View Full Version : When the heresy concludes

The Last Lamenter
04-20-2013, 11:33 PM
A lot of big things are about to go down in the 41st millennium, but, concerning that time line, the black library appears to be stalling with space marine battle novels and fluffy bits about the eldar, focusing all of its energy on the Horus heresy instead. That being said I'm not complaining as I've been choking down book after book, and aching for more, but, once the heresy concludes, the black library will eventually have to come back to the present (ahem) and address the current irreparable and degenerative issues with the golden throne, Dante's premonition, the impending doomish prophecies from the actual black library, the sleeping lion, and a host of other potential foreshadowing elements all pointing to the fact that some serious **** is about to pop off in 40k. Good writers know that if a shotgun is over the fireplace in act one, it has to be fired by act three. You might say that the bl has instead placed a fully loaded combi-bolter over a daemon furnace with a sign in high gothic reading, " I come into play later..." My question is how? How is the bl going to make its next epic move? There is so much potential here. Any theories from you brilliant lore lovers?

04-21-2013, 12:04 AM
Emperor kicks the bucket, Chaos forces (renegades, CSM, etc...) invades Primarchs come back (Ultra's, DA's, etc...) and basically another black crusade gets kickstarted. psyker energies attract more nid's the ensuing combat wakes more necrons, Eldar have a bit of a last stand, Tau may just start playing defensively (IE, hold off on their expansion) and the age of man reaches it's darkest hour. Mars could go insane with the dragon thing goin postal, although i don't know enough about it's backstory to make a reasonable opinion on that. Also, i can see the Psyker Navigator's trying their best to repeat the emperor's power but failing, causing a huge genocide of their kind.

04-21-2013, 12:16 AM
I think we will see a new age of strife with the space marine chapters being the last fortresses of man, and the coming of the star child in about 200-500 years so about 5-10 years of all out war (books) then the star child ect but it's a problem for the game so I don't think we will see anything just more of the stuff coming up to it

04-21-2013, 01:47 AM
Don't get your hopes up, there is the the Ages of Strife and Apostasy that could be fleshed out before BL would have to move back to the 40k present.

04-21-2013, 02:51 AM
Hell, I'd buy Age of Apostasy books.

04-21-2013, 02:51 AM
I highly doubt there will be any significant progress as to the main "present" storyline of the 40k Universe... and why should they? It's exactly this atmosphere of impending doom, and more to the point these speculations that make the 41st Millenium as great as it is! All those little (and big) pieces of mystery and rumor (like Gulliman slowly healing, the Dragon of Mars or the Golden Throne failing) define the setting for me. So I hope they keep them a shadow in the future and not actually let them happen/play out. Also, it would be a massive undertaking, and would pretty much invalidate the present fluff, so they would have to update everything at once, and not piecemeal like they tend to do with their style of single race codices... with Privateer and their annual books that contain something for everyone that kind of general progression in the story works better, but then that is a much "smaller"/less fleshed out universe..

The Last Lamenter
04-21-2013, 06:47 PM
Dude, tyrendian, incredible reply. Always embraced the grim darkness, but reveling in the mystery, even though there is no end in sight. Something almost Nietzscheian about that. Never thought of it that way, as mystery being part of the atmosphere instead of just another potential ace in the hole catastrophe for the bl to milk. I do believe we will get back to a present timeline, one day, too much potential not to, and not everyone is willing to be so... Dyonisian about their sci fi. People want answers, right? But where to start.

05-03-2013, 01:07 PM
A lot of big things are about to go down in the 41st millennium, but, concerning that time line, the black library appears to be stalling with space marine battle novels and fluffy bits about the eldar, focusing all of its energy on the Horus heresy instead. That being said I'm not complaining as I've been choking down book after book, and aching for more, but, once the heresy concludes, the black library will eventually have to come back to the present (ahem) and address the current irreparable and degenerative issues with the golden throne, Dante's premonition, the impending doomish prophecies from the actual black library, the sleeping lion, and a host of other potential foreshadowing elements all pointing to the fact that some serious **** is about to pop off in 40k. Good writers know that if a shotgun is over the fireplace in act one, it has to be fired by act three. You might say that the bl has instead placed a fully loaded combi-bolter over a daemon furnace with a sign in high gothic reading, " I come into play later..." My question is how? How is the bl going to make its next epic move? There is so much potential here. Any theories from you brilliant lore lovers?

WOW, I thought my 40K lore-fu was strong, but I don't recognize even half of those references you made. I need to read more!
There is a spectacularly awesome fan-fiction Time of Ending written on another forum (not by me, not blowing my own titan-warhorn hear. This guy should get a book deal): http://forums.tauonline.org/fluff-stories/66811-time-ending-40k-finale-final-update.html
If you can get through the formatting from it being posted in a forum and some of the weird HTML artifacts that work their way in every now and then, it is totally worth the read and appeals to fans of every stripe.

EDIT: Also, in a completely other direction, I would love to see some books about the Unification Wars with the Emperor in the forefront. (Which was fantastically hinted at in "The Outcast Dead"