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View Full Version : Creating a Campaign Pack - Massacre at Big Toof River?

11-02-2009, 08:49 AM
I'm in the process of writing a campaign pack to post up on my blog, centered around the events which lead upto, and including the Massacre at Big Toof River, as was covered in the mega display of the same name at the UK Gamesday in 1997.

I want to keep it simple, so the campaign will be played out over 4-6 games, making it playable by two players over a weekend, with each game having the effect of lengthing or shortening the campaign, and with some minor effects on the big set piece battle featured in the mega display, the result will then be one of a four, Major or Minor Ork or Imperial Victories.

The first mission covers the arrival of the Praetorian 24th on Montar, a small combat patrol game just to get the players into it. The premiss is the landings are in progress but they have been spotted by a party of Ork's, these Ork's are now seeking to carry this news back to the Ork Warboss - the Guardsmen who have established the perimeter must stop them or delay them enough for reinforcements to arrive.

'Historically' the Ork's became aware of the Imperial forces arrival, though there should be no weighting so the the campaign always follows this path.

Comments and critisims on the mission attached are appreciated.

11-13-2009, 06:24 PM
Cracking scenario mate, I'll give it a go when I next get together with my mates.

If you're looking for constructive criticism, then the situation of the game ending without the orks getting off the table whilst there's still units on the board does seem right to me. I'd suggest either continue playing until the orks get off or are dead. Alternatively, have three ongoing effects, one for the guard killing the orks, one for the orks getting off the table and one for the orks being delayed getting off the table (ie game ending with units still on the table).

If you're not after CC, then ignore all that, it's still a cracking scenario.