View Full Version : XV8 Loadout of DOOM

05-08-2013, 07:13 PM
I don't know what you call it, but I'm thinking of calling it "the shredder", or something to that effect. I refer to the XV8 loadout of TL Burst Cannons and a third burst cannon, and I find that it is amazing.

A squad of 3 can put out 24 shots (12 of them TL, though I'd recommend giving one mode a TL melta and/or missile launcher for anti-vehix capabilities), add that with Shadowsun or an XV8-02 commander with a C&C Node or Sensor Suite, or even place them by a sensor tower, and you've got one of the shootiest low point cost units I have ever seen...

Yes, it's only S5 AP5, but honestly for the amount of shot put on target, TL + Markerlights could make even terminators fail a couple rolls per turn, then jump out of the way with the 'Ghost walks among" us trait. I just got some shivers thinking about it.

What's your favorite loadout, or what have you found out to be effective?

05-08-2013, 08:54 PM
Shadowsun so you get Ghost walk for sure and a unit of Stealth suits with 4 burst cannons and 2 fusion blasters. While not twinlinked you have 4 melta shots and 16 burst cannon shots.

05-08-2013, 10:26 PM
325 pts for Shadowsun (w/o upgrades) and 6 Stealth suits w/ 2 meltas and 4Bburst cannons (all T3, 1 Wound, 3+ save, Stealth + Shrouded)

281pts for Shadowsun (w/o upgrades) and 3 XV8's w 1 TL melta and 2 TL Burst Cannons and 3 Regular BCs (all T4, 2 wounds, 3+ save, Stealth + Shrouded *Thanks Shadowsun!)

XV8's = 44pts cheaper, 20 BC shots (8 of which are TL), 1 TL melta shot, T4, 6 wounds, Stealth & Shrouded

Or 16 regular BC shots and 2 regular melta shots, and no extra abilities gained other than 3D6" jetpack move...

Objectively, XV8's win.

05-09-2013, 12:36 AM
XV9's still do it better imo.

05-09-2013, 02:45 AM
Shas'vre: Multi-Spec, C&C node
Shas'ui: 2x single burst cannons
Shas'ui: 2x single burst cannons

151pts for 4 TL burst cannons that ignore cover.

Works better with plasma or missile pods. Better again in farsights bodyguard team. 12 TL plasma that ignores cover.

There's some nasty things you can do with those signature systems.

05-09-2013, 06:58 AM
Shas'vre: Multi-Spec, C&C node
Shas'ui: 2x single burst cannons
Shas'ui: 2x single burst cannons

151pts for 4 TL burst cannons that ignore cover.

Works better with plasma or missile pods. Better again in farsights bodyguard team. 12 TL plasma that ignores cover.

There's some nasty things you can do with those signature systems.


05-11-2013, 06:03 PM
If you like to spam s5ap5 you could always just take a commander with a drone controller 2x burst cannon and 14 gun drones. 305 points for 28 BS10 and 8 BS5 s5 ap5. personally I don't like burst cannons on the crisis suits simply because you can get efficient s5 shots all over the codex, and 150 points of crisis suits are considerably less durable than 150 points worth of fire warriors.

Actually if you threw shadowsun in with the gun drone squad.....people would likely cry imba. 440 points for the whole deal but that's a lotta 2+ wounds. Although you may be better off just taking a second gun drone squad for 610. *shrug*

05-11-2013, 08:40 PM
Good points! I'm not typically known for using gun drones unless I'm screening Necrons; but I'll give it a shot. Frankly I just got another SkyRay kit, and am planning to field more Seeker Missiles, but as far as volley fire is concerned, I'm thinking of fielding an aegis line with a quad gun, sitting either a drone sniper team or sniper kroot (with a sensor tower) and placing either a fireblade with them or Shadowsun.

I'm still playing with what I like for XV8 suits. Yeah Firknives are still badass, but too low a rate of fire for me, and if there's anything I've learned about taking on Necrons or Grey Knights and playing with IG and Tau is that sometimes it's definitely quantity of quality. Just my experience.

Black Katalyst
05-22-2013, 10:39 AM
I've always frowned upon burst cannons on my suits. We have fire warriors and sniper kroot for massed S4-5/sniper shooting. I'd rather give my suits weapons that our infantry can't take.

Edit: A bunch of suits with 3x burst cannons each would look awesome though :)