View Full Version : Deciding on a Horus Heresy Legion to play...

05-03-2013, 10:57 PM

I know I will play Thousand Sons when they come out, but I needed a loyalist army now. And not a red on as my 30,000 points of Crimson Templars are dark red.


Raven Guard it is.

05-04-2013, 10:39 AM
sounds like a plan.

from what was said at the FW open day.
Raven Guard will be featured in the 3rd FW book, alongside, Imperial Fists, Alpha Legion and Iron Warriors.
The book is going to cover the rest of the Isstvan 5 campaign and will also include the battle of Phall, explaining the Imperial Fists appearance.
As Alan Bligh is doing books 2&3 as a single project (along the lines of the two Badab books, where its all written at once then cut in half)
you can expect Corax and his legion's rules at the beginning of the new year (jan-feb 2014).
however they'll still be using the Army list shown in betrayal as a base (just adding new things same as with the legions presented in betrayal. so no need to wait till then to get started.

05-04-2013, 10:44 PM
So what do you think the other Legions will get as characteristics/traits/army special rules?

White Tiger88
05-05-2013, 12:35 AM
Pft Go Slamanders....then you get A Christmas collection! :D

05-05-2013, 01:47 AM
And painting black is boring, and harder then it seems to make it look good. Which is why I'd probably not do Dark Angels if I ever managed to get the funds to do a HH army.

Mr Mystery
05-05-2013, 02:36 AM
I'm enjoying my Emperor's Children. Instantly recognisable on the board.

05-05-2013, 09:51 AM
And painting black is boring, and harder then it seems to make it look good. Which is why I'd probably not do Dark Angels if I ever managed to get the funds to do a HH army.

Really I find black pretty easy to do...
Just do two drybrush layers over a black primer/basecoat and then edge highlights with the lightest of those. Add a nice wash to darken everything back down and boom, you're done.

And with Raven Guard you could do some interesting things like doing the highlights in blue tones: say a deep, dark blue for the first drybrush, then a mid-tone one for the second drybrush and edge highlights. Follow up with a dark blue or black wash and then maybe a blue glaze if you want a bit more colour in there...
I imagine you could get it to look like a nice, deep midnight black/blue, like that iridescent colour ravens tend to have. :)

05-05-2013, 11:30 AM
Pft Go Slamanders....then you get A Christmas collection! :D

Yep Salamanders have to be a consideration, I have a feeling when FW get round to giving Vulkan a model it's going to be fecking awesome. I also keep my fingers crossed the Fire Drakes get the FW treatment.

The Sovereign
05-05-2013, 07:47 PM
White Scars or Salamanders. I'm trying to decide between the two myself.

05-06-2013, 02:12 AM
White Scars or Salamanders. I'm trying to decide between the two myself.

i would love to see a white scars army on the board. Never seen a proper scars army( saw the WD one but come on dreadnought because you just wanted to use the starter. Half aŁ%#d ).

05-06-2013, 01:43 PM
myself, im buying small bits here and there for when they release all those night lord goodies that were sneaked...

05-06-2013, 08:58 PM
I agree, Salamanders need to get their due. I thought about them because I do like their humanist element. And the books by Nick Kyne are good. But ultimately it is Raven Guard.

Odds re I will do multiple loyalists!


05-07-2013, 03:59 AM
If I ever have the money to do a Heresy army (probably never lol), my two picks would be Salamanders and Thousand Sons. Particularly interested to see how Thousand Sons play. It would be worth fielding a Heresy army of Thousand Sons simply so that Ahriman can actually use Divination! Oh....and Magnus....:cool: