View Full Version : belial and deepstriking... (allies)

04-25-2013, 02:36 PM
i know, with tactical precision there isnt much fuss about deepstriking belial because he doesnt scatter. but, what if i take a librarian from the vanilla marine codex and take the power gates to infinity... oh ya, oh yes please

so belial with a 10 man deathwing squad doesnt scatter AND their weapons are twin linked on the turn they deepstrike. what if they are deepstriking every turn? so in the end you have a 24 inch movement (barring the psykic test..) and you dont scatter, tactical precision, and the weapons are twin linked via vengeful strike.

gates to infinity says you deepstrike 24 away from your position. yes you are deepstriking, no confusion there, and this deepstrike movement then allows you to activate both belials and the deathwings special rules.

let me know what you think?;)

04-25-2013, 08:13 PM
Tactical Preston requires all units to be inner circle... Never mind, back to the drawing board.

04-25-2013, 09:20 PM
sounds rather op. how many pionts?

04-26-2013, 04:40 PM
sounds rather op. how many pionts?

belial 190 DW 470(pc's) and the libby is 120-200+

would havebeen worth the points but it doesnt work unless you roll gates with a DA libby