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View Full Version : Greetings from Holland (huzzah for generic thread titles)

08-01-2009, 07:47 AM
Hello everybody,

been following BoLS for quite a long time now so of course I had to check out the new lounge. It's looking all shiny and rather busy already!

A few quick words about myself, I'm 25, still studying at university, admin over at the humble Astronomican Forum (http://www.astronomican.com/forums/) at a big conversion nutter. I just love to tinker with new kit, green stuff and occasionally even get around to painting some of my stuff.

My current projects include:
- Relictor army, using a wrong colourcheme. This project is something of a tribute to my old Relictor army I used to play over a decade ago. Back then I wasn't a big fan of the normal grey colourscheme, so I went with some in between their grey and the blue-ish grey used by the Space Wolves:

- Right now I've finished a scouts squad and am about to start painting a scratchbuild thunderfire cannon. Complete with scenic base and servitors.

- Build some kind of large terrain piece for a terrain contest over at Astro, no idea what I'll be making though. Luckily there's still a good month's time left!

- Adding more and more -nigh impossible to take pictures of- Tyranids, so that one day those guys will become a true army:

- And once all that stuff is out of the way, so in about 5 years, start a small Catachan force and expand my purge / word bearers squads into a mini army.
http://i46.photobucket.com/albums/f105/hephesto555666/tale%20of%20x%20gamers%202008-2009/update1-15.jpg http://i46.photobucket.com/albums/f105/hephesto555666/40k/wordbearerchampion1.jpg

And that's about enough rambling from me, look forward to spending some more time on here!

Inquisitor McSagington
08-01-2009, 08:15 AM
Nice models man.
Also nice to see The Purge getting some love.

08-01-2009, 09:38 AM
Nice! Thanks for sharing the pics. Welcome to the Lounge!

08-01-2009, 07:01 PM
Thanks for the welcome guys, the Purge are indeed one of many often overlooked, smaller subgroups. At the same time it also makes it more fun to build stuff for them ;)