View Full Version : Grest(est) moments in Comic Book History

05-21-2013, 04:21 AM
We have a thread for discussing which comics are good to read, but I thought I'd create one for people to post and discuss their favourite specific moments from comics. I'll start with a few of mine to get the ball rolling as it were, note that my selections will be heavily biased towards Dc Comics as I'm not a fan of Marvel at all (though their movies are fun, well some of them).

The Last page of Invasion #1

This is the last page of issue #1 from the Invasion crossover mini-series by DC Comics. To me it defines why the DC Universe is so much better than the Marvel Universe. Given the choice of surrendering their superheroes to save the world from an alien invasion, the United Nations of the DC Universe elected to fight instead. Marvel's version of the same organisation would have happily handed over every mutant and been glad to be rid of them. The pages just prior to this show the UN debating the Alien Alliances offer (and this was an alliance of pretty much every alien race in the DCU that invaded) and the delegates pointing out that Earth's heroes had saved them all so many times, that they cannot repay that sacrifice with betrayal, which leads to Perry White and Jimmy Olsen looking at this page of the next days Daily Planet.

The Destruction of Coast City

This two page spread from The Return of Superman storyline depicts the moment that the alien warlord Mongol annihilated Coast City. I still get a chill down my spine when I read this. Almost 20 years old now and it is still one of the most awesome moments in any comic book I've read. The sheer scale of the act added to the scenes of the Cyborg Superman executing the Eradicator in cold blood are just chilling.

"I did it 35 minutes ago" from Watchmen

Arguably the most famous super villain punchline in comics history (which is ironic as Ozymandias is, or rather was, a superhero). When confronted by Nite Owl and Rorshach in his Antartic lair, Ozymandias carefully explains his plan. Finally Nite Owl can hear no more and says that Ozymandias is sick and that he needs help. When, he asks, exactly was he planning to enact this horrible idea to try and save the world from itself to which a calm Ozymandias replies that he did it 35 minutes ago.

The Justice League Watchtower from JLA #4

The last page of JLA #4 sees the construction of my favourite version of the Justice League's Watchtower headquarters, built not as a satellite this time, but on the surface of the Moon itself. It would later be blown up and rebuilt and then massively expanded, but this page and the writing on it are to me the perfect description of this base. Perimeter Fortress, First Line of Defense... basically you want Earth, you'll have to go through us first!

EDIT: And I've gone and got the title of the thread wrong! Oh well.

05-21-2013, 04:33 AM
A few more of my favourite moments:

BLAM from Cobra #12

From IDW's new Gi Joe continuity, this is the moment in Cobra #12 where the Joe's undercover agent codenamed Chuckles having been handed a gun with a single bullet in it and having every reason in the world to shoot Xamot (who had lied to him, betrayed him and even gotten Chuckles to kill his own girlfriend in order to keep his cover intact) instead uttered "Yo Joe" and executed Cobra Commander!

Break You

The epic moment in the Knightfall storyline where after exhausting himself mentally and physically trying to re-capture all the inmates of Arkham Asylum that had been set free (by Bane in a calculated plot to study and exhaust Batman), he returns to Wayne Manor only to be confronted there by Bane. A very one-sided fight ensues which culminates in the iconic moment of Bane breaking Batman's back over his knee.

"Kill Me"

This is for me one of the best moments that defines the difference between Wonder Woman and Superman. Having restrained Maxwell Lord in her lasso, and faced with him boasting that she cannot hold him prisoner in it forever and that when he is free he will again take control of Superman's mind and use him to continue killing people (having just had him beat Batman to the brink of death), Wonder Woman uses the lasso's ability to compel him to tell the truth and asks him how she can stop him, to which Max is forced to reply "Kill Me". With barely a moments hesitation she snaps his neck and does just that.

"This Is... My World"

From the final issue of the Brightest Day series. I love this scene where after it having been revealed that Earth's ultimate defender is none other than Alec Holland. He is then reborn as Swamp Thing and he grows to massive size in order to fight a twisted version of himself. Just epic stuff.

05-21-2013, 05:25 AM
Some more:

"I know your secret" from JLA #4

This wonderful sequence is from Grant Morrison's run of JLA, and in particular from the initial storyline: New World Order, which dealt with an invasion of Earth by The Hyperclan, a group of White Martians posing as extra-terrestrial superheroes. Having taken out the rest of the JLA, one of them (A-Mortal) has been found by 3 of the others, beaten, bloodied and hanging from the ceiling with a note attached that reads "I know your secret". Not perturbed by this, the 3 of them find and corner Batman as after all, "he's only a man..." what possible harm could he be to them? Batman may be only a man but is (as Superman says a page or so later) the most dangerous man on Earth, and having figured out what the Hyperclan are, he has set a trap for them. In the presence of fire, a Martian is no more powerful than a normal human. There are 8 members of The Hyperclan. Superman takes out one, Wonder Woman takes out one, Aquaman takes out one, and Flash & Green Lantern take out one between them. Batman meets up with the rest of the team dragging 4 of them behind him!

"But I'm Faster"

From the epic Blackest Night storyline. I'm not much of a fan of Barry Allen as The Flash (Wally West is a far better character imho and Barry was better left dead, but I digress) but for this one panel I love him. chased by Black Power Rings that if they latch onto them will kill them instantly, Barry grabs Green Lantern (Hal Jordan)l and just runs! As revealed on the next page in order to escape the rings he runs the pair of them two seconds into the future. "But I'm Faster".... that is The Flash personified. There are writers who have written The Flash comic for dozens of issues and never gotten to the essence of the character as ably as Geoff Johns does in just 3 words.

Recharge from Blackest Night #5

What's more awesome than the Green Lantern oath? How about a 2 page spread where we get the oaths of 6 of the colour-themed lantern organisations, and Larfleeze's (Orange Lantern) bemused reaction to bearing witness to them.

05-21-2013, 06:40 AM
And some funny ones:


From Young Justice (I honestly don't know which issue), this scene makes me laugh as Jaime Reyes (Blue Beetle III) tries to explain Halloween to M'gann M'orzz (Miss Martian) a task hampered both by her pointing out that she is in essence naked, while changing her "costume" in every panel!

"Nice almost dress Barda"

I love this page from JLA #33 where Barda realizes that the stunning red dress she is wearing is in fact Plastic Man!

Arrow Cave

I have no idea which comic this is from (though I'd guess it's an issue of Green Arrow or Suicide Squad), but I found it while looking for comic pages. I just love how despite being utterly insane, Harley Quinn is still better at naming things than Green Arrow is. Her logic is flawless!

Mr Mystery
05-21-2013, 07:12 AM

The 'Pool has a point!

05-21-2013, 07:26 AM
He does at that, but Superman has a better one as seen in JLA/Avengers:


05-21-2013, 08:21 AM
Must be pre-New 52 Harley 'cos she doesn't look like a wh*re. :(

05-21-2013, 10:05 PM
I've always thought this bit from Batman (in Kevin Smith's "Quiver") was hilarious:


And this was amusing back in the day:


05-21-2013, 11:06 PM