View Full Version : Warhammer Forge New Releases

04-26-2013, 10:40 AM
Two new releases for fantasy battle. I love the Orc Standard Bearer, not so keen on the champion though.

Orc Command £30


The greenskinned Orcs are a brutal and savage species; hulking, powerful and possessed of a low cunning often underestimated by their myriad enemies. Their armies are commanded by a Warboss; the biggest, strongest and most powerful of their number, and as the Warboss’ tally of victories grows, so too does its stature, with the great Waaagh!s being led by hulking, verdant monsters who stand head and shoulders above the teeming masses who follow in their wake.

As the Warboss wins more victories and grows in notoriety, its vanity and ego will also increase. A subordinate will often be granted the honour of carrying a great, ramshackle standard into battle, loudly and vulgarly proclaiming the Warboss’ prowess in the form of crude glyphs and the broken arms and armour of the vanquished, as well as rotting trophies torn from the field of battle and nailed prominently upon the banner.

The Orc Command Set, designed by Edgar Skomorowski, contains two multi-part resin models, each packed with jaw-dropping detail – from the severed wing of a great Wyvern, bearing the broken body of a Trollslayer, which the Standard Bearer carries, to the mighty, battered axe and the hateful bellow etched upon the Warboss’ features. These models are available to pre-order now and will be despatched from the 3rd of May.

Realm of Battle - Earthworks £75


The Realm of Battle Earthworks is a fantastic addition to any Warhammer Realm of Battle gaming table; a hillside position fortified with two earthen bastions for artillery pieces, a forward ravelin, and an additional cavalier. The earthworks also feature sufficient space for units of supporting missile troops, and Blake has packed this scenery tile with plenty of detail, from cached barrels of blackpowder to discarded shields and crossbows. Such defensive positions are a common hallmark of the Dwarfs and Empire particularly the vaunted artillery trains of Nuln, and it is indeed a rare army of Sigmar’s Empire that does not draw up its ranks with emplaced artillery at its back. The Earthworks can also be used to represent an area that has been overrun by forcues of a more destructive nature such as the Orcs and Goblins and the hordes of the Chaos Gods.

04-26-2013, 10:15 PM
Buying a battleboard, Orcs are beautifully sculpted but not my thing at all.

04-27-2013, 03:13 AM
Buying a battleboard, Orcs are beautifully sculpted but not my thing at all.

+++Deleted - Personal Attack in violation of TOS+++

04-27-2013, 03:58 AM
Why bother when it seems to cause you so much angst?:rolleyes: It's much more enjoyable.

04-27-2013, 06:54 AM
Why bother when it seems to cause you so much angst?:rolleyes: It's much more enjoyable.

+++Deleted - Personal Attack in violation of TOS+++

04-27-2013, 07:24 AM
Your point is what, exactly? Every single person on this forum can disbelieve my claims about my collection (and I wouldn't blame them) but it won't impact said collection one whit. I'm not here to show off and my contributions to this forum are not based on the size and scope of my collection, something I reference only rarely anyway.

So you want to disbelieve my claims? Go ahead, doesn't bother me, don't even blame you. Want to tell everyone I'm a liar, whatever, my contributions to this forum still stand. So knock yourself out, I've been dealing with people like you for fifteen years and I'm still here enjoying myself on the internet.:rolleyes:

04-27-2013, 07:42 AM
Your point is what, exactly? Every single person on this forum can disbelieve my claims about my collection (and I wouldn't blame them) but it won't impact said collection one whit. I'm not here to show off and my contributions to this forum are not based on the size and scope of my collection, something I reference only rarely anyway.

So you want to disbelieve my claims? Go ahead, doesn't bother me, don't even blame you. Want to tell everyone I'm a liar, whatever, my contributions to this forum still stand. So knock yourself out, I've been dealing with people like you for fifteen years and I'm still here enjoying myself on the internet.:rolleyes:

+++Deleted - Personal Attack in violation of TOS+++

04-27-2013, 07:51 AM
Alright Orks, this isn't the sort of thing we want on BoLS. EG doesn't have to show anything if she doesn't want to. She doesn't brag about what she has, so I don't see what the issue is. Jus leave it be and lets keep things civil.

04-27-2013, 08:02 AM
Alright Orks, this isn't the sort of thing we want on BoLS. EG doesn't have to show anything if she doesn't want to. She doesn't brag about what she has, so I don't see what the issue is. Jus leave it be and lets keep things civil.

