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View Full Version : New high elves ?

05-11-2013, 02:42 PM
All the new elves has always strikes first but i can't find if they still ignore the affects of great weapons or not? If they do then cool but if not SM aren't as good as i first thought. Someone please tell me if this is true.

05-11-2013, 10:18 PM
The rule that removed ASL from weapons in the former book was Speed of Asuryan. Now the High Elves just have stock Always Strikes First and thus ASL cancels ASF.

This means that great weapon wielding elves will strike in initiative order. A blow to Sword Masters and White Lions certainly but they will still go before most opponents, they simply won't get the rerolls.

05-13-2013, 09:16 AM
wont they still get the reroll as long as their I is even or better?

Mr Mystery
05-13-2013, 09:51 AM
Nope. ASF and ASL cancel out, meaning you simply strike in Initiative order. Remember, Speed of Asuryan was ASF, but with shiny brass knobs on.

05-13-2013, 11:33 AM
The nice thing, though, as a longtime High Elf player, is that Martial Prowess now applies to all our units.

So, before, our Swordmasters and White Lions were swinging with two ranks- generally about 6 models/rank- for a total of 19 S5 attacks for Swordmasters and 13 S6 attacks for White Lions, with rerolls to hit.

Now, Swordmasters toss out a whopping 25 S5 attacks and White Lions have a bone-crunching 18 S6 attacks. Given that we hit on 3+ most of the time (and I say most, Chaos Warriors and other WS 5 Elites- or WS 6 for Swordmasters- will reduce us to 4+ unless we've been buffed with Hand of Glory), we're trading a little more reliability for the chance to do a woah-ton more damage.

Horde it up for even more fun. ; )

The new book is pretty darn great, even if it is trying to turn us into "fantasy Eldar." Let's make no mistake, fantasy was here first. They're "Space Elves", not the other way around.

But that's a rant for another time. =)
