View Full Version : 1500 Point MechCron ... Thoughts with 6th Ed?

04-20-2013, 07:14 AM
I have put up a version of this before and started collecting it ... but with 6th ed being up in the air with mech I put it on hold (and finished buying my deathwing army). I was wondering what people's thoughts were on this list after 6th edition has been out for a decent amount of time now.

Necron Overlord (Catacomb Command Barge, Warscythe, Mind Shackle Scarabs) – 195

4 Cryptek (2 Harbingers of the Storm, 2 Harbingers of Destruction, Solar Pulse) – 140 {Each is attached to a separate Necron Warrior Unit}

8 Necron Warriors (Ghost Ark) – 219
8 Necron Warriors (Ghost Ark) – 219
8 Necron Warriors (Ghost Ark) – 219
8 Necron Warriors (Ghost Ark) – 219

Annihilation Barge (Tesla Cannon) – 90
Annihilation Barge (Tesla Cannon) – 90
Annihilation Barge (Tesla Cannon) – 90

= 1481

19 points on the list left over ... phylactery or sempiternal weave would fit in on the lord (the ccb makes semp weave pointless while hes in it).

I have yet to see any major play with full mech lists in 6th ... I'm feel this list is still pretty solid, mass flyer lists would be a problem.
