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View Full Version : how do u equip my battlewagon

11-03-2009, 11:06 AM
as the title suggest how do u equip your ork battle wagons because i am getting one soon and i what to know how to equip it

11-03-2009, 11:36 AM
Depends on how you play. Most battlewagons are there to move orks into combat by the second turn. Anything they do after delivering their load of green screaming death is just a bonus.

11-03-2009, 11:59 AM
Battlewagons deliver units into combat, anything else is gravy.

At the barest of minimums, I go for grot riggers, armor plates, a reinforced ram and big shoota. 110 points. Grot Riggers, Ram and Armor Plates keep me moving despite immobilization, stunning, or terrain. The big shoota prevents my wagon from getting wrecked by 2 damaging results.

After that, if points allow, Deff Rollas (dishing out a ton of S10 hits is awesome, regardless of whether it work on vehicles), Boardin' Planks (it's like assaulting a vehicle, without having to bail out and get destroyed by templates), more weapons (Big Shoota or Kannon), Grabbin' Klaw (hold still, I want to auto-hit you next turn), and an 'Ard Case (only for Nobs, not losing your Battlewagon to glancing hits is great).

11-03-2009, 01:55 PM
I use mine as combat taxis. I usually go for

Red paint job: To help get the troops there quicker and increase the threat range of the charge.

Armor plates: To keep the BW from being stunned and unable to move.

Deffrolla or reinforced ram: To help keep you from getting immobilized in difficult terrain
(Nothing like crashing through a ruined building to launch a surprise assault.)

Grot riggers are a luxury but I try and take them, they can get you moving again if you get immobilized.

As for weapons. With a BS of 2 more is better. So I put on 4 big shootas so that the wagon can sit around and dump fire on offending units. The caveat is the deffrolla, if you take one you'll be streaking round the board trying to ram people so you won't be able to shoot. In which case you might want to take only 2 big shootas unless you have 10 points that you don't know what to do with.

11-03-2009, 06:07 PM
if im putting 20 shoota boyz with two big shootas then i'd arm it with 4 big shootas and have a mass shoota pillbox. Maybe a lobba or kannon since its not moving every often

Creative Carnage
11-03-2009, 06:12 PM
I am rather fond of my Killkannon wagon loaded with Lootas and a Big Mek with KFF

11-04-2009, 12:07 AM
At an absolute minimum, all you really need are a big shoota or three – they aren’t actually there for you to shoot with – rather, they’re there so that the Wagon can take multiple “weapon destroyed” results with no ill effect.

Once you’ve got the obligatory shootas (3 is about right – that’s how many come in the kit, after all!), it really depends on the rest of your list –

If you just want a 4”-tall, AV14 firing platform for a pack of Lootas, you don’t need anything else. Maybe a lobba if you’ve got the points and the model…

If, however, you want a Battlewagon designed to shove a bunch of angry Orks down the other guy’s throat, the essential upgrades are:
1) Armour plates and;
2) A reinforced ram.
A Big Mek with a Force Field is pretty much obligatory too, but he’s not actually part of the Battlewagon kit, so he doesn’t really count. ;)

Everything else is just gravy - things like Red Paint Jobs and Grot Riggers are nice if you’ve got the points (hey, 5 points here, 5 points there and pretty soon, you’re looking at giving up another power klaw!!), but not strictly necessary.

Frozen Tiger
11-04-2009, 06:53 AM
i like the idea of putting lootas in and having them blast away safe in a kff but battlewagons shoudl be delivering mobs of Nobz and after that they should tank shock or ram anything.

11-04-2009, 08:19 AM
Looks like I follow the mainstream idea and use my battlewagon as a taxi for a mob.

Equipment :
-Reinforced Ram (nothing like ramming everything in the neighbourhood)
-Red paintjob (for just that extra inch)
-armour (to keep it moving)
-2 to 4 big shootas (mainly for the noise :D)

11-04-2009, 11:15 AM
Is the preference to use them more as transports then to load them out with guns?

11-04-2009, 02:44 PM
i have one for gun troting i what one to get the boyz up in the thick of it so heres a go at one

battle wagon + 3 big shootas + armour plates + deffrolla + grot riggers = 140 or is this 2 expensive for a transport i may take the deffrolla but i would want it for the fun of it

11-13-2009, 01:09 PM
Don't know what your budget is like, but have you seen this?


I am partial to Battlewagons as TANKS, not as glorified transports (they have rear armor 10 anyway). This gun is basically an earthshaker and your big guy can go toe-to-toe with Russes with this baby.

12-03-2009, 06:40 AM
Killcannon, 'ard case and a small unit of grotz to hold home objectives.
165 pt for the tank.
40 pts for the grotz that will get forgotten until they score an objective within 3" of any point on the hull.

12-03-2009, 08:09 AM
Is the preference to use them more as transports then to load them out with guns?

Most definitely. 10 nobz (or even 20 boyz) delivered into combat will usually do more than killkannon ever will. Not to say that there is not a place for shooty wagons, just that your nobz need their ride FIRST, then you can think about shootiness.