View Full Version : Mechanicum Outpost Gamma-5-Alpha

Night System
04-21-2013, 07:17 AM
On this paint section of the Bell Of Lost Souls website, I see lots of nicely painted armies, but hardly any terrain. I consider terrain to be the 3rd army in a given battle, and therefore will share what I have been making over this weekend.

The gaming club I frequent is going to be hosting a pretty major tournament next year. And although we of course have terrain, it is not in the best condition. Therefore I have undertaken the task with a couple of the club members including the forums own SotonShades to give it all a good renovation, starting with this one.

Overall cost? not including the City Ruins which we already had, £11.45 half of that was a large amount of wooden boards to base the terrain on. We brought more than enough for our requirements into the foreseen future.


http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i283/yamacon/31C0263B-FDC1-47AE-A6CF-857518D315F8-2119-00000323519E5213.jpg (http://s75.photobucket.com/user/yamacon/media/31C0263B-FDC1-47AE-A6CF-857518D315F8-2119-00000323519E5213.jpg.html)
http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i283/yamacon/0FAB93A7-4729-4529-8136-E69D9569E68B-2119-000003235818C017.jpg (http://s75.photobucket.com/user/yamacon/media/0FAB93A7-4729-4529-8136-E69D9569E68B-2119-000003235818C017.jpg.html)
http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i283/yamacon/D20951DE-C957-46AF-834C-6543B7399F68-2119-000003235F45EB61.jpg (http://s75.photobucket.com/user/yamacon/media/D20951DE-C957-46AF-834C-6543B7399F68-2119-000003235F45EB61.jpg.html)
http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i283/yamacon/824E560C-8485-40DA-8C0B-4346E268FC37-2119-00000323656DC1DF.jpg (http://s75.photobucket.com/user/yamacon/media/824E560C-8485-40DA-8C0B-4346E268FC37-2119-00000323656DC1DF.jpg.html)

Night System
04-21-2013, 07:18 AM
http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i283/yamacon/6775EAE6-D2E1-4AC1-BE98-FEC5098C0F46-2119-000003236B35850F.jpg (http://s75.photobucket.com/user/yamacon/media/6775EAE6-D2E1-4AC1-BE98-FEC5098C0F46-2119-000003236B35850F.jpg.html)
http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i283/yamacon/C1B637EF-C0FB-40A5-9AE9-64AE5DA63E04-2119-00000323716790BF.jpg (http://s75.photobucket.com/user/yamacon/media/C1B637EF-C0FB-40A5-9AE9-64AE5DA63E04-2119-00000323716790BF.jpg.html)
http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i283/yamacon/66DB8FD0-24CC-4E64-8512-6B3A1A30062D-2119-0000032378E7DED9.jpg (http://s75.photobucket.com/user/yamacon/media/66DB8FD0-24CC-4E64-8512-6B3A1A30062D-2119-0000032378E7DED9.jpg.html)
http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i283/yamacon/3CCA1352-900F-4F18-909E-8F90A8DC8755-2119-000003237EEA2147.jpg (http://s75.photobucket.com/user/yamacon/media/3CCA1352-900F-4F18-909E-8F90A8DC8755-2119-000003237EEA2147.jpg.html)

Night System
04-21-2013, 07:18 AM
http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i283/yamacon/2ACC21EC-953B-4DDE-9948-14F06112A74F-2119-00000323863A132D.jpg (http://s75.photobucket.com/user/yamacon/media/2ACC21EC-953B-4DDE-9948-14F06112A74F-2119-00000323863A132D.jpg.html)

As usual C & C please :) further pictures available on request.

04-21-2013, 08:56 AM
Probably don't see too many terrain pics here because we have a terrain section in the H&P lounge mate :P

Still, thank you for showing off our hard work :D It was a lot of fun working on these kits. Particularly cathartic ripping the old plasticard bases off the buildings. Did we get any pics of the buildings before our magical transformation?

For those interested, we probably took about 30 man-hours doing this, a significant proportion of which was waiting for glues and paints to dry. The whole load of terrain is sufficient to fill a 6'x4' table about 25% with terrain. Whilst there isn't a huge amount of variety in the type of terrain, it is supposed to be a desert board, so a lack of features besides buildings/ruins makes sense. We also plan on having several other themed boards of differing styles (jungle, ash/shrine world, Orky settlement, etc) giving us a hugely varied collection at the club with different tables providing different challenges but still maintaining an internal balance on each.

04-21-2013, 10:25 AM
That's all looking really good. I'm gonna have to swipe a couple of ideas from that for when I get around to making some buildings. I'm making mini-scenery at the moment so I like the Tank traps and Fuel Dump you've made there, just recently made much the same thing. I like the way you've mounted the craters on boards and I'll be copying that for sure.

04-21-2013, 10:49 AM
Probably don't see too many terrain pics here because we have a terrain section in the H&P lounge mate :P

Y'know that's the first time I've spotted that section. Anyway, gotta love the red buildings, I'm a sucker for red buildings ;)

04-21-2013, 12:00 PM
That's all looking really good. I'm gonna have to swipe a couple of ideas from that for when I get around to making some buildings. I'm making mini-scenery at the moment so I like the Tank traps and Fuel Dump you've made there, just recently made much the same thing. I like the way you've mounted the craters on boards and I'll be copying that for sure.

Honestly, the fuel dump was all ready built by others in the club, we just remounted it on a new base and painted that to match our new boards. Cutting the tank traps down so they are angled, looking like they have been neglected and sunk/buried was my idea though which whilst making them look more dynamic also gives a much greater surface area to attach them to the base with. Mounting the craters was Night Systems' idea though, which I will admit I protested. I'm very glad I was wrong though, and happy I insisted we didn't leave the bases for them square.

Night System
04-21-2013, 12:58 PM
Y'know that's the first time I've spotted that section. Anyway, gotta love the red buildings, I'm a sucker for red buildings ;)

Ha. Shows you how well advertised it was. I now have a new forum section to peruse!

04-21-2013, 02:31 PM
I really like them, how did you do the one with the orange "waste"