View Full Version : New Dawn of War is a “strong possibility”

04-23-2013, 06:24 AM
Duffy from Relic

"Dawn of War, because it's a license and it's owned by Games Workshop, they have the opportunity to work that license with whoever they want. I would hope it would be us again. We had a great working relationship with Games Workshop. Sega is establishing one now with the fantasy license for Creative Assembly.

"There's a strong possibility we'll all be working together again on Dawn of War."

According to former THQ president Danny Bilson, some version of Dawn of War 3 was in the pipe before the house of cards came down. He described it as having “a much larger strategic component” and being “sort of MMO-like.” It’s quite possible this direction was scrapped, however, after the failure of the “MMO-like” Company of Heroes Online.

More: http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2013-04-22-strong-possibility-relic-will-work-with-games-workshop-on-dawn-of-war-3

04-23-2013, 06:29 AM
I wasn't really impressed with two, and I was bored of the first by soulstorm...

04-23-2013, 06:34 AM
Certainly I considered 1 to be better than 2, with Soulstorm being the best.

I liked Dark Crusade as you kept resources making it harder to invade terriotires, as it should be, but what really irked me was that you knew where the opponent spawned so you could build turrets where they would spawn and wipe them out without having to do anything.

04-23-2013, 06:34 AM
I enjoyed the eldar campaign of II but each campaign was so similar to the others that I got bored and never finished the others. Did play through teh eldar campgin a couple of times after that though, using different builds. I'd have enjoyed it more if Banshees hadn't been completely useless (in my experience at least, they just got killed before killing anything every single time)

Mr Mystery
04-23-2013, 06:38 AM
I enjoyed the eldar campaign of II but each campaign was so similar to the others that I got bored and never finished the others. Did play through teh eldar campgin a couple of times after that though, using different builds. I'd have enjoyed it more if Banshees hadn't been completely useless (in my experience at least, they just got killed before killing anything every single time)

How's that different from Bumshees in 40k? I usually give them a good Gaussing down as soon as I see them! :p

04-23-2013, 06:54 AM
Certainly I considered 1 to be better than 2, with Soulstorm being the best.

Wait, what?

04-23-2013, 06:56 AM
Certainly I considered 1 to be better than 2, with Soulstorm being the best.

I agree. Played all of the DoW2's..... once, still play Soulstorm and it's mods.

I'd love to see DoW3 be pretty much true to the table top but I don't think they would try to make it like that.

04-23-2013, 07:04 AM
Wait, what?

Yeah I know, kinda crazy, I didn't like 2, I prefered it being slightly further out and the more C&C style.

And out of the four: Dawn of War, Winter Assault, Dark Crusade and Soulstorm

I loved the map style more than the linear by a long way, plus being able to do non-Imperium was huge.

So that leaves me with Dark Crusade or Soulstorm and while they are essentially the same game and have the same pros we have to consider the cons.

For me Soulstorm the big cons were:
* Handling of Flyers
* Faith & Pain counters felt very clumsy

In Dark Crusade the big con was:
* The way it was handled when your terriotory was invaded, and how you could auto-defeat it with turretns and base where the AI spawned

So it then comes to which irritates me the least and it is the two Soulstorm issues.

04-23-2013, 07:06 AM
How's that different from Bumshees in 40k? I usually give them a good Gaussing down as soon as I see them! :p
They used to be good, used them quite successfully up to 6th.:(

04-23-2013, 08:19 AM
I know GW would never do it but I would like to see them release a turn based strategy version that mimics the current table top rules but on a much larger point scale. They probably fear this would detract from their tabletop sales but I'm not so sure, I think most WH40k players are in it for the minis as much as the rules and a PC version wouldn't prevent them from enjoying the tabletop version. Just my opinion, no data to back it up but I for one would play it on PC and tabletop.

04-23-2013, 08:47 AM
I'm kinda curious why Titanicus or Epic hasn't been moved into the realm of Video Games, BFG certainly could utilize the format. No 40k game or fantasy game for that matter would survive as an MMO, but all the Specialist Games could be made into a stand alone and/or expansion based game. But onto DOW3, i do hope who ever is making it takes a step away from squad based DOW2 and go towards the army style of DOW1.

