View Full Version : Tau at 2000 points- Would love some thoughts!

05-13-2013, 10:06 AM
After a few games under my belt at the 1000 point level, we're making the leap to 2k...and as a pretty good WH Fantasy player and a terrible 40k player, I would love some advice on my weaker side of the GW equation. =)

A few "rules" if you will-
1. No Special Characters
2. No Forge World
3. I really like the Cadre Fireblade and the "foot" units- Pathfinders, Fire Warriors, etc. I really don't care for the Crisis Battlesuits (even the new commander, though he's better), so I'm trying to find a way to make a "few battlesuits" army work.

Otherwise, have at it!

HQ: Cadre Fireblade
HQ: Ethereal

TROOPS: 12 Fire Warriors, Devilfish, EMP Grenades
TROOPS: 12 Fire Warriors, Devilfish, EMP Grenades
TROOPS: 12 Fire Warriors- led by Fireblade
TROOPS: 12 Fire Warriors- led by Ethereal
TROOPS: 10 Kroot w/Sniper Rounds
TROOPS: 10 Kroot w/Sniper Rounds

ELITES: 3 Crisis Battlesuits- 2 Plasma Rifles each (had to take SOME...I am playing Tau, after all!)
ELITES: Riptide Battlesuit, Ion Accelerator, Stimulant Injector
ELITES: Riptide Battlesuit, Ion Accelerator, Stimulant Injector

FAST ATTACK: 5 Pathfinders
FAST ATTACK: 5 Pathfinders
FAST ATTACK: 6 Pathfinders
(this could be two squads of 8 but I wanted to spread out my Markerlight options)

HEAVY SUPPORT: 3 Heavy Rail Rifle Broadside Battlesuits- 2 w/Interceptor, 1 w/Precision Shot (I had 3 points left)
HEAVY SUPPORT: Hammerhead Gunship- Submunition Rounds

Also debating dropping a FW from one of the Devilfish and putting the Fireblade up front, but I think he benefits most (and the army does too) from him being static in the firebase near the Ethereal.

In one draft of the list, I dropped down to one riptide, took more Broadsides, and passed out some Shas'ui with Target Lock/Markerlights to the Fire Warrior teams instead.


05-23-2013, 08:30 AM
I rather take a missle drone than add fnp to a riptide. Not saying don't take fnp. Just saying that's 70 points on two models that are not easy to kill as is. I so far haven't lost a riptide,knock on wood. All I can say going first a lot and +3 inulnerable saves helps, and drones.

I think your Ethereal should go with your devilfish. He can give all models with 12" his row of abilities, so the guys jumping out the transports can fire 70 times in rapid fire range, also if near the kroot that's 60 times rapid fire for them.

I think you should take a skyray. The skyray is very good anti air. Also your pathfinders can also be able to take out vehicles and flyers on their own via cover ignoring seeker missiles.

The only suit I take is the commanders, by not taking him you losing ignore cover, twin linked, MC/ tank hunter, bs 5 drones, hit and run for broadsides or riptides(if you take missile drones). I actually don't like the fire blade. With fire warriors anything within 21" can be triple tapped thanks to an Ethereal. The fireblade is ok, but forces you to stay where you are at. I played with the thought of a fireblade and Darkstrider in a 10 man pathfinder squad. You can boost the squad by 24" and fire 30 strength 6 shots, although with an ethereal you can fire 30 times within 12", would be awesome with a devil fish. 30 strength 6 shots in the face.

I have the same number of pathfinders. The way you have them and two squads of 8 have benefits. 2 squads of eight is good if you have your fireblade or skyray increase the huge squads marker output which is useful for killing something really hard to kill. With smaller squads you can mark more targets, but less focused markerlighing.

Oh don't take marker lights on your fire warriors. Take more pathfinders or take a skyray, or commander with drone controller with marker drones.