View Full Version : Space Marine Drop Pod

04-29-2013, 08:04 AM
Afternoon all, just finished painting a Drop Pod for my Space Marine army which will be used by my Sternguard Squad - http://www.lounge.belloflostsouls.net/showthread.php?31147-Sternguard-Veteran-Squad

Here are the pics, enjoy.

Drop Pod closed:


Drop Pod top and bottom:


Drop Pod open:


and last but not least here it is with it being used:


(Note: If you look closely ive added carbon scoring to the melta barrels for the two combi-melta Sternguard, as a first attempt it isnt too bad, enjoy)

Comments and Opinions welcome as usual.

04-29-2013, 10:21 AM
Looks really good though I note you've not included the harnesses, any particular reason why? I love the look of Drop Pod's but they look rather complicated to assemble and paint (I've heard they can be a pain to put together) so I've not got around to getting one yet for my force. How did you find it?

04-29-2013, 10:25 AM
First drop pod I bought had the harnesses glued on, after that experience I decided that I wasn't going to have them ever again. I find gluing the model together easier without the harnesses and it's a lot easier to paint too :p

04-29-2013, 01:40 PM
Looks good.

I'd just say two things the silver sections on the wings, or buttresses, or whatever they are look patchy in a way that isn't particularly nice -- maybe a dilute wash and possibly a subtle highlight would help to make it look better.

It also feels a bit naked -- it needs Chapter symbols, and maybe squad markings or honour marks.

Overall, I really like the simple colour scheme, and it looks especially good in the final photo with the squad.

04-29-2013, 02:14 PM
Im specifically going for a no highlight scheme, perhaps some point down the road I'll add chapter markings but I've yet to design one :P

The metal parts were originally just painted metal, then washed black and then painted metal again, the 'blotchy' look is on purpose, well sort of lol.

05-01-2013, 11:40 AM
Gilbert I like this and its accompanying Squad. However I feel it would benefit from some re-entry burn marks/carbon scoring.