+++Deleted - Personal Attack in violation of TOS+++

04-27-2013, 08:07 AM
So what you're saying is, your collection is entirely fictional, gotcha.
Whats happened to make you so desperate to get the approval of internet people?
So predictable.:rolleyes:

If I do get approval on BoLs it is because of genuine contributions I make, like the alternate miniatures thread, trawling for rumours, posting updates from Games Day threads on other forums and blogs and so forth. If I am respected, and I hope I am, it is because of these things that I have done and will continue to do.

If she doesn't brag, why does she pop up on every Warhammer Forge thread or eldar related Forgeworld thread to say whats she's buying? Its simplicity in itself to snap a quick photo of some models, and yet shes talking often of how much she owns and every once shown any proof. Honestly is one of the very cornerstones of civility.
Because I'm enthusiastic about eldar and Warhammer Forge and keen to show my support. Particularly with the RoB boards because, As I have said frequently, I want to see more xenos and race specific boards and the best way to ensure that is to support the current releases by buying them.

A more pertinent question would be why this offends you so. I've no doubt many people share your disbelief but they don't feel the need to derail topics with their concerns.

04-27-2013, 08:15 AM
So predictable.:rolleyes:

If I do get approval on BoLs it is because of genuine contributions I make, like the alternate miniatures thread, trawling for rumours, posting updates from Games Day threads on other forums and blogs. If I am respected, and I hope I am, it is because of these things that I have done and will continue to do.

Because I'm enthusiastic about eldar and Warhammer Forge and keen to show my support. Particularly with the RoB boards because, As I have said frequently, I want to see more xenos and race specific boards and the best way to ensure that is to support the current releases by buying them.

A more pertinent question would be why this offends you so. I've no doubt many people share your disbelief but they don't feel the need to derail topics with their concerns.

+++Deleted - Personal Attack in violation of TOS+++

04-27-2013, 08:20 AM
And I say again, so? What on earth do you think you are going to get out of it? I'm not going to stop doing what I'm doing just because some newbie with a history of trolling has hysterics.:rolleyes:

04-27-2013, 08:24 AM
And I say again, so? What on earth do you think you are going to get out of it? I'm not going to stop doing what I'm doing just because some newbie with a history of trolling has hysterics.:rolleyes:

+++Deleted - Personal Attack in violation of TOS+++

04-27-2013, 08:31 AM
Orks this does not belong in this thread, or indeed on this forum. If you want to have this discussion (if it can be called that) then take it to private messaging, that's what PM's are there for.

04-27-2013, 08:32 AM
Orks, Orks, Orks

Whatl is your problem and what does it matter who proves what.

We play toy soldiers and talk about them on the internet I wasn't aware that this required evidence or proof or whatever it is you are really after.

People here are free to say whatever they wish about our hobby of little men and I thank anyone who contributes as long as they do so with respect for each other.

Leave this bizarre interrogation where it is and can we all get back to talking about which elves would beat who's space monsters in a fight, please!!!

04-27-2013, 08:35 AM
No, it is not reasonable. You have no authority to make demands of me or any entitlement to anything from me or anyone else on this forum. I have no obligation to prove anything to anyone and, contrary b!tch that I am, the more people like you make demands the less likely I am to comply.:rolleyes: Whether or not you and others perceive that as desperate is quite irrelevant, it changes nothing and I simply don't care.

Brakkart, sorry you had your thread derailed on account of me. Send TDA or one of the other mods a message and they should be able to at least split this nonsense off into the Oubliette.

04-27-2013, 08:36 AM
Honestly is one of the very cornerstones of civility.

I just want you admit that you're a liar. You could end this now if you are telling the truth. Its not trolling or hysterics.

I'm asking you to prove the things you're claiming, thats a reasonable request. Your refusal is looking more and more desperate.

you are very clearly utterly without any civility yourself and are simply trolling, why are you here?

those orcs look superb, very tempting. the board is cool, not really something I have space for right now, but one day... come on lottery...

04-27-2013, 08:36 AM
Did she call you guys in to white knight or did you come of your own accord?

