View Full Version : Interceptor =/= Shooting in your own turn?

05-04-2013, 06:20 AM
Im thinking of using a Tau Commander with a certain loadout but started to wonder about the wording of the Interceptor rule.

If I load out a commander with Skyfire, Interceptor and 2 Missile Pods I basically have a BS5 Quadgun for popping flyers. If he does this in my opponents turn then he cant fire in his own, meaning he could take the 'rest of your unit is twin linked and ignores cover' items.

But can he? I always assumed that Interceptor counted as your turns shooting, it just lets you do it out of sequence. I was thinking of using just Flamers for Overwatch since thats a whole additional shooting phase.

Any thoughts?

05-04-2013, 08:40 AM
Yes, you sacrifice your normal shooting.

05-04-2013, 08:49 AM
I know that, what I mean is, if Ive used interceptor the fact im not shooting in my shooting phase isnt a choice, its not allowed, but would this interfere with the two signature items that require the model to not shoot that turn or would it still allow it?

05-04-2013, 10:01 AM
I don't believe so. People often mentally shorthand Interceptor as "counts as shooting in your shooting phase" but that is not actually true. Using an Interceptor weapon does not count as shooting in your shooting phase. As page 38 says, "If this rule is used, the weapon cannot be fired in the next turn, but the firing model can shoot a different weapon if it has one." Thus, a model who uses an Interceptor weapon does not count as having fired a weapon in its shooting phase; it simply has a [i]different restriction on shooting the specific Interceptor weapon it fired during the opponent's turn.

This being the case, I think that there should be no problem using Interceptor during your opponent's turn and then the C&C node or MSS in your own.

05-04-2013, 10:48 AM
I don't believe so. People often mentally shorthand Interceptor as "counts as shooting in your shooting phase" but that is not actually true. Using an Interceptor weapon does not count as shooting in your shooting phase. As page 38 says, "If this rule is used, the weapon cannot be fired in the next turn, but the firing model can shoot a different weapon if it has one." Thus, a model who uses an Interceptor weapon does not count as having fired a weapon in its shooting phase; it simply has a [i]different restriction on shooting the specific Interceptor weapon it fired during the opponent's turn.

This being the case, I think that there should be no problem using Interceptor during your opponent's turn and then the C&C node or MSS in your own.

Yeah, it is mostly a very good idea to equip your commander that way... especially if you know your opponent will have tons of reserve units.

05-04-2013, 02:29 PM
Now i just need to make sure i have the points for him.

The full loadout, plus a couple of Drones and Iridium Armor for survivability is pushing 230 points.

05-04-2013, 03:53 PM
Your plan would work, in terms of being able to both fire Interceptor weapons and also sacrifice your shooting in the Shooting phase.

There is one catch, however: You cannot fire both Missile Pods with Interceptor. The Multi-tracker rule allows you to shoot one extra weapon IN YOUR SHOOTING PHASE. So you cannot use it to fire 2+ Suit weapons either for Overwatch or via Interceptor.

05-04-2013, 04:28 PM
Actually no, Interceptor is an ability that applies to Weapons, not the Model. The Early Warning system does say that all Weapons on a Model with this system gains Interceptor.

Essentially, any WEAPON with Interceptor can fire at an Eligible Target. Infact, thinking about it you could give a Commander 3 Missile Pods and Interceptor and possibly fire all 3.

The same reason Riptides can Intercept with an Ion Accelerator AND its TL Plasma Guns etc though i accept youre right about overwatch.

05-05-2013, 02:18 AM
It's not "any weapon can fire" but rather "any weapon can be fired"
That is an important difference and is not a grant to fire more weapons than you are otherwise allowed.
All three of his weapons might have skyfire but he can only fire one of them.

05-05-2013, 03:16 AM
The wording of the interceptor rule refers to a weapon/ or weapons used to shoot at the end of the enemy movement phase. This does not stop you shooting other weapons you have mounted on the Tau Commander in your following turn, just the ones you fired with the Intercept rule.

A small discussion (5 minute break while my opponent looked up the rule book to find out if I was cheating) occurred when he tried to claim that after I Vector Striked with my Helldrake over his Quad cannon - destroying it, he could also fire it using the intercept rule as the shooting was simultaneous with my vector strike as they both occurred at the end of my movement phase.

I brought to his attention the paragraph on page 9 of the BRB under The Turn - Exceptions - where it says that if 2 actions occur simultaneous, the player whose turn it is determines which order the actions occur. He also said I have to have the majority of my base crossing a unit to be able to vector strike, while I disagreed and said that I just need to have part of my base cut across his unit/model/ vehicle base in order vector strike. We had a third party decide, and I got the benefit of his decision, as he likened it to the same type of effect as a blast marker just needing to touch the base in order to hit you.

I would say you could shoot any other weapon or piece of equipment in your next turn as long as you did not use it for the intercepting shot. Think of how a character or other high BS model is used to shoot the Quadcannon to intercept, then uses another weapon it is personally equipped with to shoot in its own turn.

05-05-2013, 04:52 AM
I would suggest twin-linking the missile pods as the multi-tracker only works in the shooting phase.

05-05-2013, 06:45 AM
Good catch.

05-05-2013, 06:58 AM
Personally, I think it is better to but the special war gear on a shas'vre bodyguard. That frees up more weapon choices for the commander. How 'bout firing 3 guns a turn with a BS5 model?

05-05-2013, 08:26 AM
Problem is im not taking a bodyguard. He will be attatched to whatever unit I think he will benefit the most.

05-05-2013, 11:09 AM
then, yeah, twin-linked, interceptor, velocity tracker with the multi-spectral and command node are probably the way to go.