04-23-2013, 09:56 AM
There actually was an Epic 40K video game - Final Liberation (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Final_Liberation). Never got to play it, but the video sequences (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z-cmO98HHbA) that drove the game's narrative were infamously cheeseball - though still worlds more entertaining than Ultramarines. :p

04-23-2013, 10:40 AM
There was also a Necromuda game in works at one point, that would have been so cool :(

04-23-2013, 11:03 AM
I think I ended up playing more of Last Stand in DoW2 than anything else.

04-23-2013, 01:03 PM
I'm kinda curious why Titanicus or Epic hasn't been moved into the realm of Video Games, BFG certainly could utilize the format. No 40k game or fantasy game for that matter would survive as an MMO, but all the Specialist Games could be made into a stand alone and/or expansion based game. But onto DOW3, i do hope who ever is making it takes a step away from squad based DOW2 and go towards the army style of DOW1.

Would love to see the old Adeptus Titanicus made into a video game or Epic for that matter. They've done it with Space Hulk a couple times already.

04-23-2013, 01:18 PM
Some of the stuff that Sega is doing with Rome: Total War II is amazing. I watched a pre-alpha gameplay video today and it was amazing. If they could turn that into Warhammer 40,000: Total War, I'd be beyond stoked.

04-23-2013, 02:09 PM
As a huge tabletop fan, and a fan of 40k in general here are few points of personal opinion considering dow3:

Relic is known to be innovative realtime strategy developer. As in any other thing in life, to be truly good in something you need to hone your skills to the perfection.

That said. I see no point in Relic turning from realtime environment to turn-based one. I would love to see turn-based 40k (other than space hulk, never did like that too much), somewhat similar to x-com, with added close combat and 40k relevant features. But as said, i would leave it to someone else.

Now, to DoW3:
- Trademark (and one of my personal favorite feature) in dow-series has been the close combat and more specificly the visual representation of it (including and emphasizing sync kills).
- Retreat option was a leftover from company of heroes. In my opinion it does not sit well in the concept of 40k. Maybe as a ranged ability on cooldown, activatable only when suppressed for example. But not at it is currently, not at all :(
- As i can only play tabletop up to a certain pointlimit (our 5man gaming group can't combined match my forces in points :) ,and because i dont have whole weekends to dedicate to apocalypse), i would prefer to be able to enjoy quality 40k apocalypse sizeish representation of the 40k, in realtime!
- For example Supreme Commander did manage scaling really well. For small games it was more or less like original dawn of war in scope (bit more i agree), but it did scale up really well for the "apocalypse" size on the biggest 4v4. (only drawback was that it usually ended in super-artillery / nuke / best experimental spam.. but there are ways to design game to fix or adjust that).
- Essence engine is good, but it isn't great in my opinion. If i've understood correctly it was engine limitations that dow2 for example couldn't handle bigger maps and larger scale with it (no point in putting 500+ units on those 1on1 maps :) )
- 40k is all about the experience. And thats why it beats the SC2 in so many ways (for me, and many others). And thats how i hope will be in the future. No company can even pretend to be able to compete against blizzard in balance etc e-sports crap, so i hope DoW3 doesn't even try.

- Keep the brutal melee. Improve sync kills. Maybe include multiple ways to die (burn, melt, disintegrate etc etc...)
- Ditch the retreat mechanism. In 40k units die in their millions in military campaigns, they dont frigging turn tails on every encounter that 'seems unlikely to be able to come out on top' on squad level..
- Probably ditch the Essence-engine concept. Or build new (4.0?) from the scratch to be able to scale from skirmish level to the apocalypse level (scaleable reference used as example: SupCom).
- 40k is all about experience. I hope DoW3 would focus on it, instead of trying to please the e-sports requirements (and highly narrow-minded / scoped audience)

04-23-2013, 02:35 PM
I know GW would never do it but I would like to see them release a turn based strategy version that mimics the current table top rules but on a much larger point scale. They probably fear this would detract from their tabletop sales but I'm not so sure, I think most WH40k players are in it for the minis as much as the rules and a PC version wouldn't prevent them from enjoying the tabletop version. Just my opinion, no data to back it up but I for one would play it on PC and tabletop.

There is one rumoured to be in development I am told

04-23-2013, 03:23 PM
a turn based strategy version that mimics the current table top rules but on a much larger point scale.

