View Full Version : Teleportation tactics - debug

05-14-2013, 09:22 AM
Hello everyone!

I need help debuging a strategy using Grey Knight librarians, mystics and zooming stormravens.

If I use the summoning on a zooming stormraven, can he benefit from the psychic beacon from a mystic? Does the mystic has to be within 6" from the stormraven hull or from the base?

Also, can the stormraven benefit from the psychic beacon of a mystic if he is embarked on such stormraven?


05-14-2013, 11:52 AM
This is quite a hard debate for me, the words in summoning say that the model(and the people inside if a transport) are removed from the table, therefore the Mystic is not on the table at the time of the deepstrike happening.

On the other side though, the mystics rule is that he must be on the table at the start of the turn to use the ability, and since he was, to be a legal target of "The Summoning", then yes his ability would be active. And therefore the Raven would not scatter.

05-14-2013, 12:49 PM
You can't benefit from your own beacon, so no on the mystic inside the raven. Otherwise you could take locator beacons on pods and they'd never scatter.

I don't see why you couldn't benefit from the beacon on a zooming raven when the mystic is outside, though.

05-14-2013, 01:18 PM
I don't remember the exact distance from a mystic to benefit from his beacon, but I think it's 6". So, for a stormraven benefits from the beacon, the mystic shoul be within 6" from it's hull, not the base since it' a flyer vehicle.

If the mystic is inside a hovering stormraven, the beacon should work within 6" from the hovering stormraven, easier to work for summoning other stormravens.

Or am I wrong about measuring distances for flyers? Can I measure from the base to know if special abilities can affect them?

05-15-2013, 04:05 PM
The rulebook states to use the large oval base for vehicle models that use the large oval base.

05-16-2013, 07:55 AM
If I use the summoning on a zooming stormraven, can he benefit from the psychic beacon from a mystic?

Yes, the Mystic works for all Deep Striking, just remember to have Warp Stabilisation Field on the Stormraven for The Summoning to work.

Does the mystic has to be within 6" from the stormraven hull or from the base?

The hull, Page 80 says to do all measurements to the hull and ignore the base of a flyer.

Also, can the stormraven benefit from the psychic beacon of a mystic if he is embarked on such stormraven?

I've often wondered that myself but I'm pretty confident that you can't "aim to arrive within 6" " of something that is moving along with you.

05-17-2013, 05:05 AM
Thanks everyone!