View Full Version : Sternguard options

05-11-2013, 11:30 AM
Hey guys,

decided to go for a Sternguard Veteran squad as the latest addition to my Knights of the Emperor Space Marines, but cant quite decide on what weapons to go for.
I'm going to start with 5 marines but they'll also be a Deathwatch kill team so will eventually have 10.
For the initial 5 I was thinking,
Sgt - Power Maul and Combi-Plasma
4 Veterans - 2 x Meltaguns 2 x Bolters (to make use of the special ammunition)

Any feedback or advice would be great, cheers.

05-11-2013, 12:01 PM
4 Veterans - 2 x Meltaguns
Is there a reason you're avoiding combi-meltas, to get the best of both worlds?

05-11-2013, 12:08 PM
Not particularly, i did think about combi's but thought that 2 melta guns gave abit more anti-armour potential for the duration of the game rather than 1 shot. To be honest though i've never used combi bolters before!

05-11-2013, 12:14 PM
My thought is that you're only going to be using meltaguns a few times per game, and you can get that endurance by loading up on more combi-meltas - for instance, four combi-meltas instead of two meltaguns. It is slightly more expensive points-wise, and slightly more difficult to model, but that way nobody surrenders the utility of the special issue ammunition and its associated range.

05-11-2013, 12:18 PM
yeah, thats a really good point. Thanks

05-11-2013, 02:30 PM
In every game i play with my sternguard ( that every game i use my marines ) i run combi plasma on every guy. Always useful. Light armour and elite killers. Just in case i have given my sarg melta bombs. You would be surprised how much those five point can change a game. I have seen so many people put special weapons on SGV and they are just wasted imo. Hope that helps.

05-11-2013, 02:41 PM
My loadout is:

2 Heavy flamers
2 Combimelta
5 combiplasma
Sargeant with combimelta, meltabomb and Powerfist

Its kinda expensive, but they get the job done, any job.

05-11-2013, 02:58 PM
Thanks guys, have already switched the meltaguns to combi's, luckily I had a couple in the bits box!