View Full Version : Tyranids Vs Grey Knights 1850pts (Vanguard Strike, Relic)

The Madman
04-30-2013, 03:41 AM
Played my first game with Tyranids (haven't played nids for 5 years) against Grey Knights yesterday and though i won, it wasn't how I wanted to. it turns out that trying to charge Grey Knights was a death sentence as he had both the prescience and foreboding Divination powers on his front line infantry (a 5 man terminator squad and a 10 man paladin squad) so when a hormaguant brood attempted to assault he wiped out a half of them that put the unit way out of charge range.

so once i knew i couldn't get into close combat i concentrated on forging a gun line and using my hormaguant broods as meat shields/objective scorers to stop him from claiming the relic. it turns out that nids are better at shooting then close combat now as the gun beasts did more then the Hormaguants, Trygon and Parasite.

The MVB (most valuable brood) was the Biovores that managed to wipe 4 of the 5 terminators and whittle down another Strike Squad down to 1.

Most terrifying was the Hive Tyrant with wings and two twin-linked devourers which wiped a Strike Squad with a single volley.

The Paladins won the Spartan award as they managed to hold of the tyranid swarms thanks to a bottle neck (and that made me change my game plans from "kill" to "grab relic and run").

Most usless was the Parasite as it didn't do anything before it was murdered by a Dreadknight.

I won with the First Blood and Linebreaker points, the relic was in my table half but he had been successful in mowing down any scoring unit that tried to claim it.

here is my list, there was a lot of experimentation in it and i would have gone for a much different list if i had the models.

Hive Tyrant - 2 twin-linked devourers with brainleech worms, Wings, Old Adversary. - 285pts

Parasite of Mortrex - 160pts

Tervigon - Scything Talons, Adrenal Glands, Toxin Sacs, Regeneration, Catalyst and Onslaught. - 245pts

Devilgant Brood - 20 Termagants with Devourers. - 200pts

Hormagaunt Brood - 22 Hormagaunts. - 132pts

Hormagaunt Brood - 22 Hormagaunts. - 132pts

Hive Guard Brood - 3 Hive Guard. - 150pts

Harpy - 160pts

Biovore Brood - 3 Biovores. - 135pts

The Red Terror - Trygon Prime with Adrenal Glands. - 250pts

TOTAL 1849pts

04-30-2013, 06:36 AM
You might want to rewrite the first sentence. I don't understand what it is saying.

05-23-2013, 10:26 AM
Preffered enemy helps you re roll ones to hit and to wound. More a days 3 tervigons is the way to go.

Homagaunts in so many words are not great. You need to go mass biomancy for the endurance. A tervigon with endurance is a sight to look upon.

Against grey knights I think shooting them to death was a good option. Venomthorpes are a lot better since they can have endrance and d_grenades within 8" gives stealth.

05-27-2013, 09:41 PM
Preffered enemy helps you re roll ones to hit and to wound. More a days 3 tervigons is the way to go.

Homagaunts in so many words are not great. You need to go mass biomancy for the endurance. A tervigon with endurance is a sight to look upon.

Against grey knights I think shooting them to death was a good option. Venomthorpes are a lot better since they can have endrance and d_grenades within 8" gives stealth.

you shouldn't be giving up your tervigon powers for a shot a endurance, they can already buy FNP for x pts its not worth spending 2x pts to go for the three biomancy rolls and pontentially not get it. By all means biomancy tyrants but keep your tervs cheaper and stick with catalyst.

10-23-2013, 09:49 PM
Overlooked the Harpy. How is it working for you.