View Full Version : Game Store/Kickstarter Antipathy

04-24-2013, 12:37 PM
I was wondering if anyone else has ever encountered the phenomenon of FLGSs throwing a fit about people playing Kickstarter games in the store.

Now, I understand that game stores are an unusual case. Usually, you never bring into Store A something that it sells, but that you purchased at Store B. No one questions the right of a restaurant to ban outside food, for example. However, most of us purchase our wargame stuff from a variety of sources. You were at this store and had a hankering for a new kit, you got that thing from a website that was having a sale, and you got that other thing off eBay, or from your buddy. As a result, most game stores have a more relaxed attitude. You bring your army - or board game, or whatever - to minis night or board game night, and you play, and the store is content to know that it is a community location, that your attendance serves as marketing, and that you will become a source of revenue in the long run.

Kickstarter games are different, I acknowledge that. They sometimes have more limited - or at least intermittent - printing runs, and are sometimes hard for game stores to get ahold of. I am unlikely to buy Legos for Mobile Frame Zero at my local game store - I mean, I would if they carried Legos, but that's not going to happen.

That said, every game store but one that I have encountered has applied the same attitude to Kickstarter games that they do to a dude's entire army. Maybe you didn't buy that tactical squad here, but you are here on a regular basis, so you will eventually buy something. Maybe you can't buy Legos - or Relic Knights, or whatever - here, but you are here.

Has anyone else encountered anti-Kickstarter attitudes at their FLGSs? Or is it just this one place near me?

Mr Mystery
04-24-2013, 01:16 PM
Depends I guess.

If its something they cannot stock, because there is no distributor, and its all sold direct by the manufacturer, with no third party price structure, the right on. Gaming tables are there as a sales and advertising tool. They are there for the owners convenience at the end of the day.

However, if its something they won't stock, different matter. It's still down to the owner whether to allow it or not, but its a poor businessman indeed who refuses to supply something which is clearly gaining popularity.

As for buying from other sources and gaming in store? Don't be a dick. Pay where you bloody well play. You want bargain basement prices? Sod off and play at home.

04-24-2013, 01:27 PM
As for buying from other sources and gaming in store? Don't be a dick. Pay where you bloody well play. You want bargain basement prices? Sod off and play at home.

I have first world problems: there are three game shops in my area and I pay and play at all of them.

Mr Mystery
04-24-2013, 02:11 PM
Long as your spreading the love.

Really gets my goat when interwebular types always go on about how much discount they get from a web store, and how all their stuff comes from there, and then whine in another thread their local store closed down, and blame GW solely....

04-24-2013, 04:37 PM
I usually buy via the web because, thanks to GW, there *are* no lgs's. (And by local I mean within 15 miles/30 min. drive time.)

When I do head to the one real remaining store in the greater area (about an hour away) it's usually for infinity tournaments, where I pay to play. And even then I still end up spending money at the store. Because I'm there, and they stock cool stuff.

So buy where you want, but I've found as long as you spend money where you play, that makes for a happy game store owner.

04-24-2013, 05:29 PM
The store I owned, or the stores I've worked for have always had the attitude, play what you will, but current stock product gets priority. So your game of Car Wars using home made pieces on graph paper gets kicked for anything else :-)

John M>

04-24-2013, 07:17 PM
The store I owned, or the stores I've worked for have always had the attitude, play what you will, but current stock product gets priority. So your game of Car Wars using home made pieces on graph paper gets kicked for anything else :-)

John M>

Now there's a game that needs to be revamped for the new century.

Such a fun game.