04-27-2013, 08:38 AM
No, it is not reasonable. You have no authority to make demands of me or any entitlement to anything from me or anyone else on this forum. I have no obligation to prove anything to anyone and, contrary b!tch that I am, the more people like you make demands the less likely I am to comply.:rolleyes: Whether or not you and others perceive that as desperate is quite irrelevant, it changes nothing and I simply don't care.

+++Deleted - Personal Attack in violation of TOS+++

those orcs look superb, very tempting. the board is cool, not really something I have space for right now, but one day... come on lottery...

+++Deleted - Personal Attack in violation of TOS+++

04-27-2013, 08:38 AM
You don't like liars.

I don't like jerks!

Stop being a jerk please.

04-27-2013, 08:38 AM
Did she call you guys in to white knight or did you come of your own accord?

I came of my own accord. I started this thread to discuss these new releases from Warhammer Forge and I don't take kindly to people like you derailing it for no good reason.

04-27-2013, 08:40 AM
Did she call you guys in to white knight or did you come of your own accord?

*whistles innocently as she empties her Private Messages Sent folder*

Sorry, I'll stop feeding the troll now.

04-27-2013, 08:42 AM
*whistles innocently as she empties her Private Messages Sent folder*

+++Deleted - Personal Attack in violation of TOS+++

04-27-2013, 08:43 AM
no, because I don't care what she has, makes no difference at all to what she does here and I would happily ride to her defence any time.

04-27-2013, 08:45 AM
no, because I don't care what she has, makes no difference at all to what she does here and I would happily ride to her defence any time.

+++Deleted - Personal Attack in violation of TOS+++

04-27-2013, 08:49 AM
do these people not also wonder why no one has ever seen a single one of your models, a collection that apparently boosts 11 titans?

she has seen them, her friends and family have seen them, and the people at the games club she goes too have seen them. and frankly that's good enough for me. I have a housemate with a huge Necron army and he's never taken a photo of them. Does that make them any less real? No. You are being absurd.

04-27-2013, 08:50 AM
She doesn't own any models at all

[citation needed]

Or to put it another way: Do you? Where are all these orks you've claimed to own? I've never seen them, ergo you are a liar and a fraud. Go on, admit it. Liar. I bet you don't even know what an ork looks like. Damn fake geek girls (wait what?).

It devalues every statement shes ever made.

I dunno, pretty sure the bit where she basically called you an idiot still has value ;)

04-27-2013, 08:52 AM
I dunno, pretty sure the bit where she basically called you an idiot still has value ;)


04-27-2013, 08:58 AM
she has seen them, her friends and family have seen them, and the people at the games club she goes too have seen them. and frankly that's good enough for me. I have a housemate with a huge Necron army and he's never taken a photo of them. Does that make them any less real? No. You are being absurd.

+++Deleted - Personal Attack in violation of TOS+++

[citation needed]

Or to put it another way: Do you? Where are all these orks you've claimed to own? I've never seen them, ergo you are a liar and a fraud. Go on, admit it. Liar. I bet you don't even know what an ork looks like. Damn fake geek girls

Find a quote from me where I've claimed to own any model and I will post that model once I get home from work or sooner if I have an existing picture of that model on my phone. +++Deleted - Personal Attack in violation of TOS+++

04-27-2013, 09:03 AM
this is just surreal.

04-27-2013, 09:17 AM
My theory is that Orks is actually eldargal's sock puppet to gain sympathy for her using a double bluff where she attacks herself by making the truth of her non-existent army into an attack so we disbelieve it by acting like an ***. She (as Orks [because who would suspect the ultimate Eldar fan of a greenskin username?]) uses the most outlandish arguments, literally demanding that "another person" on the internet has to prove something because..? They don't like liars and they've jumped to the conclusion.
Smoke and mirrors! (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kU4RHfjeE8w) Is it eldargal? Is it OrksOrksOrks? If she doesn't know, how will we? Who is she? She's a ghost, she's a shadow, she's gone! *poof!*

So, OrksOrksOrks, the burden of proof is on you to prove you exist, as I'm saying you don't, and until you can prove these demands to my satisfaction, I shall call you a liar and a fraud (who also does not exist).

Oh, and don't try any of that posting links to facebook, using different IP adresses or photos of yourself stuff - FB is easy to fake, IPs can be proxied and anyone can pull photos off the internet and say it's them. Oh, and if you think coming to my house in person will do it, or having other people say they've met you, I know how easy it would be to hire an actor to claim to be you, so don't even think about any of this "people have met me in real life" stuff.

