustomProductCatalog/m1610123_99120102030_BitzChaosVehicleAccessoryMain _445x319.jpg

Might be a bit big for power-armoured models to carry, though... ...

Combi-meltas are a little trickier -
Chaos terminators and Terminator Lords give you one each.
Plastic space marine Commander gets one
That's pretty much it for plastic.

Best bet would be to:
a) Use the metal meltas you get from GW mail order for all actual melta guns.

b) Save the plastic meltas and use them to convert combi-meltas.

(Outside of fleabay and various bitz services which might or might not have them in stock, the Space Wolf accessory sprue is probably your cheapest source of plastic meltas...)

http://www.games-workshop.com/MEDIA_CustomProductCatalog/m550160a_99080101004_SpaceWolvesAccessoryFrame_445 x319.jpg

A quick google search should provide you with some pretty good links for both power-armour and terminator combi-meltas.

11-05-2009, 02:26 AM
im surprised nobody has suggested using greenstuff, so i will!
why not make yourseld a mould from one and make a few for yourself? or even better imho - scratch build yourself some ;) - use your artistic skills!


11-05-2009, 07:28 AM
A really easy way to convert one is to use the combi plasma from the commander sprue and then clip off the end of a flamer from the IG sprue. Looks really nice together. I have a couple built, so I'll post a pic when I have a chance.

11-05-2009, 05:07 PM
here's how i make my combi-meltas:
take 2 bolters, cut the top sight off the top of one and cut the entire lower section (the grip, magazine feed, etc.) of the other. cut the barrels off both bolters. glue 'em together one on top of the other (some filing may be required). take a melta nozzle (either cut off from a MG or from the oblit pack, or whatever you have lying around) and glue that to the bottom bolter slightly lower than where the original barrel was. then glue a bolter barrel above that nozzle (just make sure it's straight or it'll look funny). add bitz until satisfied.
Now you have a bolter that has an "under-slung" meltagun, a-la Storm of Iron :cool:
of course you could always do this for a flamer, but i haven't tried it myself.

good luck with the combi-weapons

11-05-2009, 05:33 PM
Most combi-weapons that I see on the table are simple conversions. Imo, any alteration of a bolter or melta can stand in as a combi-melta, as long as all of your combi-meltas look the same.

11-06-2009, 07:41 AM
you can find one combiflamer with chapelain cassius of the ultramarine. but you will have to cast it, if you want to more than one

11-06-2009, 09:08 AM
for combi-flamers I just strapped a flamer to the side of a boltgun Aliens style.

11-06-2009, 03:02 PM
i spy beakies!!! :D

11-07-2009, 01:32 PM
What I've done for combi-flamers is this. I've got a bunch of the old school hand flamers from 2nd ed. and I just cut the melta off of the combi weapon and then use the nozzle end from a hand flamer and viola. Looks really good too.
Respects, Emperorsaxe

11-08-2009, 07:25 AM
ok i'll add my two cents for a probably unnecessarily complex conversion. I took a bolter, cut off the front grip then took a bolt pistol and took it down to the receiver, glued it on upside down to the bolter and stuck the front tip of the chaos flamer on the front...i would have used regular marine flamers, but i need them all...and more....i love flamers...i should have a Salamanders army instead of RG, but...:rolleyes: