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04-22-2013, 01:29 PM
Hopefully, this is the correct place to post this.

A Gothic Cathedral thingy with a 40k theme using Pegasus Hobbies Gothic building sets and some 40k bits.

1st interation----


these were the first bits I put together. LOTS of cleaning up, filling and sanding. Decided it wasn't big enough so added bits to make this---

2nd iteration---


In the meantime, I considered what I was going to do about figures. I decided to go for Scibor miniatures SF Archangel for the centre space at ground level as this would be the first thing 'visitors' would see going through the front doors soooo----

04-22-2013, 01:40 PM
I also decided to make a tower and add a landing pad----

3rd iteration----


Sooo---I've painted the main figure in gold, bronze and I will be attempting to 'marbleise', (is that a word?), the wings.


I left the gold untouched to simulate a gold foil covered statue. Oh, and I've got a bunch of Sanguinary Guard painted gold for statues round the top---10 so far!!

I've now received FW's Arvus Lighter to put on the lading pad and am considering wot lads to get coming out of it---might go for FW's Solomon Loc inquistor for that.

I've also ordered another couple of Scibor's figures, this is one of them----


And that is where we are just now. Given the weather we've been having, I can't get the big stuff undercoated so it's going to be a LONG job this---kind of a Magnum Opus!!

04-22-2013, 03:47 PM
That looks like an amazing centre piece mate. Really looking forward to seeing how it comes together.

04-23-2013, 01:24 PM
Thanks Soton! I think by the time I finish this I'll be drawing me pension!!

Another hold up---not happy with GW's Eshin Grey paint---not dark enough soooo----I've just ordered 6 pots of Abaddon black and one of White Scar and I'll mix me own. I'm going to paint the background wall portions with some areas being Eshin and some me own grey, drybrushed Dawnstone and the windows, columns etc. I'll paint Dawnstone with a dry brush of Administratum Grey, that'll offset nicely against the gold figures I think. Not made me mind up what to paint the landing pad with tho', that's to far away to bother about just now!!

07-04-2013, 03:21 AM
Nice work dude, you made an amazing thing but why you leave it in the middle way? or you have completed it but not uploaded the images of complete project.

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