There are two practical variations of turn based:

1) Model on model basis (x-com etc)
2) Squad / platoon etc basis (allied general, steel panthers etc.) -mostly, if not always, seen and played on hex-based map.

Now with the problems i see:

1) Apocalypse size game with hundreds if not thousands of individual units would take so much time, that hardly any players would have the stamina and time to play it past few turns.

2)It would be a lot faster than the model-by-model basis gameplay, but to speed up it would have to be toned down to a point where it did not follow the idea of "mimicing" tabletop rules

Few general points:
- As it has been stated many times: Tabletop representation with its core rules aren't good or suitable for digital gaming. (as to "why" i am not gonna go here now, its so large topic it requires its own thread :) ).

- There's the social side. Turn based games are hardly suitable for social gaming, and the gap increases directly with the time it takes to complete one turn. These type of games are usually best suited for late-nite generals who enjoy the strategy and planning and execution of their will. Note that i do not think there is nothing wrong with this kind of gameplay, i sometimes enjoy doing it myself aswell.

But on the marketing, continuity and general business plan, those types of games are not suitable for modern requirements.
- Social and online side of stuff gives the game a channel to gain income (more or less steady) in addition to the original purchase price of the game (if there was any to begin with).
Its a lot harder to sell any type of optional dlc and monthly subscription etc micro transactions to a player that plays the game alone, without a contact of any kind to the other players playing the game.

04-23-2013, 03:29 PM
Found the story, Slitherine are very much into the "traditional" style of wargames on computer.

14 March 2013
Slitherine (www.slitherine.com) and Games Workshop (www.games-workshop.com), two giants in their respective specialist markets, have signed a deal to produce a strategy video game set in the popular Warhammer® 40,000® universe.

"This deal represents yet another testament to our continuous aim to reach new audiences, without losing sight of who we are and what we do best", said JD McNeil, Chairman of the Slitherine Group. "It's all about creating strategy games that are targeted to a particular audience and addressing a very specific need in the market. The Warhammer 40,000 setting is a perfect fit for the style of strategy games that we make and will be very popular with fantasy and science fiction fans alike. Joining forces with Games Workshop will allow us to bring an wonderfully deep and appropriate IP to the Turn Based Strategy genre”.

Details of the deal including the content and features of the game have not yet been announced, but development is already underway on multiple platforms, involving the best talents in design and development available to the Slitherine Group.

Jon Gillard, Head of Licensing at Games Workshop said: “Slitherine are clearly established and successful masters of their genre of games, and there are many fans of their work here at GW. It’s a pleasure to work with such like minded individuals who share our passion for strategy games of all types”.

Rift Knight
04-23-2013, 06:25 PM
Would love to see the old Adeptus Titanicus made into a video game or Epic for that matter. They've done it with Space Hulk a couple times already.

As was said earlier, FINAL LIBERATION, was done in the original Space Marine Epic. Rules were very faithfull. Simple graphics but was cool. Wish they had expanded on it. Cut Scenes were kinda corny but still enjoyable with the Commissar egging you on.

04-23-2013, 07:54 PM
As was said earlier, FINAL LIBERATION, was done in the original Space Marine Epic. Rules were very faithfull. Simple graphics but was cool. Wish they had expanded on it. Cut Scenes were kinda corny but still enjoyable with the Commissar egging you on.

Final Liberation was incredible, loads of fun.

And the cut scenes are better than any 40k animation before or since.

04-23-2013, 09:24 PM
I really liked the first DoW the 2nd one not so much -.- hopefully if they make this new one it's more like the original.

04-24-2013, 03:54 AM
I prefer DoW 2 to the original one, has more story to it, plus I prefer the gameplay.

04-24-2013, 11:20 AM
Hope this gets solid and true!

I loved both games and expansion packs...

04-25-2013, 01:15 PM
I liked both games, too different to make a fair comparison. Though for myself I'd want more base building in a Dawn of War 3 games, either that or a move towards Total War style game.

04-30-2013, 01:34 AM
I'd like them to make a game that isn't just bashing people but also resource management at a world-wide level, choosing where to deploy, invest in defences, industry, etc (or just give me a Rogue Trader game). Soulstorm was the best, and DoW2 was only good because of Last Stand for me, hopefully DoW3 is a bit more fluid than both of them...