View Full Version : Skyshields on the Horizon:

04-26-2013, 09:44 AM
The ever increasing amount of weaponry (or options) which allows your opponet to ignore cover is somewhat startling. I'm a Chaos Space Marine player so I know what I'm talking about. We have lots of this stuff. The Tau of course do us one better by being able to give all their weapons the ability to ignore cover. Everyone has a little bit of this, and some people have a lot. What does it mean for the META?

My guess is it means the Skyshields will come to replace the Aegis in most games beneath 2000pts. The Skyshield, as most know, provides a 4+ Invulnerable save rather than cover. This means you can't lose it. The Skyshield is large enough to house an entire artillery line (I know since I run one) and is defensible in all sorts of ways. Even better yet, it can't be destroyed. It is unqiue terrain and no rules whatosever exist for blowing one up.

My CSM/IG "All Comers" list used to boast a bunch of Sabres and an IG Platoon as the backbone all hidden behind an Aegis with the Lord Commissar firing the Quad Gun. Those days are gone. I can't afford to lose my entire line to one opposing Helldrake (I know what they can do since I use them myself), nor can I afford to watch the Tau liquidate them regardless of going to ground. I mourn the loss of the Quad Gun, but hey... when you are spamming Sabres you don't really need the Quad Gun (it is just nice to have).

The really good thing about a Skyshield is that they are VERY easy to make from scratch and have them look damn good (and appropriate to your army. What are your thoughts?

04-26-2013, 03:12 PM
I was thinking of using one for my 2 contemptor mortis dreads. I think it would be an excellent idea to plonk them on top with the sides up.

04-28-2013, 06:43 PM
even tyranids find them nice place to give birth at.

04-28-2013, 08:59 PM
After dealing with a pair of Heldrakes recently I can see your point... Hate to lose the quad gun, but it may be adapt or die.