View Full Version : Chaos Space Marine Wip

05-20-2013, 07:40 AM
Afternoon all, I've been practising with ModelMates Rust Effects and I'm at a stage where I think I should ask for some opinions.

Here is a model with rust effects applied on in several places. Some areas have had it painted on twice or more and then I went over with a damp cotton wool bud to remove the stuff.


As a contrast to the above picture I decided to paint an entire model with a different base colour with the Rust Effects to see what it looked like. Then I got a cotton wool bud again and ran it straight down in places or blobbed it. Here's the result:


Next I painted up another space Chaos Space Marine with the paint scheme I had chosen to use for a unit of CSM with the Mark of Nurgle. Here he is 'finished' and the only extras he would get are eyes painted, both shoulder trims painted metal as well as the legs and perhaps wrists, horns painted better etc.


My current thinking is that I should either cover the whole model in Rust Effects and then do something similar to the yellow marine or do sections like the other CSM. Granted I have more spare CSM models I could use but figured I'd get other opinions first (knowing me I will probably just cover the entire model, lol).

Thanks for any replies.

EDIT: Just had a thought, I could do both. Some models get covered head to toe in the Rust Effects while others just get certain sections covered. I could then change how I remove the stuff, some have straight lines, others blobbed etc.

(Whatever I choose to do when I go to paint the CSM squad for real I know that I need to paint the metal first, as painting it after I've done base colour and then the lighter drybrush I had to be really careful not to make a mess).

05-20-2013, 03:31 PM
Over 100 views and no opinions?

05-21-2013, 01:36 AM
Morning all, if anyone is interested here's the end result of painting on a nice even layer of the Rust Effects and then using a damp cotton wool bud on certain areas, enjoy.


05-21-2013, 04:22 AM
I'd go with your edited plan. That nurgly marine looks really good, but I think having a whole squad like that might look a little heavy handed. I'd also leave the eyes dark; in the first pic of him, looks a bit odd, but combined with the rust, it looks really dark and brooding :)

05-21-2013, 05:03 AM
I hadn't painted the eyes as I was just doing it quickly but yeah I prolly will go with doing both fully covered and sections.

05-21-2013, 05:08 AM
I definitely prefer the third green marine.
also I read all your posts in a Rhod Gilbert accent

05-21-2013, 05:29 AM
Alas I am not Rhod Gilbert, would be funny if we both appeared on TV at same time :p

05-21-2013, 05:48 AM
damn. I am still going to read all your posts in a rhod gilbert accent however.

05-21-2013, 05:50 AM
Yeah I agree

is the best looking of the three.

05-21-2013, 07:38 AM
Well the other two are just models lying around that i put Rust Effects onto, the guy above is the way they will look before rust effects added on.