View Full Version : 500 pt League: Coteaz Deathrain Troll

04-30-2013, 09:59 PM
So...I understand that math hammer is different than table hammer BUT...
Doing a 500 pt gradual escalation league (win to go higher pts) and I want to use my Gks. I was hearing a lot of jokes the last time I was at the LGS about GKs being obsolete (weird bunch, don't ask) so I want to troll them. FWIW, most are fielding high amounts of infantry:

Coteaz-100 pts
Warband 1: 6X Psyker, 3 Warrior Acolyte w/SB, Chimera-136 pts
Warband 2: 6X Psyker, 3 Warrior Acolyte w/SB, Chimera-136 pts
Warband 3: 3 Warrior Acolyte, Razorback w/ Psybolts-62 pts
Warband 4: 3 Warrior Acolyte, Razorback w/ Psybolts-62 pts

Total: 496 pts

This gives me:
2 S6 AP3 Large Blast (assuming they don't perils...)
12 SB shots
2 Chimeras
2 Razorbacks w/Psy bolts

Aka a crap ton of S6 firepower.

This is arguably more firepower than IG can put out at this points level.

Tactics against IG are to kill that darn MoO ASAP and then shoot everything else.
Against SM, castle up a la IG and just keep jerking that trigger :-)
Against Daemons, same.
Against deep strikers, Coteaz, lulz.

Issues I see:
-Glass hammer, if those transports go, everything will die.
-AV 13 and 14 is not stoppable. Then again most people don't field Russ or Predator at this level. And if they do, go for the side, or depending on the mission, play keep away and hope for a big scatter.

Am I completely off base or is this a legit list?


Shas'O Alohcry
05-01-2013, 02:26 AM
If they are fielding high amounts of infantry why not drop one unit in the chimeras and take 5 purifiers with 2x incinerators (those things kill guardsmen by the dozen.

Or if you are worried go with purifiers with 2x Psycannons, I personally swear by a Purgation squad with 4x Psycannons (16 str7 rending shots is fun) but at 180pts they will eat your limits quick, but like I say, they are well worth it in my experience. (Last game they trashed a quad gun and two Vendettas, and that's forgetting I had Coteaz with them and could have probably killed both Dettas before they even got to shoot!)