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
04-27-2013, 09:24 AM
Brakkart, sorry you had your thread derailed on account of me. Send TDA or one of the other mods a message and they should be able to at least split this nonsense off into the Oubliette.

I am no longer a moderator, apparently my methods are too extreme.

I, as EG's ex, can vouch for her collection, if for nothing else than to stop this bloody argument.
Orks, stop being a colossal wanker, like usual. If I had my way, you would have been permanently banned.

04-27-2013, 09:25 AM
My cunning ploy is foiled! I would have got away with it if it weren't for you meddling Gotthammers!:p

I have a huge lady crush on Katherine Parkinson.

04-27-2013, 09:33 AM
Victory is mine! :D

Actually on topic, I quite like the RoB board - not enough to invest, mind - but it wouldn't be too hard to make it generic enough to be multi-purpose for 40k as well. Good dose of feralness on the orks, but the champion's pose and expression is a bit meh.

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
04-27-2013, 09:38 AM
I actually quite like the Champion, he's got a 'come on then, if you think you're hard enough' pose.

And as much as I like the boards, I still can't afford them.

Also Gott, I need to have a word with you at some point. Bloody work.

04-27-2013, 09:40 AM
I dunno, looks more pained to me than angry, like he's working a bad curry through his system.

04-27-2013, 09:41 AM
I'd like to see the Champion painted... I'm not inspired by the unpainted one. The Standard bearer is awesome though.

04-27-2013, 09:43 AM
I'd like to see the Champion painted... I'm not inspired by the unpainted one. The Standard bearer is awesome though.
By the standard of some of FWs paintjobs recently that may not be a wise request.

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
04-27-2013, 09:43 AM
I dunno, looks more pained to me than angry, like he's working a bad curry through his system.

Poor guy, I know those feels.

Yeah, why has the painting quality gone so jank all of a sudden?

04-27-2013, 09:53 AM
Everyone calm down. To quote Dr. Strangelove "Gentlemen - we can't have any fighting in here - this is the War Room!"

OrksOrksOrks, consider this a gentle warning. This sub-topic regarding Eldargal has nothing to do with this thread's topic, was instigated by yourself, and has degenerated into personal attacks in violation of ToS. Sub-topics such as yours are best discussed via PM between the individuals involved, not in public threads.

Thread trimmed.

(I'm trying to finish a Riptide people.... grumble, grumble)

04-27-2013, 10:01 AM
Aw, and I had this awesome 'yo momma' joke lined up and everything.

(sorry BigRed, no more troll feeding)

Bit disappointed the Merwyrm isn't up yet, such a beautiful sculpt. Also curious as to what the next RoB board will be, wonder if there will be a preview in WD.

04-27-2013, 10:15 AM
The Standard bearer is awesome though.

Yeah I love how he is using a Wyvern's wing for the actual banner, it's like after the battle while the boyz were chopping up the dead Wyvern for that nights feast he spotted the wing and went "Hang on ladz, we can use that bit".

The last few White Dwarf's have all shown a shot of a RoB board that was in the works. For fantasy themed boards I'd quite like to see a ruined village/farmstead and also sections with river/roads on them.

04-27-2013, 10:48 AM
In regards to the ForgeWorld RoB boards, has anybody played on them? I have the GW plastic set, and until I flocked/sanded it... I hated that thing!! With all of the hills, you could never place your models properly (I play Tyranids mostly and usually bring a hefty horde), without them sliding all around. Now that it's flocked/painted (not very well mind you), it's better, but I would still rather play on a flat table top and just add hills here and there.

I remember being so excited to buy it way back when, but now I'm terrified of getting some of these because the cost is so high vs. the frustration of trying to play on one.

What's been your experience with them?

04-27-2013, 11:00 AM
The same, personally. I love my real of battle board, looks great, solid, durable, but the hills as you say are an issue, models sliding about the place. especially in fantasy games with large blocks of models on movement trays. My plan now is to make my own flat urban tiles

04-27-2013, 11:02 AM
The merwyrm reminds me of a big, angry sausage dog with its itty-bitty legs.

rpricew, I've not played on the FW boards but I'd imagine they'd be much the same in terms of "slippyness". That's actually why I like skirmish games like LotR as you can have nice looking boards and not have to worry about trying to cram an entire squad in somewhere to keep coherency but not falling over.