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View Full Version : Warriors of Chaos: Unit Size and Mark

Evan Moore
05-09-2013, 07:22 PM
Hey guys!

I was wondering what you think a good unit size is for warriors. Also, what do you think are the better marks?


05-09-2013, 08:10 PM
It really depends on the size of the game.

For small games of 1000-1500 points that 10 warriors with full command works okay but 15 is better.

In games of 2000-2500 (probably the most common range) units of 20 work best but you can get away with 15-18 (6 wide ranks for 18). I wouldn't go much larger than 20 though as Chaos Warriors are pretty easy to maneuver around.

For marks, it varies based on what you want the unit to do. Really the only lackluster mark is Slaanesh but even that serves a purpose.

Mark of Nurgle: Probably the best defensive mark for close combat as -1 to hit is a huge deal. This means most armies will be hitting on 5s. Definitely the way to go for a defensive unit that plans on using equipment other than a shield as well.

Mark of Tzeentch: Another defensive mark that is best used against shooting heavy armies. This mark should always be used in conjunction with shields for the best effect (parry saves are ward saves).

Mark of Khorne: The best offensive mark. Use with Halberds for monster hunting and armor cracking or additional hand weapons for a blender unit to quickly chew through attrition and tarpit units. Always keep a unit of warhounds handy to help mitigate frenzy.

05-09-2013, 08:14 PM
Hey guys!

I was wondering what you think a good unit size is for warriors. Also, what do you think are the better marks?


Hey mate, I'm not overly familiar with Warriors of Chaos as a relatively inexperienced Warhammer Fantasy player myself, but here are a few tips I've learned about Chaos Warriors.
Before I start, I will preface that the common "width" of Chaos Warrior units, owing to their base sizes, is six wide. How many ranks deep you go will depend on game size, though six by three or four are generally considered strong numbers.

The main question is; what do you want them to do? If you want an anvil unit that doesn't die, take shields and the Mark of Tzeentch, making them incredibly difficult to outlast in melee - they also do pretty well against shooting. Take them in bigger blocks to maximise their rank bonuses and tie enemy units up.
If you want a hard hitting unit that is also quite tough, give them halberds and the Mark of Nurgle. This means they are quite a bit more vulnerable to shooting, but most enemies will be hitting them on 5s as opposed to 4s (or 4s as opposed to 3s) which is a very strong defensive tool in close combat. They also hit very hard, with two attacks each at Strength five. I would take them in blocks of eighteen or more, much like Tzeentch Warriors, to make sure they get into combat.
If you want sheer killing power, take either halberds or additional hand weapons and the Mark of Khorne. Though they are the most fragile, they also hit harder than the others by quite a margin, what with each member (in the front rank) gaining an extra attack until they lose combat. Again, you need numbers of eighteen or more to live long enough to see combat.
The Mark of Slaanesh is the least common mark, as though its benefits are useful, most prefer the others for how they work into specific builds.

I hope that helps.
And yeah, as Chronowraith says, ten or twelve strong units in games of 1500 points or less should do just fine.

05-10-2013, 05:43 AM
I always take 15 with a full command, halbers, shields, and mark of khorne. they chew through everything quite happily and it doesn't matter about losses on the way in, so long as half a dozen make it into combat to rack up the kills. you are never going to win by rank bonus and the chances are the opposing unit will have more ranks than you, so kills, kills and more kills.

Evan Moore
05-12-2013, 01:05 AM
Thanks for the great answers! So the figures I have are already equipped with a shield and hand weapon. Is it a dumb idea to mark them with Khorne? I really want to paint them red, and that is my confusion.


05-12-2013, 07:55 AM
I think dumb is a little strong. I would say pointless. Models with Frenzy do not receive a parry save from the shield. So the only benefit of a shield is the +1 to armor. So not useless but certainly not point efficient.

05-12-2013, 08:06 AM
a 3+ save is still nothing to be sniffed at

06-22-2014, 04:51 AM
If you want sheer killing power, take either halberds or additional hand weapons and the Mark of Khorne.

Unless you have some trick up your sleeve (like Festus for Poison attacks), halberds almost always out-do AHWs. The extra strength makes a difference against anything T3-7, which is most of what you'll face. AHWs can work better against anything outside that range, but even then only the first rank benefit, whereas your supporting attacks can benefit from extra strength.

So the figures I have are already equipped with a shield and hand weapon. Is it a dumb idea to mark them with Khorne? I really want to paint them red, and that is my confusion.

I wouldn't worry too much about losing the parry - halberds and shields are a fairly common load-out.

However, if you're not set on Khorne, but only on red, you might be able to come up with a way to make them red and non-Khorne. You shouldn't feel confined by the usual colours, after all Magnus the Red (40k) follows Tzeentch. Just look at these blue Nurgle warriors for another example of breaking from traditional colour schemes:

07-03-2014, 11:17 AM
Smaller units of 10-14 with mark of Khorne and halbreds for killing purposes. Mark of Nurgle or Tzeench with shields for anvils in 15-24. With those two units and a couple of units of 5-7 warhounds your core is settled with troops your going to want to use anyway.

10-02-2014, 06:47 PM
I have great luck with 18 MoK and Halberds vs almost anything. I don't worry too much about shooting because there are so many other threats on the table to point at. The bigger weakness is maneuverability. It's terrible to amble all the way across the table then charge only to get a flee reaction and have to spend another turn pointing in a useful direction. I put the Banner of Swiftness on them to help them stay on the heels of my Skullcrushers.