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View Full Version : Psycannon Bolts - LR Crusader????

11-01-2009, 06:49 PM
Hello all.

Grey Knight/Inquisition LR Crusader. Can take any option in the vehicle armoury. For 10 points it can have psycannon bolts.

now, the question is, do these apply to Hurricane bolters? I would say no for 2 reasons:

1. 10 points to make a possible 12 twin linked shots benefit from these is too cheap.
2. the psycannon bolts rule in the vehicle armoury specifically names Heavy bolters and storm bolters but not anything else.

Interested in your opinion - if you think these bolts can be used by Hurricane then please be so kind to go on and tell me why you think it mentions heavy and storm bolter by name but not hurricane bolters - they could have not specified and put all bolter shell weapons or soemthing.


11-01-2009, 07:25 PM
You are correct in thinking it doesn't work, for reason #2. Psycannon bolts upgrade heavy bolters and storm bolters, neither of which are hurricane bolters.

Reason #1 is irrelevant (Sacred Incense puts ALL enemies models in the same combat at -1 Initiative, though it only works against Chaos, how's that for ridiculously priced).