View Full Version : Ork Slugga - 1:1 Scale

05-03-2013, 04:39 PM
I may have had a creativity spurt of late. Partially inspired by Sukigod's Slugga/Nerf conversions, I started one of my own after finding them on sale.

Here's what I started with;


Which has, so far, become this;


As you might expect, I made sure it was still functional. The box magazine pulls out to reveal the cylinder magazine for reloading, and the firing mechanism still pumps out all ten darts in reasonable order.

Obviously, there is a lot of work to do. Although the build is finished, the paint job needs to come from somewhere. I'll probably be going with a metallic base and paint on the actual... er, well... paint!

I do have a load of WIP photos of the build, but so far only in a facebook album, so for privacy reasons I'll be sharing specific bits on request... until I get around to putting them on my flickr stream as usual.

As always, I'd love to know what you think,


05-05-2013, 03:31 AM
That looks awesome! :D I have to show my friend who does Orks this!

05-05-2013, 03:36 AM
The one thing I like about making ork weapons is that lines don't have to be straight. AND THAT IS SO ****EN COOL

05-06-2013, 05:05 AM
Shades - the hatching on the handle and the muzzle flash eliminator are a little technological for orkses. Suggest you could bind some leather twine/thong arond the pistol grip for the former, the latter, the quickest way to cover the grill on the barrel and keep the shape, would probably be a wrap around with some sheet lead, ie wine bottle top.

05-06-2013, 03:04 PM
I strongly approve! I may have to make my own attempt at making one of these.

05-06-2013, 04:04 PM
Cheers guys, very much appreciate the comments.

Way ahead of you Denzark, there are many things still to come on this beasty yet. Speaking of which, I completed a black undercoat and aluminium base coat yesterday;


and a shot of the case ejection breach


Obviously I need the weather the living hell out of it, some of which I'll do before, some after the colours. Still, it's a start.


KrewL RaiN
05-06-2013, 06:35 PM
Now you can run around firing it yelling DAKKADAKKADAKKA *snickers*

I do love how that plastic welding method of yours make it look even more Orky, like they just roughly welded a bunch of parts together!

05-11-2013, 04:39 PM
More updates;

First layer of weathering done! And by that I mean I scooped up a load of ash from our fire pit, vigerously mixed it with some water and added a couple of drops of hand soap to break up the surface tension. The result?


Not the best quality photos, I'll admit. Without the camera lens getting in the way, the ash isn't quite so bright, but it has certainly given the metal an aged patina, rather than just looking rusted. I've just given it a coat of purity seal as well, as handling the gun turned my palms black in a matter of seconds.


Close up of the detail the ash made. God help me if I ever tried to do THAT with a brush and normal paints. I was hopping the ash mix would actually end up darker than the metal, but I'm actually quite happy with how it all turned out. After all, I can always give it a nuln oil wash or something later on.


05-21-2013, 11:50 AM
First colours are on.


Lots still to do, but this will probably be the fullest extent of the block colour. I needed to neaten up the splashes of red that have spilled across the welds. In the pictures, the red looks fairly smooth, but in reality it is far patchier; hopefully far more Orky. Other colour will come from painted on runes and other details, which will go on over the welds.


05-23-2013, 11:32 AM
I did more!


Neither are the best photos in the world, but they give you a good idea of what I'm doing. Next stage is going to be to weather the living hell out of it. A few black and brown washes (not necessarily all over all of the gun!) and maybe some judicious use of the old GW Black Ink for oils build ups, maybe even some of the orange varnish left over from my swamp board...

I've also done a couple of close up picks of the leather wraps on the grip;


It's actually a white tennis racket grip left in a pot of tea over night. I then used my rotary tool and bench vice to twist it tight to give it some skin-like texture (if a little out of scale...) and then used hot-melt glue to fix it in place, adding small dabs while I wound it round the grip.

I have a little bit of the leather left and want to make sense of the clip bar at the bottom of the grip, so I am going to sculpt a large orky/pradator-esque tooth which I'll paint up, put on a loop of leather and hang from it.

What do you all think so far?

Wrath of Azkaellon
05-23-2013, 03:16 PM
That's really funky! :)

05-25-2013, 05:35 PM
Made from about half a pack of Milliput, I did this;



I tried to do my best to sculpt in as much realistic detail, based on pictures of teeth from Crocodiles, big cats and bears. I did a base coat of brown using CarPlan Colour Match Brown-03 (why would anyone want a car in that colour?) which helped give a deep, lustrous colour as well as smooth out the surface of the tooth, more similar to natural enamel. I then washed it using Agrax Earthshade to give the other paints something better to cling to. I then over brushed with Karak Stone, Ushabti Bone, Screaming Bell and a little White Scar, occasionally stippling to smooth out some of the transitions and add in some additional detail. Again, I had pictures of real teeth as a reference.


Finally I hung it from the pistol's grip using a spare strip of the same material I used on the grip. I still want to weather the gun back a bit, make it grimier looking. I may also apply this to the tooth as well so it doesn't stand out too much. I'll have to see how it all comes together.
