View Full Version : New Chaos Scheme (pics) - Lindargo

11-04-2009, 03:28 PM
Yeah, i know.
I changed it, as i wasn't happy with the old blue scheme. Now its Red Corsairs, which i much prefer.
What do you guys think. (im 14)

11-04-2009, 03:30 PM

11-04-2009, 03:30 PM
Sorry i forgot to mention. The bases will be done later.

11-04-2009, 04:12 PM
The paint job for this guy is great, especially for someone who is 14. I would of given anything to have been able to paint that well at that age. My skaven (my first army) were dry brushed messes lol. If you are doing Red Corsairs then the colours are pretty much spot on. I do have a couple questions/suggestions through

1) If you want it to be Chaos then I would remove all the space wolf iconography. For me, when looking at the model it just looks like a red space wolf instead of a chaos model. If I were you I would get the Chaos terminator boxed set (or extra bits from the regular chaos marines boxed set if money is tight/you only want 5 termies) and mix and match. If you do that I think the model will be much stronger

2) I dont really understand what the blue thing coming out of his left shoulder is supposed to be. Since there is nothing else marking him as "Chaos" or any other sort of mutation I personally find it looks out of place.

Other then those two things it looks good. I also like that you are trying to add something extra to the base as it really adds to the overall look of the army.

11-04-2009, 07:41 PM
did you free hand the corsiar icon? if so, good job :)
my advice is basically the same as Ghoulio's, get some CSM termies, then mix n match. don't forget to use the other sprues (like the vehicle upgrade) for little bitz here and there. also, you can use a file (a good nail file will work, or the ever-popular metal file) to remove the SW icons from him, unless you want him to be one of the traitors from the Wolf of Fenris that is...

11-05-2009, 10:51 AM
wow that is really good, but remove the wolfy icons! and whats the blue stuff.
and thats really good for your age i'm 13 and cant do anything nearly as good!


11-05-2009, 11:18 AM
did you free hand the corsiar icon? if so, good job :)
my advice is basically the same as Ghoulio's, get some CSM termies, then mix n match. don't forget to use the other sprues (like the vehicle upgrade) for little bitz here and there. also, you can use a file (a good nail file will work, or the ever-popular metal file) to remove the SW icons from him, unless you want him to be one of the traitors from the Wolf of Fenris that is...

Ok to answer everyones questions:
The fluff in my army is important so every character has a story.
The TM squads have stolen SW armour from the raid on the SW ship (codex: chaos)
They also have tentacles and mutations from frequent warp travel.

The corsair icon is completely freehanded.

11-05-2009, 11:22 AM
and heres me thinkin that im the only one doing SW red cosairs. love the work good painting too.
think the wolfy icon look great if your doing a "wolf of fenris" army

(like me)

11-05-2009, 03:40 PM
Mate, awesome painting! Being a former GW employee, teaching the young'ens to paint to that standard took lots of time and effort... and you've come through with flying colours (no pun intended - well, ok).

That freehand Red-Corsairs claw is brilliant!

My only thoughts are having a constrasting colour in there somewhere - maybe a bit of the old blue armor showing through under the red? Some of the photos are a bit blurry, so it's tough to make out the anterior details, but are those skulls on his chest-plate? A nice bit of Bleached Bone could shine through there. Once the base is painted, though, all those colours might really stand out.

Also, have you thought about scarring up those wolf icons? Maybe take a scalpel and make a single line across the wolf head on his gauntlet, showing his origins but denoting his new loyalties.

11-06-2009, 09:50 AM
Mate, awesome painting! Being a former GW employee, teaching the young'ens to paint to that standard took lots of time and effort... and you've come through with flying colours (no pun intended - well, ok).

That freehand Red-Corsairs claw is brilliant!

My only thoughts are having a constrasting colour in there somewhere - maybe a bit of the old blue armor showing through under the red? Some of the photos are a bit blurry, so it's tough to make out the anterior details, but are those skulls on his chest-plate? A nice bit of Bleached Bone could shine through there. Once the base is painted, though, all those colours might really stand out.

Also, have you thought about scarring up those wolf icons? Maybe take a scalpel and make a single line across the wolf head on his gauntlet, showing his origins but denoting his new loyalties.

Thanks. And i might try that with the wolf symbols. Maybe ill paint them blue, and put a red cross over them?

11-06-2009, 07:17 PM
Thanks. And i might try that with the wolf symbols. Maybe ill paint them blue, and put a red cross over them?

Another thought would be to grind off most of the symbol with something like a dremel as if they'd taken an angle grinder to it, them paint somethign suitable chaotic over that (I kind of stole this from the forge world painting book). You get a more brutal edge than a with file, especially if you do it badly (leaving gouges, and edges). Even without the grinding, an eye of horus or something might fit in a bit better than just a cross over the wolf. Much more demeaning to the warriors of the corpse emperor to see their armour marked with heretic sybols.

If you can get the forgeworld brass chaos symbols you could even bend one roughly to shape over a plain termie shoulder pad, then heat it up and melt into the wolf pad like it's been crudely forged into it. That'd be awesome (but I'd probably not do it to this guy since your paint is good and you probably don't need to go and break him).

Best way to get wolf bits would be to paint bits of him (corners, joins etc) as space wolf, then miss them when you do the red/black. But this this guy's a nobb so can boss people around to get it painted up properly (And you don't have to repaint him :))