View Full Version : Tau Empire Members on the Tabletop

04-30-2013, 09:51 AM
Just for fun, let's have a thread and stat out the rest of the Tau Empire. I think a good goal would be at least one 40k unit for every species that isn't already represented (that isn't disqualified from inclusion by the material we already have). Let's try to make them balanced, because that would be more of a challenge. Perhaps out of this conversation we can even make decisions about which Allies would be best to "counts-as" in the 40k we actually have.

Let's start with the information in the codex and other material. I'll add my thoughts, but I'm no good at fan-made rules.

• Multi-Armed

• Amphibians.
• Invertebrates.
° Maybe some kind of battlesuit?

• Space-dwarves, which means that they are slow moving but durable.
• Hate orks.
•*Most of their weapons are repurposed mining technology.
° Sort of a heavy weapons/tarpit TEQ unit. 2+/4++. Power fists?
° Teleport in (Deep Strike)
° Good, but limited short-range shooting (one in three can replace their power fist with a "mining laser" meltagun or something).
° Preferred Enemy: Orks and/or Hatred: Orks

• Extremely psychically powerful.
• Definitely have access to Telekinesis (in BFG, their ships are powered by telekinetic energy and have a railgun-like effect which is basically all the Nicassar on board thinking bad thoughts at you at once).
• Very physically weak.
° Maybe a vehicle. Like a skimmer that scoots around the tabletop being psychic?
° Alternately, not a "true" psychic, but has one or two abilities that act as psychic powers.
° Perhaps it has weapons (a burst cannon or SMS) but you can pick on each turn to take a psychic test to give it an invulnerable save or use a psychic attack.

And finally, these guys are probably not suitable for use on the tabletop:

• Tough, but dumb.

• Tiny crustaceans.

• Tiny worms with mind-control powers.

Anyway, what do you think? I'm giving my students the California State Tests today, which is so incredibly boring (for the teacher - it's just misery for the kids) that I'm eager for any distraction.

04-30-2013, 09:57 AM
I keep seeing the Greet as those wacky dancing noodle men outside Tau car dealerships.

05-01-2013, 01:41 AM
Sounds like a fun topic :)
Greet, in terms of the models I had seen before someone do a very nice conversion with lizardmen skinks and tau bits that worked very well, you also have the slann model that could maybe be incorporated somehow!? In terms of their rules I think a basic infantry would be a good choice to be included in the troops section for a bit more diversity! cheap, lightly armored something along the lines of
WS 3 BS 3 S 3 T 3 I 2 A 1 LD 8 SV 5+ 6 points per model
Wargear: Blowpipe ST 3 AP 6 Range 18"
May exchange for Pulse Carbine (2 points per model)
Special Rules: Toxic Skin: For every successful wound made against a Greet in close combat the attacking unit must roll a separate dice on a 5+ they suffer a wound against which normal saves may be taken. (Just thought of salamanders that have skin so toxic when eaten by a bull frog the bull frog dies and the
salamander climbs happily out of its stomach and carries on!
Stubborn as well maybe? I just threw that together so have at it :P

05-01-2013, 03:16 AM
Well the Demiurge are props going to be like squats (never saw their rules though) so maybe

WS 3 BS 3 S 4(5) T 4(5) W 3 I 3 A 2(3) SV 3+

Now what I was thinking was miners in space work in dangerous environments so they need good armor, their untrained so WS BS 3 of course but they are strong and tough so it's a little balanced their.

weapon, Laser cutter (multi purpose weapon here) S 4/+2 AP 3/1 Range 6, Assault 1 the bigger stats are for when in hand to hand and the smaller to show that mining tech is meant for close work not range but still is their.

Hatred Orks, of course
Enraged, when attacked roll a D6 for the unit on a 4+ use the higher stats for rest of game. This just seems so right.
Deep Strike

Each Demiurge can take 2 death disks
BS 4 WS- S- T 3 W 2 I 1 A-
Re-magnified range finders (I don't know) S 5 AP 5 Range 30, heavy 2
wall of light: when a unit with a death disk in it is assaulted the Range finders use wall of flame in stead of resolving a normal over watch
No master, if all the Demiurges die in a unit then all remaining disks explode with a small blast template resolved at S 4 AP 5

about 15-20 not sure really and they come in squads of 3-6 Elites maybe

Veterans, add one to WS and BS: 12 . again not really sure so yer
We respect our armor, +1 to armor save as they look after their armor: 10
Death Disks: 20 (is that to high?)

Add what you think could be fun
Yes I am just going to edit this one

Mr Mystery
05-01-2013, 03:26 AM
In regard to Demiurge, it's noted the Demiruge themselves don't really do the dirty work, but deploy robots and that repurposed from smashing rocks to smashing skulls.

Perhaps a Warmchine style unit, where the Demiurg controller is needed to control the Robots?

05-01-2013, 03:40 AM
just rain on my parade, but yer so each one comes with a drone or 2

Mr Mystery
05-01-2013, 03:47 AM

Is a good excuse to make the Demiurg themselves tough as nails. I don't imagine someone critical to a units continued operation would take to the field in Flak armour :)

05-01-2013, 05:44 AM
3+ armor save wth a T5 good enough for you :P

Mr Mystery
05-01-2013, 09:50 AM
I'd say 2+....probably :p

But please...no dedicated HTH units...please?

05-01-2013, 02:27 PM
well it would fit, but the drones will be ranged so not always worth going the charge

05-03-2013, 06:11 PM
I wanted the Demiurg in the new Dex Soooo badly... Even as an elite, I'd have taken them. However what I DID do was take some squid heads from the Dropzone range, and make the squid people from the last starfighter and use them as carbine tau, so at least there's some consistency rules wise... Now that Kroot have lost their combat ability (if it ever really was that), Tau now HAVE to take Orks or Marines or someone just to supplement their CC needs; otherwise they're just a fancy hit and run army now.

Although I WILL say, that at least the Skyray has Skyfire now... that I'm very much happy with...